PURPOSE Mallilausekkeet

PURPOSE. 2.1 The purpose of this MOU is to establish policy and procedures for the establishment of operational sites and the provision of HNS to NATO forces in, or supported from the HN, during NATO military activities.
PURPOSE. The IMS scheme is an international and multilateral cooperation scheme in which Participants work cooperatively to boost industrial competitiveness, solve problems facing manufacturing worldwide, and develop advanced manufacturing technologies and systems to benefit humanity. Its purposes are to: — enhance knowledge-based manufacturing in industry to improve the quality of life and citizens and improve the global environment, — share manufacturing knowledge and to transfer it to future generations, — increase the participation of SMEs in international collaborative activities, — adapt educational and training activities to support the knowledge-based manufacturing industries, and — contribute to establishing common, global norms and standards.
PURPOSE. The purpose of this regulation is to pre- vent the ignition of combustible materials or flammable liquids. For this purpose, the following functional requirements shall be met: .1 means shall be provided to control leaks of flammable liquids; .2 means shall be provided to limit the ac- cumulation of flammable vapours; .3 the ignitability of combustible materi- als shall be restricted; .4 ignition sources shall be restricted; .5 ignition sources shall be separated from combustible materials and flammable liq- uids; and .6 the atmosphere in cargo tanks shall be maintained out of the explosive range.
PURPOSE. The purpose of this regulation is to con- tain a fire in the space of origin. For this purpose, the following functional require- ments shall be met: .1 the ship shall be subdivided by thermal and structural boundaries; .2 thermal insulation of boundaries shall have due regard to the fire risk of the space and adjacent spaces; and ja .3 rajapintojen palonkestävyyden on säi- .3 the fire integrity of the divisions shall lyttävä aukkojen ja läpivientien kohdalla.