Refund of EMD नमूना खंड

Refund of EMD. 4.1. EMD of all unsuccessful bidder who get rejected in Technical bid shall be refunded without interest or any other expenses, within 1 month of rejection of their bids. 4.2. EMD of all eligible bidders whose financials bids are opened (except the confirmed lowest bidder) shall be refunded without interest or any other expense, within 1 month after acceptance of the GeM contract by the successful bidder. 4.3. EMD of the successful bidder will be refunded after the signing of the Contract and submission of the performance bank guarantee in the prescribed Performa as per Annexure-XI and subsequently verification of the Bank guarantee through SFMS. AAI shall refund the same amount in INR as received from bidders towards EMD with no interest or any other expenses, whatsoever, in any manner to the bidder or its authorized representative. 4.4. If due any reason AAI cancels this bid, then EMD of all bidders without any interest shall be returned to the bidder or its authorized representative/ signatory/partner. 4.5. The EMD amount shall be forfeited in the following events- 4.5.1. Bidder’s EMD shall be forfeited if the Bidder withdraws or amends its bid or breach of the conditions or the tender of impairs or derogates from the tender in any respect within the period of validity of the tender. 4.5.2. If the successful bidder fails to enter into a contract with AAI within 30 calendar days (or an extended period as approved by the Accepting Authority in AAI) after the receipt of the purchase order/work order/GeM contract. 4.5.3. If the successful bidder fails to submit the contract performance Bank Guarantee as stipulated in clause 6 of this section with AAI within 30 calendar days (or an extended period as approved by the Accepting Authority in AAI) after acceptance of the purchase order/work order/GeM contract. 4.5.4. If the bidder knowingly and willfully supplied incorrect information in the tender. 4.5.5. In the event of not accepting the conditions of the contract even after agreeing to do so and submitting the letter of un-conditional acceptance of terms and conditions of the tender. 4.5.6. If bidder fails to accept the GeM contract beyond the specified time of GeM portal for acceptance of the contract. 4.5.7. Should a bidder have a relation or relations employed in AAI in the capacity of an officer, the authority inviting tender, the same shall be informed. In the event of failure to inform and in a situation where it is established that the relation or rela...
Refund of EMD. 4.1. The EMD of all unsuccessful bidders will be returned only after opening of financial bid. 4.2. The EMD of the successful bidder will be returned after the bidder provides the performance guarantee, as required in Para 4 of this section of the tender document. 4.3. If the successful bidder fails to enter into a contract with AAI within 15 calendar days after the receipt of the work order as specified, EMD amount shall be forfeited. 4.4. If the successful bidder fails to submit the performance guarantee as stipulated in Para 4 of this section within 30 calendar days after the receipt of the purchase order / work order, EMD amount shall be forfeited. 4.5. In the event of not accepting the conditions of the contract even after agreeing to do so and submitting the letter of un-conditional acceptance of terms & conditions as per Annexure-2, EMD amount shall be forfeited. 4.6. No interest or any other expenses, whatsoever, will be payable by AAI on the EMD in any manner.