निनिदा सूचिा क्रमाांक / Tender Notice No.: 02/2024-25
कॉर्पोरे श
(भारत सरकार का उपक्रम)
क क
ण xx लवे
Konkan Railway Corporation Limited
(A Govt. of India Undertaking)
निनवदा दस्तावेज/ Tender Documents
"क कण xx लवे के ग कणण र ड़, कु मटा,
स्टेशि र्पर स्टेशि नटकट बुनकों ग एजेंट का कार्ण करिे हेतु ठे के के
नलए आवेदि र्पत्र"
“Application for award of contract for engagement of Station Ticket Booking Agent (STBA) at Madgaon, Ankola, Gokarna Road and Kumta Railway Station over Konkan Railway”
निनिदा सूचिा क्रमाांक / Tender Notice No.: 02/2024-25
निनिदा जमा करिे की अांनतम नतनि : 12/08/2024 @16:00 बजे तक
Due Date: On or Before: 16:00 Hrs. of 12/08/2024 निनिदा खोलिे की नतनि : 12/08/2024 kao 16:15 बजे Tender Opening Date :12/08/2024 Hrs. of 16:15
निनवदा प्रर्पत्र शुल्क- रू 1180/-
Tender Form Fee- Rs. 1180/-
क्र.सों. | नववरण | र्पृष्ठ सों. |
सेक्शि-I | निनिदा आमांत्रण सूचिा/ Notice Inviting Tender | 4-7 |
सेक्शि-II | बोलीदाता के नलए निदेश/ Instructions to Bidder | 8-12 |
सेक्शि-III | चयि प्रनक्रया/ Selection Procedure | 13 |
सेक्शि-IV | नियम एिां शतें/ Terms & Conditions | 14 |
सेक्शि-V | सामान्य नियम एिां शतें / General Terms and Conditions | 15 |
अिुलग्नक-A | मसौदा करार / Draft Agreement | 19-25 |
अिुलग्नक-B | आिेदि प्रपत्र/ Application Form | 26 |
अिुलग्नक-C | नित्तीय प्रस्ताि/ Financial Offer | 28 |
अिुलग्नक-D | िचि पत्र/ Undertaking | 29 |
1. Konkan Railway Corporation Ltd (herein after mentioned as “KRCL”) does not make any representation or warranty as to the accuracy, reliability, or completeness of the information in this bid document. Therefore each bidder should conduct their own investigations and analysis and check the accuracy, reliability and completeness of the information in this Bid Document and obtain independent advice from appropriate sources. The Bidder shall bear all its costs associated with the preparation and submission of its Bid including expenses associated with any clarifications which may be required by KRCL or any other costs incurred in connection with or relating to its Bid. All such costs and expenses will remain with the Bidder and Railway shall not be liable in any manner.
2. KRCL will have NO liability to any Bidder or any other person under the law of contract, tort, the principles of restitution or unjust enrichment or otherwise for any loss, expense or damage which may arise from or be incurred or suffered in connection with anything contained in this Bid Document, any matter deemed to form part of this Bid Document, the award of the License, the information and any other information supplied by or on behalf of KRCL or otherwise arising in any way from the selection process of the License.
3. The issue of this Document does not imply that KRCL is bound to select the Bidder or to appoint the Selected Bidder. KRCL reserves the right to reject any or all of the Bids submitted in response to this Bid Document at any stage without assigning any reasons whatsoever. KRCL also reserves the right to withhold or withdraw the process at any stage with intimation to all Bidders who have submitted the Bid.
4. KRCL reserves the right to change / modify / amend any or all of the provisions of this Bid Document at any stage. Such changes shall be notified to all bidders who have bought the tender document.
कोकण xx लिे कॉपोरे शि नलनमटेड
निनिदा सूचिा
Notice Inviting Tender
निनवदा ि नटस सोंख्या . 02/2024-25 नदिाोंक : 12/08/2024
कोकण xx लिे की ओर से xx लिे क्षेत्रीय प्रबधां क. निम्न xx लिे स्िािकोां पर कां प्यटू रीकृ त
अिारनक्षत नटकट प्रणाली (STBA) के माध्यम से कमीशि के आधार पर अिारनक्षत नटकट जारी करिे के नलए लाइसेंस प्राप्त स्वतांत्र ठे के दार के रूप मे स्िािक नटकट बुनकां ग एजेंट
(STBA) का काम करिे के नलए पात्र उम्मीदिारोां से "कोकण xx xxx के स्टशिे पर स्टशे ि
नटकट बुनकां ग एजेंट का काम करिे के ठे के के नलए आिेदि पत्र आांबटि की तारीख से तीि साल की अिनध के नलए मोहरबांद आिेदि आमांनत्रत करते हैं।
Railway regional Manager on behalf of Konkan Railway Corporation Limited invites applications from eligible candidates for “Application for award of contract for engagement of Station Ticket Booking Agent (STBA) at Stations over Konkan Railway” on commission basis, for issue of unreserved tickets through computerized Unreserved Ticketing System (UTS), for a period of three years from the date of allotment, at following railway stations.
क्र सां Sr. No | स्टेशि श्रेणी Station category | स्टेशि Station | स्िाि Location | xx.xx.बी.ए. कायय समय STBA working hours. | xxxxx xxxx Earnest Money Deposit |
1 | एि.एस.जी.- 5 | अांकोला | स्टेशि | चौबीस घांटे | 5000/- |
2 | एि.एस.जी.- 5 | गोकणय रोड़ | स्टेशि | दो नशफ्ट यानि दोपहर एिां रानत्र | 5000/- |
3 | एि.एस.जी.- 5 | कु मटा | स्टेशि | दो नशफ्ट यानि दोपहर एिां रानत्र | 5000/- |
Sr. No | Station category | Station | Location | STBA working hours. | Earnest Money Deposit |
1 | NSG-5 | Ankola | Station | Round the | 5000/- |
clock | |||||
2 | NSG-5 | Gokarna Road | Station | Two Shifts ie Second & Night | 5000/- |
3 | NSG-5 | Kumta | Station | Two Shifts ie Second & Night | 5000/- |
स्टेशि पर यूटीएस -सह- पीआरएस सुनिधा चालू होिे की स्स्िनत में नशफ्ट में कटौती की जाएगी और यह ठे के दार पर बाध्यकारी होगा।
In case of commissioning of UTS-CUM-PRS facility at the station, shift reduction will be done and this is binding on the contractor.
नियम और शतों के साि आिेदि पत्र रुपये के भुगताि पर सांबांनधत स्टेशि मास्टर के कायायलय या /
िररष्ठ क्षेत्रीय यातायात प्रबांधक, कोकण xx लिे कॉपोरे शि नलनमटेड, के
कायायलय से प्राप्त नकया जा सकता है। 1180/- (18% की दर से 1000 रुपये जीएसटी लागू), कोकण
xx लिे कॉपोरे शि नलनमटेड के पक्ष में नडमाांड डर ाफ्ट के रूप में, जो में सभी कायय नदिसोां पर 10.00 बजे से 16.00 बजे के बीच देय होगा। 12/09/2024 तक.
Application Form along with the terms & conditions can be obtained from the Office of concerned Station Master OR Office of the Sr. Regional Traffic Manager, Konkan Railway Corporation Ltd., on payment of Rs. 1180/- (Rs. 1000 + GST as applicable @ 18%), in the form of Demand Draft drawn in favour of Konkan Railway Corporation Ltd., payable at on all working days between 10.00 hrs to 16.00 hrs up to 12/09/2024.
निधायररत फॉमय में आिेदि पत्र निनधित भरकर बयािा रानश जमा के साि जैसा नक ऊपर बताया गया है,
पांजीकृ त डाक से भेजा जािा चानहए या िररष्ठ क्षेत्रीय यातायात प्रबांधक , कोकण xx लिे कॉपोरे शि नलनमटडे ,
के कायायलय में इस उद्दे श्य के नलए अलग से नदए गए बॉक्स में डाला
जािा चानहए। एक किर में नजसे निनधित सील नकया गया हो और उस पर "कोकण xx xxx के
स्टेशि पर स्टेशि नटकट बुनकां ग एजेंट (एसटीबीए) की नियुस्ि के नलए अिुबांध देिे के नलए आिेदि" नलखा हो, किर को ऊपर बताए अिुसार सांबोनधत नकया जािा चानहए और इस कायायलय में पहांचिा चानहए। या 16.00 बजे से पहले. 12/09/2024 क । xxx द्वारा निलांब से आिेिाले निनिदा के नलए कोकण xx लिे कॉपोरे शि नलनमटेड नजम्मेदार िही ां हैं।
Application in prescribed form duly filled along with Earnest Money Deposit as indicated above should be sent by Registered Post or drop in a box separately provided for the purpose in the Office of Sr. Regional Traffic Manager, Konkan Railway Corporation Ltd.,
in a cover duly sealed and super scribed as “ Application for award of contract for engagement of Station Ticket Booking Agent (STBA) at
Station over Konkan Railway” cover should be addressed as mentioned above and should reach to this office on or before 16.00 hrs. On 12/09/2024. The Corporation will not be responsible for any postal delay.
Agar inaivada p`stUit kI xxxXX xxx CU+I AatI hO tao Aanaovaalao Agalao kaya-idvasa pr inaivada isvakaya- hO.
If the last date for submission of application declared as a holiday, the application should reach at 16.00 hrs. of next working day.
Time Schedule
1 | आिेदि फामय की नबक्री Sale of application forms | From : 12/08/2024 to 12/09/2024 (Between 10.00 to 16.00 hrs ) |
2 | पूणय रूप से सीलबांद नलफाफे में आिेदि पत्र जमा करिे की अांनतम नतनि Last date for submission of completed Application form in sealed Envelop | On 12/09/2024 (Upto 16.00 hrs) |
3 | आिेदि फामय खोलिा Opening of application forms | On 12/09/2024 ( at 16.15 hrs) |
4 | आिेदि पत्र जमा करिे और खोलिे का स्िाि Place for submission and opening of application forms | िररष्ठ क्षेत्रीय यातायात प्रबांधक कायायलय, कोकां ण xx लिे कॉपोरे शि नलनमटेड, Office of Sr. Regional Traffic Manager, Konkan Railway Corporation Ltd., |
क्षेत्रीय xx लिे प्रबांधक कोकण xx लिे कॉपोरे शि नलनमटेड,
Regional Railway Manager
Konkan Railway Corporation Ltd., Karwar
Instructions to tenderer(s)
1. Application Form along with the terms & conditions can be obtained from the Office of concerned Station Master OR Office of Sr. Regional Traffic Manager, Konkan Railway Corporation Ltd., , on payment of Rs. 1180/-.
2. Eligibility conditions: Interested persons fulfilling the stipulated conditions may apply in the prescribed format
a) Domicile Certificate: The applicant should be a resident of the local District in which the station / STBA location is located.
b) Age of applicant : Applicant should have completed 18 years of age as on the date of application.
c) Educational Qualification: At least class-X pass (10th pass) or equivalent. However, educational qualification can be relaxed by Chief Commercial Manager if there is no applicant otherwise available for any particular category.
d) If the applicant is Land looser whose land has been acquired for Konkan Railway Project i.e. between station Roha to Thokur (Self / Sons / Spouse / unmarried daughters / grandsons / unmarried granddaughters only) in competition with other tenderers coming in tie will be given preference over other applicants.
The applicants falling in Land Loser category should enclose the copies of following documents duly attested by a Gazetted Officer.
i. Copy of Land acquisition letter issued by Special Land Acquisition Officer, Konkan Railway.
ii. In case of land acquired by KRCL is jointly held by more than one holder, those joint land holder of such land will be treated as one land loser, subject to certificate from concern authorities showing the name of the land holders & details of land lost. The applicant shall also produce certificate of no objection from other co-owners in case of joint land holding.
iii. Submission of Certificate issued by Tahsildar indicating percentage of land lost with respect to total land held by the land loser is not mandatory.
iv. Tenderer shall submit attested photocopy of land extract 7/12 or I&XIV or RTC (as applicable) & Form No.6 not more than six months old from the date of issue of tender notice.
v. Proof of relationship with the land-loser issued by revenue authorities is required. In case of death of land-loser (whose name figures in SLAO and Xxxxxxxxxx certificate) legal hair certificate and death certificate should be attached.
vi. In case any of the member from family/families of the sole/joint land holder is employed or having any stall/contract over Konkan Railway, in that case that applicant will not get the benefit of preference in allotment in contract. In case the applicant is applying as a landloser, he has to submit undertaking in the format attached as Annexure-B.
e) Applicant should produce a Certificate from the police station serving his / her locality that no criminal record and no criminal case is pending against him / her.
g). If the applicant belongs to reserved category he / she should submit relevant certificate issued by State / Central Government.
h) Applicant shall have to give a declaration that he/she has not been considered & engaged as STBA at any other station.
I) STBA and his/her nominated agent should not be ex-Railway staff who has been removed or dismissed from service on the grounds of doubtful integrity.
3. Applicant has to submit following documents alongwith application :
a. Proof of Educational Qualification
b. Address proof
c. Ration Card.
d. Land loser Certificate (In case the applicant is a land loser), along with undertaking on Rs.100/- stamp paper that no benefit was taken as a londloser either in stall/contractor or employment in KRCL.
e. Declaration that he/she has not been appointed as STBA at any other station.
f. Domicile Certificate.
g. Caste certificate (If applicable).
h. Certificate from police station that no criminal case is pending against him/her.
i. Earnest Money Deposit : The bidder shall pay EMD amount of Rs.5000/-, alongwith application form in the form of Demand Draft drawn in favour of Konkan Railway Corporation Ltd., payable at .
4. Evaluation of offer : The applicant has to offer / quote the percentage for commission payable on the sales turnover more than Rs.1,00,000/- at Annexure-
B. The offer will be evaluated based on the percentage quoted by the applicant OR 4%, whichever is lower.
5. Commission payable: Out of the applicants fulfilling the eligibility conditions, the candidate(s) who opts for the least commission (maximum 4% in case of
NSG-5 category stations) will be selected for engaging as licensed independent contractor to work as Station Ticket Booking Agent (STBA). Where more than one applicant quotes the same commission i.e. below 4% rate depending upon category of stations, then selection will be done through draw of lots and landloser applicant in other tenders coming in tie will be given preference over other. The commission payable will be as follows:
Slabs | Monthly Sales Turnover in bet (Rs) | Commission percentage payable on monthly sales turnover |
Slab 1 | 1-20,000 | 25% (subject to minimum of Rs.2500/-) |
Slab 2 | 20,0001 to 1,00,000 | 15.00% |
Slab 3 | > 1,00,000 | 4% OR the rate quoted whichever is lower. |
The commission will be calculated on monthly sales turnover. The commission should be paid on net sale and in case of concessional tickets it will be on the actual fare collected by the Railways. The commission to STBA will be paid from the station earnings.
6. Submission of application form : The application form shall be placed in the envelope and super scribed “Application for award of contract for engagement of Station Ticket Booking Agent (STBA) at Station over Konkan Railway” and dropped in the Tender Box kept at the Office of Regional Railway Manager, Konkan Railway Corporation Ltd., . All supporting documents to be enclosed with tender document should be duly attested by the Gazetted officer. The applications with incomplete information / documents will not be accepted / entertained.
7. KRCL reserves the right to seek additional information / documents for clarification / supplementary nature from the parties to the original technical bid after its opening, if found to be necessary, during the course of evaluation of the offer. Non-submission or delayed submission of such information / documents sought by KRCL as mentioned herein shall be ground for rejecting the offer. The decision of the KRCL in this regard shall be final and binding upon all the parties.
8. Earnest Money Deposit (EMD) :
a) The application without EMD shall not be considered at all and is liable to be rejected.
b) Without prejudice to any other right of KRCL, the Earnest Money Deposit may be forfeited by KRCL:
i) if any Xxxxxx withdraws his bid during the period of bid validity; or
ii) In case the successful bidder refuses to sign and execute the Agreement; or start the assign work, after his bid has been
accepted through issue of Letter of Acceptance (LOA).
Iii) if the bidder fails to furnish the Security deposit.
iv) EMD amount of unsuccessful bidders shall be refunded and no interest will be paid thereon.
9. There shall be no erasures and/or overwriting. The bids with erasures and/or overwriting are liable to be rejected.
10. Late / Delayed bids: Late / delayed bids due to any reason whatsoever shall not be accepted / considered at all under any circumstances.
11. Opening of applications : The application(s) received shall be opened as per the notified date in the presence of the bidders or their authorized representative. Request for extension of opening date of bids shall not be considered. Bids shall be opened on scheduled date and time even in case of non-presence of any bidder or their authorized representative.
12. Validity of bid
i The bid shall remain valid for a period of 180 days after the date of opening of bids. A bid valid for a shorter period shall be rejected by KRCL as non-responsive.
ii The KRCL reserves the right to ask the bidder for extension of period of validity of bid. The request and responses thereto shall be made in writing. In such eventuality of extension of bid validity, the validity of bid security provided shall also be suitably extended. However, modification in Bid shall not be allowed at later stage after opening of the bid.
13. Security deposit :
(a) The successful Tenderer shall be required to submit Security Deposit amount ( refundable, interest free) of Rs.10000/- in the form of Demand draft.
(b) KRCL shall have right to adjust the security deposit in part / in full for any loss sustained by the Railway in dues whatsoever arising out of this contract or any other contract between the parties hereto, or due to any breach of the agreement. Security Deposit will be refunded on satisfactory completion of the contract period taking into consideration that all Railway dues are cleared.
Working hours of STBA : The working hours of STBA will be as per NIT.
incurring any liability to the affected bidder or bidders on the grounds of KRCL’s action, as aforesaid.
1. The issue of Letter of Acceptance shall be construed as the intention of the KRCL to enter into contract with the successful bidder.
2. The successful bidder shall within 15 days of issue of Letter of Acceptance, give his written acceptance along with performance security and sign the contract agreement with KRCL and commence the canteen services with immediate effect.
20. Issue of corrigendum / addendum : KRCL reserves the right to Re- tender/Modify the tender conditions at any stage, if considered necessary in overall interest of KRCL, by issue of necessary ammendum / corregedum.
21. Premature Termination of Contract :
The KRCL may terminate the Agreement at any time in the event of breach of any of the terms & conditions of Agreement, or, in the event of prosecution of the contractor, or, any of his/its employee(s), under any other law for the time being in force.
22. Wrong Information by Tenderer:
If the Tenderer/s deliberately give/s wrong information in his/their tender, create/s circumstances for the acceptance of his/their tender, the KRCL reserves the right to reject such tender at any stage.
Section-III Selection procedure
1. KRCL has adopted a system of inviting sealed applications in the prescribed format from eligible persons through public notification.
2. Applications submitted in the prescribed format alongwith documents indicated in the Instructions to Bidder, shall be opened as per the date mentioned in the Notice Inviting Tender (NIT).
3. Applicant should apply for only one location and application for more than one location will not be accepted from a single applicant.
4. Amongst the applicants fulfilling the eligibility conditions, the candidate(s) who opts for the least commission (maximum 4% in case of NSG-5 Category stations ) will be selected for engaging as licensed independent contractor to work as Station Ticket Booking Agent (STBA). Where more than one applicant quotes the same commission i.e. below 4% rate depending upon category of stations, then selection will be done through draw of lots and landloser applicant in other tenders coming in tie will be given preference over other. The commission payable will be as follows:
Slabs | Monthly Sales Turnover in bet (Rs) | Commission percentage payable on monthly sales turnover |
Slab 1 | 1-20,000 | 25% (subject to minimum of Rs.2500/-) |
Slab 2 | 20,0001 to 1,00,000 | 15.00% |
Slab 3 | > 1,00,000 | 4% OR the rate quoted whichever is lower. |
The commission will be calculated on monthly sales turnover. The commission should be paid on net sale and in case of concessional tickets it will be on the actual fare collected by the Railways. The commission to STBA will be paid from the station earnings.
5. In case more than one applicant quoted same rates ( tie ) i.e. Commission percentage payable on monthly sales turnover at Slab-3 above, then procedure will be followed for selection of STBA as under
(i) In such cases preference will be given to land loser applicant over other applicant(s).
(ii) In absence of land loser applicant, the selection will be done based on the draw of lots.
6. The selected applicant must ready to work as STBA for issue of tickets from the station premises.
7. In case selected applicant express inability to work as STBA, then EMD amount of the applicant shall be forfeited.
Section-IV Terms and Conditions
1. The selected applicant must ready to work as STBA for issue of tickets from the station premises. In case selected applicant express inability to work as STBA, then EMD amount of the applicant shall be forfeited.
2. Applicant shall have to deposit Security Deposit amount ( refundable, interest free) of Rs.10,000/- in the form of Demand draft.
3. The cost of hardware and software (including maintenance), electricity and hiring channel will be borne by the Railways. The space will also be provided to STBA by the Railways free of cost. STBA shall function from the existing counter/ suitable location at station.
4. Commission payable: Amongst the applicants fulfilling the eligibility conditions, the candidate(s) who opts for the least commission ( maximum 4% in case of NSG-5 category stations) will be selected for engaging as licensed independent contractor to work as Station Ticket Booking Agent (STBA). Where more than one applicant quotes the same commission i.e. below 4% rate depending upon category of stations, then selection will be done through draw of lots and landloser applicant in other tenders coming in tie will be given preference over other. The commission payable will be as follows:
Slabs | Monthly Sales Turnover in bet (Rs) | Commission percentage payable on monthly sales turnover |
Slab 1 | 1-20,000 | 25% (subject to minimum of Rs.2500/-) |
Slab 2 | 20,0001 to 1,00,000 | 15.00% |
Slab 3 | > 1,00,000 | 4% OR the rate quoted whichever is lower. |
The commission will be calculated on monthly sales turnover. The commission should be paid on net sale and in case of concessional tickets it will be on the actual fare collected by the Railways. The commission to STBA will be paid from the station earnings.
5. STBA shall not in any case sublet / assign or transfer the rights or obligations arising out of the contract. In case of death of licensee, the licence will be transferred to his/her legal heir(s) if found eligible for the unexpired period of licence by the competent authority and the legal heir(s) will also be eligible to apply for extension of the license as per the provision of the policy.
6. On completion of the term or termination of contract, pending dues will be adjusted from the security deposit and balance amount will be refunded to STBAlicensee.
It is mandatory for STBA agents to wear white apron with name badge while performing duty at the booking counter.
The Railway Officer in charge of the station i.e. the concerned Station Master / Assistant Station Master will be controlling authority for the safe custody of the ticket rolls and STBA shall be responsible & liable to daily hand over / take over the ticket roll from the concerned Station Master / Assistant Station Master. Proper record of ticket roll issued to the STBA shall invariably be maintained by SM / ASM at station.
STBA as a licensed independent contractor shall be responsible to issue UTS tickets from the station premises.
STBA shall deposit / hand over the cash collected through sale of tickets, Non- issued/Cancelled tickets to On Duty Station Master / Assistant Station Master immediately after completion of shift. In turn, on duty SM will ensure the amount, Number of Non-issued/Cancelled tickets as per DTC tickets are properly kept in register by the STBA. SM invariably should check the register of “Non-issue tickets” on daily basis and make endorsement on the same with clear signature before acknowledging the cash.
STBA is authorized to issue cash ticket(s) only.
The facility of 'NI' (Not Issued tickets) will be permitted to the STBA only when authorized / endorsed by the concerned Station Master / Assistant Station Master. This aspect should be strictly followed at each STBA location.
The STBA operator will be allowed to sell all types of non-concessional unreserved tickets issued through UTS module including platform tickets, Senior Citizen concessional tickets, season tickets & renewal of season tickets.
All other concessional tickets requiring documentary proof before issue of tickets can be issued by STBA only when endorsed and permitted by the concerned Station Master / Assistant Station Master.
Cancellation of ticket: The facility of cancellation of ticket may be extended to STBA only when authorized / endorsed by the concerned Station Master / Assistant Station Master. This aspect should be strictly followed at each STBA location.
The STBA and the additional person (only on prior approval of competent railway authority) assisting him to sell tickets shall be issued a photo identity card by the concerned Regional Officer and their name(s) will also be displayed on a Notice Board at the station premises.
A consolidated statement of ticket rolls supplied and details of tickets sold by STBA shall be submitted to Station Master / Manager or any other nominated official to Regional Traffic Officer every month.
Regular and surprise inspection will be done by any Railway official authorized in order to ensure proper accountal of current tickets in STBA locations.
STBA shall not at any time during the license period mis-utilize the ticketing system for any fraudulent purpose. In such cases STBA shall be held solely liable and the license shall be terminated forthwith and forfeiture of Security Deposit paid by the applicant.
The STBA shall deposit the cash collected through sale of tickets, to Station Master/ Assistant Station Master on duty on 08 hourly shift basis daily as per the timings given.
In case ticket activity stops due to non availability of STBA or negligence of STBA resulting in non-functioning of equipment, a suitable penalty equal to the average daily turnover from sale of UTS tickets at that particular location, subject to a minimum of Rs. 2000/- per day shall be imposed on STBA.
Penalty upto Rs.500/- will be imposed against established public complaints regarding the functioning of STBA.
Initially, only one STBA will be appointed at the station. STBA will not sublet / assign or transfer the rights or obligations arising out of contract. However, if he so desires, he may take assistance of another person, with the prior approval of the competent railway authority.
Both the STBA and the additional person (only with prior approval of competent railway authority) nominated by him to sell tickets shall be issued a photo identity card by the concerned Regional Officer and their name(s) will also be displayed on a Notice Board at the station premises.
The disbursement of unreserved tickets by STBA will be governed by the timings as decided by the Railway, keeping in view the local conditions.
STBA will be authorized to issue cash tickets only. The STBA operator will be allowed to sell all types of non-concessional unreserved tickets issued through UTS module including platform tickets, Senior Citizen concessional tickets, season tickets & renewal of season tickets and also authorise to issue ticket through POS / Digital modes. All other concessional tickets requiring documentary proof before issue of tickets can be issued by STBA only when endorsed and permitted by the concerned Station Master / Assistant Station Master.
STBA shall not be permitted to issue any Blank Paper tickets or Money receipt.
The facility of 'NI' (Not Issued tickets) will be available to the STBA only when authorized / endorsed by the concerned Station Master / Assistant Station Master.
Cancellation of ticket: The facility of cancellation of ticket may be extended to STBA only when authorized / endorsed by the concerned Station Master / Assistant Station Master.
xxxx etc will be permitted at the STBA counters only when authorised / endorsed by concerned Station Master / Assistant Station Master / Supervisory Booking clerk. However revenue so received shall not be accounted for in the
monthly turnover of the station, for the purpose of calculating the commission for STBA.
STBA shall deposit the cash collected through sale of tickets, to the concerned Station Master / Assistant Station Master of the station on duty on 8 hours shift basis as prevalent at the station.
All concession orders should be handed over to the SM/ASM alongwith cash and cancelled / NI tickets. Failure of the STBA to do so shall result in the collection difference of fare to be recovered from the STBA.
Shift summary and details of daily summary of transaction handled by STBA shall be extracted through UTS and the STBA shall deposit the cash accordingly to the on duty SM / ASM at the end of shift.
Shift summary and daily summary of transaction details done by STBA shall be extracted through UTS and the STBA should deposit the cash accordingly to the Station Master / Assistant Station Master at the end of the shift/day.
A consolidated statement of ticket rolls supplied and details of tickets sold by STBA will be submitted by Station Master / Manager or any other nominated official by ACM /Dy.CCM/Sr.RTMs every month.
Regular and surprise inspection will be done by any Railway official authorized in order to ensure proper accountal of current tickets stationery in STBA locations.
STBA shall not at any time during the license period mis-utilize the ticketing system for any fraudulent purpose. In such cases STBA shall be hold solely liable and the license shall be terminated forthwith.
Engagement of STBA: Engagement as STBA on license shall not confer any right on the person for employment in Konkan Railway Corporation Ltd. The engagement at STBA is purely contractual in nature only for issuing unreserved tickets with the on payment of commission as detailed above. No benefits viz. Absorption in Railway service, regularisation of service, bonus, railway pass facilities, accommodation in quarters or rest house etc shall accrue to the STBA or his / her legal heirs. No claim in this regard shall be entertained. STBA shall keep Railways free for many liabilities in present or future.
Relation of the STBA: The license to STBA shall in no way deemed to be or nor may be represented by STBA as a Franchisee, partner, joint venture or employee of the Konkan Railway Corporation Limited.
In case of any dispute so arises out of or Pertaining to this agreement, same may be referred to the sole arbitrator as per the provisions of Arbitration & conciliation Act to be appointed by the Chairman & Managing Director, Konkan Railway Corporation Ltd. The clause of the sole arbitrator shall be binding on both the party. The arbitration shall be held under the provisions of the Arbitration & Conciliation Act 1998.
35. Termination of contract: The contract shall be terminated automatically after completion of expiry of contract period. Also either side may terminate the contract assigning reasons by giving 90 days notice. However, in case of fraud / criminal case, Railway shall be at liberty to terminate the contract without giving any prior notice.
However contracts can also be terminated due to "unsatisfactory performance" during contract period. The following items would constitute unsatisfactory performance leading to termination of the contract.
a) Overcharging.
b) Non payment / Delay in payment of Corporation dues.
c) Complaints.
d) Adverse inspection report by authorized KR representative.
e) Subletting.
f) Unlawful behaviour of the licensee or his representatives.
g) Convicted as per the order of Court of Law.
h) Giving direct / indirect trouble / threat to KRCL and its employees by causing any type of inconvenience to them as determined by KRCL.
23. In case STBA expresses inablity to operate the counter(s) after selection, the EMD / Security deposit furnished by him shall be forfeited.
24. Joint Procedure Order issued by KRCL vide letter No.CO-16031/1/2015-COMM dated 26/07/2023 shall be applicable.
Draft License Agreement
This AGREEMENT is made on this th day of …………….…… between the Konkan Railway Corporation Ltd.(KRCL), a company incorporated under the companies Act 1956, and having its Registered Office at Xxxxxxx Xxxxxx, Xxxx Xx. 00, Xxxxxx-00, XXX-Xxxxxxx, Xxxx Xxxxxx-000000 represented by Chief Commercial Manager,KRCL, CBD Belapur, Navi Mumbai (herein after called as Licensor or KRCL or Konkan Railway Corporation Ltd) which expression shall however the context admitted includes his assigns and successors of the one part
Shri …………………………………, Licensee, (address) which expression wherever the context admits shall be deemed to include his respective heirs, executors, administrations, legal representatives, its successor and assigns on the other part for the engagement of Station Ticket Booking Agent at station ( herein after called as
Licensee), do hereby agree to abide the following conditions.
Station over KRCL”
AND WHEREAS the KRCL accepted offer given by Shri / Ms / M/s. vide Letter of acceptance No. dated
AND WHEREAS the KRCL thus hereby entering into contract with Shri / Ms / M/s
for Award of contract for engagement of Station Ticket Booking Agent (STBA) at Station over KRCL.
1.0 This Agreement comes into force from / /2024
2.1 The licensee i.e. Station Ticket Booking Agent (STBA) as a licensed independent contractor shall be responsible to issue tickets from the station premises.
2.2 The disbursement of unreserved tickets by STBA shall be governed by the timings as decided by the KRCL, keeping in view the local conditions.
2.3 The licensee will be authorized to issue cash tickets only.
2.4 The licensee will be allowed to sell all types of non-concessional unreserved tickets issued through UTS including platform tickets, Senior Citizen concessional tickets, season tickets & renewal of season tickets. All other concessional tickets requiring documentary proof before issue of tickets can be issued by STBA only when endorsed and permitted by the concerned Station Master / Assistant Station Master.
2.5 Money Receipts, TTE cash, Parcel cash etc will be permitted at the STBA counters only when authorised / endorsed by concerned Station Master / Assistant Station Master / Supervisory Booking clerk. However revenue so received shall not be accounted for in the monthly turnover of the station, for the purpose of calculating the commission for STBA.
2.6 STBA shall not be permitted to issue any Blank Paper tickets or Money receipt.
2.7 The facility of 'NI' (Not Issued tickets) will be available to the STBA only when authorized/endorsed by the concerned Station Master / Assistant Station Master.
2.8 Cancellation of ticket: The facility of cancellation of ticket may be extended to STBA only when authorized / endorsed by the concerned Station Master / Assistant Station Master.
3.0 General Conditions :
3.1 The cost of hardware and software (including maintenance), electricity and hiring channel will be borne by the Corporation. The space will be provided to STBA by the KRCL free of cost. STBA shall function from the existing counter / suitable location at station as directed by Station Master.
3.2 STBA shall not sublet / assign or transfer the rights or obligations arising out of the contract. However, if he so required STBA may take assistance of another person, with the prior approval of the competent railway authority.
3.3 The STBA and the additional person (only on prior approval of competent railway authority) assisting him to sell tickets shall be issued a photo identity card by the concerned Sr. Regional Traffic Manager and their name(s) will also be displayed on a Notice Board at the station premises.
3.4 In case of death of licensee STBA, the licence will be transferred to his/her eligible legal heir(s) for the unexpired period of licence and the legal heir(s) will also be eligible to apply for extension of the license as per the provision of the policy.
3.5 The Railway Officer incharge of the station i.e. the concerned Station Master
/ Assistant Station Master shall be controlling officer for the safe custody of the ticket rolls and STBA shall be responsible to daily hand over / take over the ticket roll from the concerned Station Master / Assistant Station Master. Proper record of ticket roll issued to the STBA shall be maintained at stations.
3.6 Money Receipts, TTE cash, Parcel cash etc will be permitted at the STBA counters only when authorised / endorsed by concerned Station Master / Assistant Station Master / Supervisory Booking clerk. However revenue so received shall not be accounted for in the monthly turnover of the station, for the purpose of calculating the commission for STBA.
STBA shall deposit the cash collected through sale of tickets, to the concerned Station Master / Assistant Station Master of the station on duty on 8 hours shift basis as prevalent at the station.
All concession orders should be handed over to the SM/ASM alongwith cash and cancelled / NI tickets. Failure of the STBA to do so shall result in the collection difference of fare to be recovered from the STBA.
Shift summary and details of daily summary of transaction handled by STBA shall be extracted through UTS and the STBA shall deposit the cash accordingly to the on duty SM / ASM at the end of shift.
Shift summary and daily summary of transaction details done by STBA shall be extracted through UTS and the STBA should deposit the cash accordingly to the Station Master / Assistant Station Master at the end of the shift/day.
A consolidated statement of ticket rolls supplied and details of tickets sold by STBA shall be submitted by Station Master / Manager or any other nominated official to ACM / Dy.CCM / Sr.RTM every month.
Regular and surprise inspection will be done by any Railway official authorized in order to ensure proper accountal of current tickets stationary in STBA locations.
STBA shall not at any time during the license period mis-utilize the ticketing system for any fraudulent purpose. In such cases STBA shall be hold solely liable and the license shall be terminated forthwith.
The STBA shall deposit the cash collected through sale of tickets with on duty Station Master / Assistant Station Master on 08 hourly shift basis daily as per the timings directed by Station Master. Shift summary and daily summary of transaction details done by STBA shall be extracted through UTS and the STBA should deposit the cash accordingly to the Station Master / Assistant Station Master at the end of the shift/day.
In case ticket activity stops due to non availability of STBA or negligence of STBA resulting in non-functioning of equipment, a suitable penalty equal to the average daily turnover from sale of UTS tickets at that particular location, subject to a minimum of Rs. 2000/- per day shall be imposed on STBA.
Penalty upto Rs.500/- will be imposed against established public complaints regarding the functioning of STBA.
License of STBA: License of STBA shall not confer any right on the person for employment in Konkan Railway Corporation. The license is purely contractual in nature only for issuing unreserved tickets with the on payment of commission as detailed above and no facilities viz absorption in Railway Service, Regularization of service, bonus, Railway pass facility etc shall accrue for STBA.
3.19 Relation of the STBA: The license of STBA shall in no way deemed to be or nor may represented by STBA as a franchisee, partner, joint venture or employee of the Konkan Railway Corporation Limited. The STBA shall behave in well manner with the passengers in polite language and shall also behave properly with other employees of the Corporation posted on other counters at the station.
3.20 Period of engagement :
STBA shall be engaged for a period of three years. Total period of STBA engagement will be three years.
3.21 Award of Contract:
The issue of Letter of Acceptance shall be construed as the intention of the KRCL to enter into contract with the successful bidder.
The licensee shall within 15 days of issue of Letter of Acceptance, give his written acceptance along with performance security and sign the contract agreement with KRCL and commence the canteen services with immediate effect.
3.22 Premature Termination of Contract : The KRCL may terminate the Agreement at any time in the event of breach of any of the terms & conditions of Agreement, or, in the event of prosecution of the contractor, or, any of his/its employee(s), under any other law for the time being in force.
3.23 Any notice in terms of this License by either Party will be given at the address given by Xxxxxxx / Registered AD Post unless a different address has been intimated in writing against receipt.
3.24 In case the STBA expresses inability to work as STBA after selection as a STBA, the Bank Guarantee as well as the Security Deposit of the STBA licensee will be forfeited.
3.25 KRCL reserves the right to engage the license contract for more than one STBA at the station.
4.0 nancial Terms & conditions :
4.1 Security Deposit : The Licensee shall pay interest free refundable security deposit (refundable, interest free) of Rs.10,000/- in the form of Demand draft.
4.2 he amount of Security Deposit shall be refunded by the KRCL to the Licensee On expiry of license or termination of contract after adjusting pending dues of Licensee to KRCL, from the security deposit and balance amount shall be refunded to STBA.
4.3 Commission payable : Amongst the applicants fulfilling the eligibility conditions, the candidate(s) who opts for the least commission ( maximum 4% in case of NSG-6 Category station) will be selected for engaging as licensed
independent contractor to work as Station Ticket Booking Agent (STBA). Where more than one applicant quotes the same commission i.e. below 4% , then selection will be done through draw of lots and landloser applicant in other tenders coming in tie will be given preference over other. The commission payable will be as follows:
Slabs | Monthly Sales Turnover in bet (Rs) | Commission percentage payable on monthly sales turnover |
Slab 1 | 1-20,000 | 25% (subject to minimum of Rs.2500/-) |
Slab 2 | 20,0001 to 1,00,000 | 15.00% |
Slab 3 | > 1,00,000 | 4% OR the rate quoted whichever is lower. |
The commission will be calculated on monthly sales turnover. The commission should be paid on net sale and in case of concessional tickets it will be on the actual fare collected by the Railways. The commission to STBA will be paid from the station earnings.
a) First Authority – Chief Commercial Manager.
b) Second Authority – Director (Operations and Commercials)
c) Conciliation
d) Sole Arbitrator as per provision of Conciliation and Arbitration Act
License Agreement. In such an eventuality, the Licensee shall have the right to terminate License Agreement by giving 15 (fifteen) days’ notice. However it is further agreed by the parties that nothing in this clause shall prejudice the right of the Licensee contained elsewhere in this License Agreement. It is mutually agreed by the parties that in case visibility/access of LicensedPremises is obstructed due to any construction carried out by Govt. Authority/Department including but not limited to due to laying of underground cable, water pipeline maintenance, sewerage maintenance, etc. for continuous period of two months, then License Fee shall be renegotiated during such construction period.
a. Overcharging.
b. Non payment / Delay in payment of Corporation dues.
c. Complaints.
d. Adverse inspection report by authorized KR representative
e. Subletting
f. Unlawful behavior of the licensee or his representatives.
g. Convicted as per the order of Court of Law
h. Giving direct / indirect trouble / threat to KRCL and its employees by causing any type of inconvenience to them as determined by KRCL.
In witness whereof the said parties hereto have hereinto set their hands the day year first above written
Signed by Xxxx.
Signed by Shri , Konkan Railway Corpn. Ltd.,
Witness for Licensee Witness for Licensor:
Signature (1): Signature (1)
Name Name Address Address
Signature (2) Signature(2)
Name Name Address Address
Application Form
Application for award of contract for engagement of Station Ticket Booking Agent (STBA) at Stations over Konkan Railway.
Affix self attested latest passport size photo of the applicant.
Name of Station applied for STBA :
1. | Name of the Applicant (In block letters) | : | |
2. | Gender (Male / Female ) | : | |
3. | Date of Birth (with proof) | : | |
4. | Educational Qualification ( With attested copy of the Certificates) | : | |
5. | Whether belongs to SC / ST / OBC / Minority / Physically Handicapped / Mentally Challenged | : | |
6 | Domicile Certificate | ||
7. | Residential Address (proof of residence to be enclosed) | ||
Phone No. | : | ||
a) Residence | : | ||
b) Mobile | : | ||
8 | Land loser (KRCL) if yes then attach proof | ||
9 | Certificate issued by local police station serving his/her locality that he is free from any criminal case pending against him/her (If applied, then attach copy of application) | ||
10 | Copy of PAN Card / Voter ID Card | : | |
11 | Details of EMD (Amount, name of Bank & date) | : | |
12 | Undertaking on Rs.100/- stamp paper in case the applicant is land loser, as Annexure -D |
1. Konkan Railway reserves the right to cancel the Tender Process at any time without assigning any reasons.
2. Tenders received after last due date and time shall not be entertained. KRCL shall not be responsible for postal delays / loss.
3. The details as required have been given along with required supporting documents.
4. Incomplete Tender shall summarily be rejected.
5. Tenders not accompanied with EMD, shall summarily be rejected.
Signature of applicant.
Financial Offer
Application for award of contract for engagement of Station Ticket Booking Agent (STBA) at Station over Konkan Railway
I / We hereby submitting my offer for “Award of contract for engagement of Station Ticket Booking Agent (STBA) at
Stations over Konkan Railway” , as under :
My / our offer
Name of work | Name of station applied for | * Percentage (%) of commission to be quoted by applicant |
Award of contract for engagement of Station Ticket Booking Agent (STBA) at Station over Konkan Railway | ` | (in figures) (in words) |
• Applicant is required to quote the percentage of Commission in the Slab-3 ( more than Rs.1,00,000/- turnover ) but not more than 4%. |
I / We know that selection of STBA will be done on the basis of lowest commission quoted in the Slab-3 (more than Rs.1,00,000/- turnover) as indicated against item no
of the tende documents..
I/We agree to hold this offer open for a period of 180 days from the date of opening of tender and in the event of my/our failing to abide by this offer in any respect whatsoever within the said period. I/we agree that the Earnest Money of Rs.
, for station, which I/We, have deposited with the Railway Regional Manager, Konkan Railway in connection with this tender shall stand forfeited.
I/we have read carefully and understood the terms and conditions of tender and shall strictly follow the same.
The acceptances of this offer by the Konkan Railway either wholly or as a part thereof shall constitute a binding contract between Konkan Railway and me/us.
I undertake that in the event of any false or inaccurate information given above in any respect, the application / license shall be liable to be rejected / cancelled at any time. I shall abide by all the terms and conditions of Station Ticket Booking Agent Scheme prescribed by the Corporation from time to time.
(Name of the Tenderer)
(Signature of the Tenderer)
Annexure -D
(to be submitted on Rs.100/- non-judicial stamp paper)
I Shri/Smt. S/o who is a sole/joint land owner of land located at village
, Taluka , District Survey Nos. hereby certify that, no other member from the family/families of the above sole/joint land is employed in KRCL on the ground of being a landloser, in any form. Also, no other member from the family/families of the above sole/joint land is having any stall/contract over KRCL as a landloser. (For this purpose, the land belonging to the owner(s) in various survey no.s will be considered as a single land holding only and land acquired by Konkan Railway from this would be considered as single acquisition).
Date: Signature of the Applicant
----end of documents----