World language means any currently spoken and written language other than English.
World language means a language other than English and includes:
World language means any currently spoken and written language other
Examples of World language in a sentence
World language courses for native speakers and levels of world language courses (such as Honors versus Regular or Spanish I versus Spanish II) shall be considered unique lesson preparations, consistent with Article 40-6.
The Xtext grammar editor will be opened and show the definition of a very simple Hello World language.
World language courses are available on a limited basis, meaning these courses are not available at every site.
A student who has successfully completed the 110 and 120 World language courses will be considered to have achieved A1 (Basic User/Breakthrough) level of Common European Framework3.
The table below sets out some attestations and reconstructions that have been proposed for ‘crab’ in Old World language phyla.
More Definitions of World language
World language means any natural language, including American Sign Language, native American languages, and languages no longer spoken (e.g., Latin and ancient Greek).
World language. 9th grade: 10th grade: Grades: Grades: 11th grade: Grades: 5 days = 32.5 hours English History Math Science Religion World Lang VPA Sports Clubs Service Church Job Other Sleep (Ideal: 7 days x 9 hours) Necessities (shower, chores, eating) Family Time Free Time
World language is defined in ORS 329.007 and means sign language, heritage language and languages other than a student's primary language.
World language means a language other than English
World language means any language other than English, including, but not limited to:
World language means a language other than English and includes American sign language.
World language. About AP and Honors Courses