Sukuk definition

Sukuk means a type of Islamic bond that is backed by assets of the issuer that earn profit or rent.
Sukuk means Sukuk as defined in Sukuk (privately placed) Regulations 2017.
Sukuk means an instrument of equal value representing undivided share in ownership of the identified tangible assets, usufruct and services or in the ownership of the assets of particular projects or special investment activity.

Examples of Sukuk in a sentence

  • Key Islamic Financial Business related exclusions under the collective investment regime are Managing Insurance, participation rights evidenced by Sukuk certificates and managing PSIAs.

  • The Sukuk has a tenor of ten years with the Bank retaining the right to call the Sukuk at the end of the first five year period, subject to certain regulatory approvals.

  • The Sukuk may also be called upon occurrence of certain other conditions as per the terms specified in the offering circular.

  • The rental rates of returns on these Sukuk can be both fixed and floating, depending on the particular originator.

  • The Sukuk carries a half yearly profit equal to six month SIBOR plus 1.45%.

More Definitions of Sukuk

Sukuk means a type of Islamic bond th
Sukuk means certificates of equal value, representing undivided shares in ownership of tangible or intangible assets, usufruct of assets; services or an investment activity, structured in conformity with Islamic law;
Sukuk means Shari’a‐compliant alternative to bonds.
Sukuk means Islamic securities as defined in the SC’s Islamic Securities Guidelines (SukukGuidelines);
Sukuk means a Syariah Securities in the form of certificate or other evidence of ownership having the same value and representing undivided participation over: 1) ownership of certain tangible asset; 2) beneficial value and service of a certain project and investment activity; or 3) ownership over the asset of a certain project or investment activity.
Sukuk means a type of Islamic bond that is backed by assets of the issuer that earn profit or rent (Privately Placed) Regulations 2017.
Sukuk means a document or certificate, documenting the undivided ownership or investment in the assets in accordance with Shariah principles and concepts endorsed by the relevant authority;