Data Protection Mallilausekkeet

Data Protection. 11.1 Molemmat osapuolet noudattavat kaikkia soveltuvia Euroopan Unionin yleisen tietosuoja-asetuksen ((EU) 2016/679) ja kaikkien kansallisten voimaanpanevien lakien, säädöksien ja toissijaisen lainsäädännön vaatimuksia, sellaisena kuin ne ovat muutettuna koska tahansa (”Tietosuojasääntely”). Xxxx xxxxx 00 xxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxx, xxxx sillä ole tarkoitus muuttaa, kumota tai vähentää osapuolen Tietosuojasääntelystä aiheutuvia velvoitteita. 11.1 Both parties will comply with all applicable requirements of the General Data Protection Regulation ((EU) 2016/679) and any national implementing laws, regulations and secondary legislation, as amended or updated from time to time (the “Data Protection Legislation”). This clause 11 is in addition to, and does not relieve, remove or replace, a party's obligations under the Data Protection Legislation.
Data Protection. The Supplier complies with the applicable provisions of the data protection law. Further information is available at xxxxx://
Data Protection. 8.1 The Customer acknowledges that SweepBank shall collect and process his/her personal data contained in a personal data file in accordance with the Principles of Processing the Personal Data of Clients which are published on the Website as well as on the basis of any consent given for such processing, when this is required by applicable law. The Customer shall inform SweepBank immediately and within not later than one working day if there has been any change to the data provided to SweepBank.
Data Protection. 8.1 The Customer acknowledges that Ferratum shall collect and process his/her personal data contained in a personal data file in accordance with the Principles of Processing the Personal Data of Clients which are published on the Website as well as on the basis of any consent given for such processing, when this is required by applicable law. The Customer shall inform Xxxxxxxx immediately and within not later than one working day if there has been any change to the data provided to Ferratum.
Data Protection. 13.1 Personal data of individuals related to the Merchant (contact persons, etc.) will be processed by Nets as data controller i) in order to provide the services and fulfil the obligations under the agreement, ii) for making customer analyses and busi- ness follow-up, iii) for making business and methods devel- opment as well as carrying out risk assessment and mana- gement, iv) for marketing purposes (subject to applicable law) of Nets group companies towards the Merchant, vi) in relation to recordings of calls as set out in the terms and conditions of this Agreement and for the purposes set out therein, and v) to check the Merchant’s credit rating in accordance with the terms and conditions of this Agreement. The personal data include details of contact persons processed for the purpo- ses of onboarding, support, etc. The Merchant accepts an obligation to inform its employees and other representatives about the disclosure, etc. of personal data to Nets as part of the agreement for the above purposes and that information about the processing of personal data by Nets can be found on Nets’ website. A list of the companies that are in the same group as Nets can also be found on Nets’ website.
Data Protection. 3.12.1. PSM Customer is obliged to inform drivers of a vehicle for which a Vehicle Link exists on the privacy policy of Porsche Sales & Marketplace and the possibility of the collection of their personal data during the use of Porsche Connect Services.

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  • Allekirjoitukset Tätä sopimusta on tehty kaksi samansisältöistä kappaletta, yksi kummallekin osapuolelle. Xxxxx Xxxxxxx Xxxxxx Xxxxxx Ylijohtaja Hallituksen puheenjohtaja Xxxxx Xxxxx Xxxxxx Xxxxxxxx