Antecedent and Police Verification of Contract Staff नमूना खंड

Antecedent and Police Verification of Contract Staff. The contractor shall ensure that the housekeeping staff employed have not been convicted by a court of law/ do not have criminal record or criminal proceeding against them. Police verification of the housekeeping staff will be provided by the contractor to the Bank before engaging them to the Bank. Also, in the event of change in any staff, the same has to be intimated to the Bank in advance along with all the antecedents and Police Verification related documents of the new labour to be employed. 17.
Antecedent and Police Verification of Contract Staff. The contractor shall ensure that the security guards employed have not been convicted by a court of law/ do not have criminal record or criminal proceeding against them. Full biodata (in format as prescribed under Annexure-VIII), including passport size photograph, of each security guard employed for the job shall be submitted to the Bank. Police verification of the security guards will be provided by the contractor to the Bank before engaging them to the Bank. Contractor shall also ensure timely renewal of police verification of each security guard employed for the job throughout the contract period. Also, in the event of change in any security guard, the same has to be intimated to the Bank in advance along with all the antecedents and Police Verification related documents of the new labour to be employed. 18.