Workforce definition
Examples of Workforce in a sentence
TABLE OF CONTENTS Section Page Purpose of the Agreement Jurisdiction Rights of the Administration Union Security and Bulletin Board Union Representation Grievance Procedures and Discrimination Technological Change Appendices Discipline Hours of Work Overtime Wages Vacation Designated Paid Holidays Movement of the Workforce.
The Recipient shall request a Workforce Disbursement in accordance with the terms set forth in Annex G (Direct Funding for Workforce Activities.
Generally, this ordinance requires contractors to notify the FSHP of available entry-level jobs and provide the Workforce Development System with the first opportunity to refer qualified individuals for employment.
Pulse Career Solutions Others: WIOA funding FA SNA Family SNA Individual TANF 200% Vocational education, job skills training and job placement Career Central-- Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA) Others: Federal funding, grants FA SNA Family SNA Individual TANF 200% Job development, job posting, job match and referral, basic skills training, occupational training in career pathways, HSE preparation, and employment support services.
The RFP is intended to recommend the purchase of services that are not already provided by the New York State Office of Temporary and Disability Assistance or by the Capitol Region Workforce Development Board (WDB) or are otherwise available without cost.