Zebra mussel definition
Examples of Zebra mussel in a sentence
Zebra mussel (Dreissena polymorpha) selective filtration promoted toxic Microcystis blooms in Saginaw Bay (Lake Huron) and Lake Erie.
Zebra mussel population dynamics: Implications for water quality modeling.
Eventual Zebra mussel infestation of the Red River is possible, but surviving population levels are likely to be minimal.
Regarding biological changes in the lake, in the late 1980s (and concurrent with the invasion and expansion of the Zebra mussel Dreissena polymorpha) there was a systematic decrease in alkalinity (in part due to dissolved inorganic carbonate species) in Lake Erie surface waters (Fig.
Zebra mussel surveys will be conducted by staff and volunteer outreach for Zebra mussel plates and sighting notifications has been initiated.
Zebra mussel invasion in a large, turbid river: phytoplankton response to increased grazing.
Whilst the presence of Zebra mussel in Lough Derg appears to have improved water quality in the lake, in the long-term this invasive bivalve may threaten the ecology of the lake.
A combination of improved knowledge and spread of the species, and the related Quagga mussel (dreissena burgensis), which has supplanted the Zebra mussel in many parts of Lake Ontario, indicates that the problem is not unique to the embayment, and that the embayment and Genesee River are not a significant factor in the spread of the mussels.
This reduction in chlorophyll and improved water visibility have coincided with the invasion of the Shannon system by the Zebra mussel (Dreissena polymorpha) which feeds on plankton, and also with phosphorus reduction measures taken within sewage plants in the catchment.
Zebra mussel larvae can be carried in boat bilge water, live wells, bait buckets, and engine cooling water systems even if the boat has been in infested water for only a short time (New York Sea Grant Extension Fact Sheet 1994).Conditions leading to the initial dispersion for zebra mussels in the East do not exist for western waters.