Documentation Mallilausekkeet

Documentation. In addition to the required documentation for the transport of solid bulk cargoes all transboundary movements of wastes shall be accompanied by a waste movement docu- ment from the point at which a transboundary movement commences to the point of dis- posal. This document shall be available at all times to the competent authorities and to all persons involved in the management of waste transport operations.
Documentation. Google may provide Documentation for Customer's use of the Service. The Documentation may specify restrictions (e.g. attribution of HTML restrictions) on how the Applications may be built or the Service may be used and Customer agrees to comply with any such restrictions specified.

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  • Muutokset Jos laitoksen arvioima toimitusvesimäärä, painetaso tai muut vedentoi- mitukseen vaikuttavat tekijät muuttuvat, asiakas on velvollinen saatta- maan asia laitoksen tietoon. Laitoksella on oikeus tarkistaa sopimus uusia olosuhteita vastaavaksi.