Perfumes, cosmetics & other toilet preparations19Services-prepackaged software8Pharmaceutical preparations7Surgical & medical instruments & apparatus7Communications equipment, nec4Men's & boys' furnishgs, work clothg, & allied garments4Calculating & accounting machines (no electronic computers)3Retail-family clothing stores3Biological products, (no disgnostic substances)2Commercial printing2Miscellaneous manufacturing industries2Real estate operators (no developers) & lessors2Retail-eating places2Services-amusement & recreation services2Services-personal services2Blank checks1Crude petroleum & natural gas1Cut stone & stone products1Drawing & insulating of nonferrous wire1Drilling oil & gas wells1Electronic components & accessories1Engines & turbines1Fire, marine & casualty insurance1Instruments for meas & testing of electricity & elec signals1Meat packing plants1Metal mining1Oil & gas field exploration services1Plastics foam products1Plastics, foil & coated paper bags1Public warehousing & storage1Radiotelephone communications1Retail-drug stores and proprietary stores1Services-help supply services1Services-management consulting services1