Examples of Zone of Initial Dilution in a sentence
Zone of Initial Dilution (ZID) means the region of initial mixing surrounding or adjacent to the end of the outfall pipe or diffuser ports, provided that the ZID may not be larger than allowed by mixing zone restrictions in applicable water quality standards.
Zone of Initial Dilution" means the region surrounding or adjacent to the end of an outfall pipe or diffuser ports whose boundaries are defined through calculation of a plume model verified by the State Water Board.
ZID Zone of Initial Dilution means the region of initial mixing surrounding or adjacent to the end of the outfall pipe or diffuser ports.
No Zone of Initial Dilution allowed [10 CSR 20-7.031(5)(A)4.B.(IV)(b).The Department previously followed the 2007 Ammonia Guidance method for derivation of ammonia limits.
Zone of Initial Dilution" means the region surrounding or adjacent to the end of an outfall pipe or diffuser ports whose boundaries are defined through calculation of a plume model verified by the State Water Resources Control Board.