Examples of Year 4 in a sentence
Table 1: The percentages represent fractions of the sum invested that will paid based on this agreed investment plan 1st six months 2nd six months Total Year 1 17% 20% 37% Year 2 22% 25% 47% Year 3 25% 25% 50% Year 4 28% 28% 56% Year 5 30% 30% 60% Year 6 – Year 18 Prevalent market price of 50 liters of red palm oil per oil palm tree once every 1st day of December, each year.
CHARTER YEAR ACADEMIC YEAR GRADES SERVED PROJECTED # of STUDENTS Year 1 2024-2025 7-12 500 Year 2 2025-2026 7-12 500 Year 3 2026-2027 7-12 500 Year 4 2027-2028 7-12 500 Year 5 2028-2029 7-12 500 NOTE – Maximum enrollment for the school is 500 students.
The Institution agrees to pay BM Technologies an annual subscription fee in an amount equal to: Year 1: $7,000 Year 2: $7,750 Year 3: $8,500 Year 4: $9,250 Year 5: $10,000 for the Services (the “Subscription Fee”).
School performance reports are populated and accessible through Perspective Lite √ Briefings for staff on how to access the data and an overview of it √ (2 sessions) Email guidance and support throughout the year √ Pricing £250 Analysis of the impact of the school’s curriculum on pupils’ learning SLA Access to early national and local data to evaluate the performance of pupils against national benchmarks for EYFSP, PSC Year 1 and Year 2, Year 4 TTC and Key Stage 2 attainment and progress.
Year 1: $13,988 Year 2: $16,833 Year 3: $16,833 Year 4: $16,833 Year 5: $16,833 ATS believes that this proposal represents the best interests of the Municipality of Skagway.