Details of Bids to be submitted. 4.14.1. The bid shall consist of Pre-qualification / minimum eligibility criteria, Technical Bid and Commercial Bid.
4.14.2. Bidders are required to submit their responses in non-window sealed envelops and duly marked the tender number and the content details.
4.14.3. The RFP response documents should be submitted in paper copies of the following:
i. Envelope 1: (2 sets – 1 Original + 1 Photocopy) A sealed envelope containing full particulars of eligibility criteria (should be super scribed "ELIGIBILITY CRITERIA for Engagement of a Consultant for carrying out “GAP Analysis” for the application to sanction journey of Direct Credit Business”. A. Sub Envelope 1 should contain the application money demand draft and should be super scribed as "APPLICATION MONEY FOR Engagement of a Consultant for carrying out “GAP Analysis” for the application to sanction journey of Direct Credit Business " B. Sub Envelope 2 should contain the EMD - demand draft OR BANK GUARANTEE and should be super scribed as "EARNEST MONEY DEPOSIT FOR Engagement of a Consultant for carrying out “GAP Analysis” for the application to sanction journey of Direct Credit Business ".
ii. Envelope 2 (2 sets – 1 Original + 1 Photocopy) A sealed envelope containing Technical Bid documents should be super scribed "TECHNICAL BID FOR Engagement of a Consultant for carrying out “GAP Analysis” for the application to sanction journey of Direct Credit Business". The envelope should contain sub-envelope with the following: RFP No. 314/2022/1681/HO1/DCV Issued on January 05,2022 Page:16 of 98 Sub Envelope 1 should contain the hard copy of the Technical Bid documents and should be super-scribed "TECHNICAL BID FOR ENGAGEMENT OF AN AGENCY FOR Engagement of a Consultant for carrying out “GAP Analysis” for the application to sanction journey of Direct Credit Business "
iii. Envelope 3:
iv. Envelope 4: A sealed envelope containing Financial Bid Document should be super scribed "FINANCIAL BID FOR Engagement of a Consultant for carrying out “GAP Analysis” for the application to sanction journey of Direct Credit Business ".
v. Envelope 5:
4.14.4. The proposal should be prepared in English in MSWord / Excel/ PDF format. All correspondence will be in English. All forms may please be filled in Arial 12 Font in double spacing format. The Bid shall be typed in indelible ink and shall be signed by the Bidder or a person or persons duly authorized by the Bidder to bind the Bidder to the contract. The person or persons signing t...
Details of Bids to be submitted. 4.10.1. The bid shall consist of Eligibility Criteria and Technical Bids and Commercial Bid.
4.10.2. Bidders are required to submit as under. File 1 – Pre-qualification Documents (Search enabled soft copy pdf file (one file only with proper indexation) of submitted documents to be mailed to xxxxx@xxxxx.xx ) a. Bid Covering letter Annexure – I b. Pre-qualification Criteria Annexure – II c. Self-Declaration for non-backlisting Annexure - IV d. Letter of Competence Annexure - V e. Power of Attorney Annexure - VI f. Letter of Conformity Annexure - VII g. Statement of Deviations Annexure - X h. Pre-Contract Integrity Pact Annexure - XIII File 2 – Eligibility Criteria and Technical Bids (Password protected pdf file) (Search enabled soft copy (one file only with proper indexation) of submitted documents to be mailed to xxxxx@xxxxx.xx ) a. Technical Bid with all relevant Annexures and proof Xxxxxxxx - XXX b. Proposed Team Profile Annexure - XIV c. Land Border Sharing Declaration Annexure - XV File 3 – Commercial Bid (Password protected pdf file) to be mailed to xxxxx@xxxxx.xx ) Commercial Bid Annexure – XI a. Non-Disclosure Agreement Annexure – VIII b. Bank Mandate Form Annexure - IX c. Performance Bank Guarantee Annexure – XII
4.10.3. All the three files to be mailed to xxxxx@xxxxx.xx with subject titled “RfP for Appointment of Consultant for ‘Preparation and implementation of Risk Assessment & Monitoring Framework for Bank’s NBFC portfolio’”. The mail should contain contact details of the bidder. If the files are not password protected as indicated above, the Bank will assume no responsibility.