List of items needed for procurement नमूना खंड

List of items needed for procurement. Sl. No. Printer Model Cartridge Model Total quantity required over a period of one year 1 HP CLJ 1600 HP 124 A 01 2 CANON IMAGE CLASS SPS 925 28 3 HP LJ P 1566 HP 78 A 01 4 SAMSUNG SCX 4300 MLT D-109S 04 5 SAMSUNG ML 2161 MLT D-101S 20 6 HP P2015D HP 53A 32 7 HP P 1160 HP 49A 04 8 CANON FX L170 328 04 9 CANON FX L140 FX-9 04 10 HP LJP1106 88A 27 11 HP LJP1505 HP 36A 04