Workforce housing definition

Workforce housing means housing for sale or rent with combined rental costs
Workforce housing means owner-occupied or rental housing units that are provided to households with at least one member per unit who is gainfully employed at the time of entry into the unit.
Workforce housing means housing that is affordable according to federal Department of Housing and Urban Development or other recognized standards for home ownership and rental costs, and occupied or reserved for occupancy by households with a gross household income of more than 80 percent, but less than 120 percent, of the median gross household income for households of the same size within the housing region in which the housing is located.

Examples of Workforce housing in a sentence

  • The building plans shall include, preferably on the title sheet, a summary of all living units to capture the number of different units; number of bedrooms in each unit; and types of units (Regular, Workforce housing, Skilled nursing unit, Student housing, Residential care facility for the elderly, Affordable Housing).

  • The amount claimed by an individual must be based on the individual’s pro rata share of the individual’s earnings of the partnership, limited liability company, S corporation, or estate or trust.This rule is intended to implement 2013 Iowa Acts, Senate File 452, division XVIII.[ARC 1138C, IAB 10/30/13, effective 12/4/13] 701—52.46(15) Workforce housing tax incentives program.

  • Employment-based units and Workforce housing units are required to provide information to the Housing Department annually concerning income, employment and ownership of other residential real estate.

  • The initial sales prices for Workforce housing units are negotiated between the owner and the buyer.

  • General Policy GoalsThe general goal of all housing programs covered by these Housing Department Rules and Regulations is to provide and maintain housing affordable to persons and families who make a living primarily from employment located in Teton County, Wyoming, which includes the Affordable, Attainable, Employee, Employment-Based, Accessory Residential Unit, and Workforce housing programs.

More Definitions of Workforce housing

Workforce housing means housing that is affordable according
Workforce housing means housing for sale or rent with combined annual rental costs or combined annual mortgage loan debt service, property taxes, and required insurance that do not exceed thirty percent (30%) of the gross annual income of a household earning between eighty percent (80%) and one hundred and forty percent (140%) of the area median income, as defined annually by the United States Department of Housing and Urban Development.
Workforce housing means housing which is intended for sale and which is affordable to a household with an income of no more than 100 percent of the median income for a 4-person household for the metropolitan area or county in which the housing is located as published annually by the United States Department of Housing and Urban Development. “Workforce housing” also means rental housing which is affordable to a household with an income of no more than 60 percent of the median income for a 3-person household for the metropolitan area or county in which the housing is located as published annually by the United States Department of Housing and Urban Development. Housing developments that exclude minor children from more than 20 percent of the units, or in which more than 50 percent of the dwelling units have fewer than two bedrooms, shall not constitute workforce housing for the purposes of this Article.
Workforce housing means housing affordable to, according to
Workforce housing means single-family and multi-family dwellings which are affordable through sale or rent to households that meet specific income requirements as stated in RSA 674:59. (For housing intended for sale, purchaser’s income may be no more than 100 percent of the area median income for a 4-person household. For rental housing, renter’s income may be no more than 60 percent of the area median income for a 3-person household for the metropolitan area or county. Housing developments that exclude minor children from more than 20 percent of the units, or in which more than 50 percent of the dwelling units have fewer than two bedrooms, shall not constitute workforce housing for the purposes of this subdivision.)
Workforce housing means housing developed as part of a
Workforce housing means housing that is affordable to households earning 60 to 120 percent of the area median income