Xxxx Grid definition
Examples of Xxxx Grid in a sentence
All changes will become effective within a reasonable period of time set by Xxxx, taking account of the nature of the planned change and the conditions related with it in terms of the safety/security, reliability and efficiency of the Xxxx Grid.
These farmers are not able to invest more into the production of legumes because there is little investment in especially inputs application, for instance fertilizer or manure.
In accordance with Article 217(1), paragraph 2 of the Grid Code for Transmission, Xxxx is entitled on Day D to fully or partially suspend the Nominations for Day D if these Nominations threaten the balance of the control area, or endanger the safety/security, reliability or efficiency of the Xxxx Grid.
The metering data relating to Injection and/or Off-take Points connected to a distribution network other than the Xxxx Grid will be supplied to [ARP] by the distribution system operator in question, in accordance with the Grid Codes for Local and Regional Transmission.
In accordance with Article 217(1), paragraph 1 of the Grid Code for Transmission, Xxxx is entitled on Day D-1 to fully or partially refuse to carry out the Nominations for Day D if such Nominations threaten the balance of the control area, or endanger the safety/security, reliability or efficiency of the Xxxx Grid.
Each Party is aware of the mutual coherence that exists between the connection contract, the Access Responsible Party contract and the access contract that are between them a necessary accessory with regard to the safety, reliability and efficiency of the Xxxx Grid and which are consequently essential for the execution of the present contractual relationship.
Because most of the information exchanged between the Parties in the context of this Contract, including the Nominations provided by [ARP] to Xxxx, may have an effect in one way or another on Elia’s operation of the Xxxx Grid, it is of essential importance for Xxxx, including for the safety/security of the Xxxx Grid, that the information provided by [ARP] to Xxxx, is verified extremely carefully by ARP] before being given to Xxxx.
The Imbalance per quarter-hour of [ARP] is the difference per quarter-hour between the total Injection into the Xxxx Grid belonging to the Balancing Perimeter of [ARP] and the total Off-take from the Xxxx Grid belonging to the Balancing Perimeter of [ARP]1.
The Party that invokes a situation of force majeure and/or an emergency shall nevertheless do everything in his power to limit the consequences of the non-fulfilment of his obligations towards the other Party, the Xxxx Grid and third parties and to fulfil his obligations once again.
Nominations involving Injection Points connected to the Xxxx Grid must be submitted for each Injection Point and per alternator with an accuracy of 0.1 MW The Nominations will contain an Active Power value for each quarter-hour of the day with regard to the corresponding access right of [ARP].