Zone of saturation definition

Zone of saturation or "saturated zone" means that part of the earth's crust in which all voids are filled with water. Zone of saturation or saturated zone does not include the capillary zone.
Zone of saturation means that part of the earth's crust, excluding the capillary zone, in which all voids are filled with water.
Zone of saturation means a layer within or below the soil profile which is saturated with ground water either seasonally or throughout the year. This includes both regional and perched zones.

Examples of Zone of saturation in a sentence

  • Zone of saturation or saturated zone does not include the capillary zone.

  • Zone of saturation – A subsurface zone below the ground water table in which all of the interconnected voids and pore spaces are filled with water.

  • Structural (or economic) explanations, on the other hand, attribute intergenerational welfare dependency to the effects of constrained financial, parenting or social resources on investments in children s developmen.

  • Zone of saturation" or "saturated zone" means that part of the earth's crust in which all voids are filled with water.

  • June 5, 2013) (holding that where defendants provided evidence of varied ways in which class members consented, the class was not as- certainable or identifiable, because significant inquiry as to each individual would be required), aff ’d, 628F.

More Definitions of Zone of saturation

Zone of saturation means that part of a geologic formation in which soil pores are filled with water and the pressure of that water is equal to or greater than atmospheric pressure.
Zone of saturation means a three-dimensional section of the soil or rock in which all open spaces are filled with groundwater. The thickness and extent of a saturated zone may vary seasonally or periodically in response to changes in the rate or amount of groundwater recharge, discharge or withdrawal.
Zone of saturation means a subsurface zone below the water table in which all of the interconnected voids and pore spaces are filled with water.
Zone of saturation means a hydrologic zone below the water table in which the interstices are filled with groundwater.
Zone of saturation means a layer within or below the soil profile which is saturated with ground water either seasonally or throughout the year.
Zone of saturation means that part of a geologic for- mation in which soil pores are filled with water and the pres- sure of that water is equal to or greater than atmospheric pres- sure.
Zone of saturation means the area below the water table in which the soil is completely saturated with groundwater.