young child definition

young child means a child under the age of 5 years.
young child means a child age birth up to age nine.
young child means a child from the age of twelve months up to the age of two years;

More Definitions of young child

young child means a child who has not reached an age at which the child is required to be enrolled in an educational programme under the School Education Act 1999 section 9(1). (2) A person must not provide care for a young child for longer than the prescribed period unless the person is —
young child means any person under the age of 6
young child means a child below the 12 years of age which requires adult assistance with entering/exiting the vehicle
young child means a child who has not reached an age at which the child is required to be enrolled in an educational programme under the School Education Act 1999
young child means a child aged between one and three years;
young child means a person who has not attained the school-leaving age.
young child means a person who is not yet old enough to enter first grade.