Extension of Time नमूना खंड
Extension of Time. Any period within which a Party shall, pursuant to this Contract, complete any action or task, shall be extended for a period equal to the time during which such Party was unable to perform such action as a result of Force Majeure.
Extension of Time. 14.3.1 In the event, the Contract delivery dates cannot be adhered to, an application for extension of time with sufficient reason shall be made by the Contractor to the Purchaser. If failure, on the part of the Contractor to deliver the Stores in schedule time shall have arisen from any causes which the Purchaser may find as reasonable ground for an extension of the delivery time (and his decision shall be final), he may allow such additional time as he may consider justified in the circumstances of the case.
14.3.2 If the Contractor fails to supply and secure extension of Contract delivery date(s) (before effecting the delivery of Stores against the Contract) acceptance of such Stores by the Purchaser, shall not entitle the Contractor to claim payment on account of escalation or extra payment on account of increase of statutory levies that may be payable at higher rates after expiry of contractual delivery date(s).
Extension of Time. 8.1. The completion period as per work Order/GeM contract shall be adhered to strictly. Any Extension of time /delivery amounts to amendment of the contract then Liquidated Damage shall be levied. However, Extension shall be granted only after the successful bidder seeks an extension in writing, however, there should not be any downward trend in the price of the Items of the Purchase Order. In case of any downward Trend, the benefit shall be transferred to AAI.
8.2. However, in case of extraordinary situations like non-readiness of Site, delay on buyer side which may delay the completion of the service as per SLA, then LD shall not be levied. The contractor shall apply for extension of time in writing as per format contained in Annexure-XIII.
8.3. On receipt of the written request, Authority shall issue provisional Extension of Time up to the expected date of completion. This provisional extension of time will be granted without prejudice to the right of AAI to recover the liquidated damages in accordance of provision of relevant clause of agreement. On actual completion date of the work, grant of Final EOT (Extension of time) shall be processed on application by the contractor on prescribed EOT application form given in Annexure-XIII.
8.4. The Extension of Time with or without LD charges is subject to the scrutiny of the reason provided & subject to the approval of the Competent Authority.
Extension of Time. In order to give prospective bidders required time in which to take the amendments into action in preparing their bid, the Institute may at its discretion extend the deadline for Submission of bid suitably.