General नमूना खंड

General. This pre-bid-pre-contract Agreement (hereinafter called the Integrity Pact) is made at place on ---- day of the month of -----, 2021 between Small Industries Development Bank of India, having its Head Office at 00, Xxxxx Xxxx, Lucknow – 226001 and inter alia, its Corporate Office at 2nd Floor, Overseas Towers, 000X, Xxxx Xxxxx, Chennai - 600002 (hereinafter called the “BUYER”/SIDBI, which expression shall mean and include, unless the context otherwise requires, its successors and assigns) of the First Part and M/s - -- represented by Shri ----, Chief Executive Officer (hereinafter called the “BIDDER/Seller” which expression shall mean and include, unless the context otherwise requires, his successors and permitted assigns) of the Second Part.
General. The Consulting Agency shall employ and provide such qualified and experienced Personnel and Sub-consultants as are required to carry out the Services. 8.4.2.
General. 1. Smoking and chewing pan/ tobacco/ gutkha / any other drugs, consumption of alcohol etc. are prohibited in the building. 2. The contractor shall take all precautions to avoid accidents and causes of accidents. He must be careful regarding safety during working of his staff in the premises. 3. Security guards will not be allowed to stay overnight in the said premises after their duty hours and they will not be entitled to kitchen/Stay/housing facility in the said premises. We/I agree to the safety conditions and to ensure compliance with the same fully. Signature of the tenderer with seal Date: Place: National Bank for Agriculture and Rural Development SPECIAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS – Scope of Work (Part A) Annual Maintenance Contract for Security Services & Security Guards for its office premises at Rajasthan Regional Office, 0, Xxxxx Xxxxx, Xxxx Xxxx, Jaipur and staff quarter at Balaji Mod, Malviya Nagar, Jaipur 1. The Contractor shall provide security arrangements against pilferage, thefts and for protection of properties and maintenance of peace and order within the above said premises to the satisfaction of the National Bank. This contract shall be for a period from 01 April 2022 to 31 March 2025. In the event of National Bank requiring the security services for further periods after the expiry of the initial period, it shall make a request in writing in this behalf to the Contractor one month prior to the termination of these presents and upon such request, the Contractor shall provide security services to the National Bank for the said premises on the same terms and conditions. The Contract period will be subject to annual review and renewal on satisfactory performance each year. The contract period may be extended further depending upon the discretion of the Bank. However, the Bank reserves the right to terminate the services of the agency by giving one month notice if the services are found to be unsatisfactory. 2. No overtime allowance or any compensation of any other kind shall be payable by National Bank to any person including supervisor employed by the Contractor for duties at the said premises. 3. National Bank shall deduct income tax and other taxes which it may be required under any law for the time being in force from the payment to be made to the Contractor for the services rendered to National Bank. 4. During the continuance of this contract or such extended time, the contractor shall provide security guards at the said premises as per t...
General. 16.1 Marginal notes and headings are for guidance only and are not intended to be read or construed as part of this Agreement. 16.2 No amendment to this Agreement shall be effective unless it is in writing and signed by duly authorized representatives of both parties. 16.3 Each party warrants and guarantees that it has full power and authority to enter into and perform this Agreement, and the person signing this Agreement on behalf of each has been properly authorized and empowered to enter into this Agreement. Each party further acknowledged that it has read this Agreement, understands it, and agrees to be bound by it. 16.4 Compliance of observations on Vulnerability Assessment (VA) & Penetration Testing (PT) should be conducted on critical assets wherever applicable on quarterly basis. 16.5 All the stipulations, terms and conditions of contract mentioned in the tender document (RFP) shall also apply. 16.6 Words importing the singular include the plural and vice versa.
General a) The vendor will be required to enter into a contract with NIFT for executing the AMC by signing a Service Level Agreement (SLA). b) NIFT reserves the right for any reduction/increase in the scope of work and the same shall be awarded to the vendor at the same Unit Rate mentioned in their bid. c) NIFT- reserve the right to cancel the whole tender Process at any stage in the interest of NIFT, without assigning any reasons whatsoever and also the rights to waive any minor discrepancy in the tenders received. d) The bidder shall also give particulars of the banker(s), for reference to NIFT. 14.
General. The Licensee hereby agrees to fulfil all technical and commercial requirements set forth in the Bid as well as all the commitments made in its response to the Bid. Without prejudice to the aforesaid, it is represented by the Licensee that all services will be performed in a professional manner by its personnel and that the said performance by Licensee shall be in accordance with the‘Desired Performance Levels’ as described in Special Condition of Contract –II and as communicated by Railway from time to time. The Licensee warrants that during the Term of this Agreement, the Licensee shall at all times be responsible for ensuring that the catering service at the SMU is undertaken with utmost care and diligence. The Licensee also hereby assures Railway of the quality, suitability and the warranties of all the food and related services under the Agreement, over and above the ‘Desired Performance Levels’ assured to Railway. The Licensee represents and warrants that the principle liability for the quality, suitability and warranties for catering service shall be of the Licensee and that all products will be in conformity with the requirements of the law as well as those stipulated by Railway from time to time. The Licensee hereby covenants that no exception to the liability, guarantee & assurance of the Licensee shall apply with regard to food and the services thereof. 6.2
General. It is agreed by Railway that the principal obligation upon Railway towards the Licensee under the Agreement, shall be to render assistance (as mutually agreed by the parties) to the Licensee during the finalization of the plan for commencement of operations. If the Licensee requires any xxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxx from Railway in addition to assistance mutually agreed by the parties, then the same may be conveyed by the Licensee to Railway which request shall not be unreasonably denied by Railway. The Railway shall issue authority to the Licensee and its staff for providing services on the SMU. 7.2
General. This pre-bid-pre-contract Agreement (hereinafter called the Integrity Pact) is made at place on ---- day of the month of , 2015 between Small Industries Development Bank of India, having its Head Office at 00, Xxxxx Xxxx, Lucknow – 226001 (hereinafter called the “BUYER”/”SIDBI”, which expression shall mean and include, unless the context otherwise requires, its successors and assigns) of the First Part and M/s --- represented by Shri ----, Chief Executive Officer (hereinafter called the “BIDDER/Seller” which expression shall mean and include, unless the context otherwise requires, his successors and permitted assigns) of the Second Part.
General. 19.1.1 The Bidders are expected to examine all instructions, forms, terms and specifications in the bidding documents. Failure to furnish all information required by the bidding documents may result in the rejection of its bid and will be at the bidder's own risk. 19.1.2 Information provided in this RfP is organized in several sections to bring clarity and help the reader to understand quickly. However, Bidder must take into consideration each and every line of this RfP document as a whole while responding. Bidder must get the doubts, if any, clarified by SIDBI before submitting the responses. The bids submitted should be complete in all respect meeting all deliverables under the project. It will be sole responsibility of the selected bidder to deliver each and everything as per the scope of the project during the contracted period. SIDBI shall not be responsible in case of bidder’s failure to notice any information, any requirement is underestimated, not understood or any requirement is not interpreted in right direction during preparation/submitting the response. 19.1.3 Unless expressly overridden by the specific agreement to be entered into between the Bank and the successful Bidder, the RfP shall be the governing document for arrangement between the Bank and the Bidders. 19.2
General. क) सिडबी उधारकर्ााओं के मामिे में हस्र्क्षेप करने िे परहेज करेगा, सििाय उन मामिों के प्जनके सिए ऋण मंजूरह िंबंधी दस्र्ािेजों की शर्ों में प्रािधान हों (जब र्क कक ऐिी कोई नई जानकारह सिडबी के ध्यान में न आई हो, जो उधारकर्ाा ने पहिे न दह हो)। a) SIDBI would restrain from interference in the affairs of the borrowers except for what is provided in the terms and conditions of the loan sanction documents (unless new information, not earlier disclosed by the borrower has come to the notice of SIDBI). ख) सिडबी ऋण प्रदायगी के मामिे में सिग, जानर् और धमा र्था राजनीनर्क विचारधाराओं के आधार पर कोई भेदभाि नहहं करेगा। ककनर्ु यह प्रािधान िमाज के कमज़ोर िगों के सिए र्ैयार की गई ऋण िहबद्ध योजनाओं में सिडबी को भाग िेने िे नहहं रोकर्ा है। b) SIDBI would not discriminate on grounds of sex, caste, religion and political ideologies in the matter of lending. However, this does not preclude SIDBI from participating in credit linked schemes framed for weaker sections of the society. ग) सिडबी वित्र्पोवषर् भांडार (स्टॉक) और/या आप्स्र्यों के ित्यापन के सिए अपने कमाचाररयों या प्राचधकृ र् प्रनर्ननचधयों के माध्यम िे उधारकर्ााओं के पररिरों का ननरहक्षण करने का अपना अचधकार िरक्षक्षर् रखगाे । ऋण ििि ह के मामिे में, सिडबी ऋणों की ििि ह का काया बदहर्स्रोर् (आउटिोिा) करर्े िमय भा.रर.बक के मौज ा ददशाननदेशों का पािन करेगा। c) SIDBI will reserve its right to undertake visits, either by its staff or authorised representatives, to the borrowers’ premises for verification of the stocks and/or assets financed. In the matter of recovery of loans, SIDBI would comply with the extant guidelines of RBI when outsourcing the recovery of loans. घ) उधार खार्े के अंर्रण के िंबंध में उधारकर्ाा िे अथिा खार्े के अचधग्रहण के सिए ककिी बक / वित्र्ीय िंस्था िे अनुरोध प्रातर् होने पर, सिडबी की िहमनर् अथिा अिहमनर्, अथाार् ् आपप्त्र्, यदद हो, की ि ना िामानयर्ः ऐिा अनरोध समिने की नर्चथ िे 21 कायाददििों के भीर्र दह जाएगी। d) In case of receipt of request for transfer of borrowal account, either from borrower or from a bank/ financial institution, which proposes to take over the account, the consent or otherwise i.e. objection of SIDBI, if any, would normally be conveyed within 21 working days from the date of receipt of request. 6.