Effect of Banning of Business Dealings by NPCIL नमूना खंड

Effect of Banning of Business Dealings by NPCIL. In case NPCIL has banned the business dealing with the bidder/contractor, the following shall be the consequences on issuance of the order of banning of business dealings with the bidder/contractor:- 17.4.1. The bidder shall not be allowed to participate in any future tender enquiry. If the bidder has already participated in tender process and the price bids are not opened, his techno-commercial bid will be rejected and price bid will be kept unopened. In cases, where the price bids of bidder have been opened prior to the order of banning, such bids shall be rejected. 17.4.2. The bidder shall not be permitted to participate in any business process in any form or entity i.e. as Associate/Collaborator/Joint Venture Partner/Consortium Partner of the Main Contractor even if the banning order is passed subsequent to opening of Part-I bids. 17.4.3. The bidder shall not be allowed to participate as Sub-Vendor/sub-contractor in the tenders for contracts for works, service and supplies. 17.4.4. Even if, the banned contractor is an approved sub-vendor under any Contract for such equipment/component/service, the Main contractor shall not be permitted to place work order/Purchase order/Service contract on the banned contractor as a sub-vendor after the date of banning even though the name of the party has been approved as a sub-vendor prior to the order of banning. 17.4.5. The completion certificate issued to the contractor shall make a mention regarding banning during execution of the contract. 17.4.6. Banned bidder shall not be permitted to submit the bid. The bid submitted by the banned bidder shall be summarily rejected. 18