Rodent Control treatment नमूना खंड

Rodent Control treatment. 1 Providing Rodent control services in the entire premises, by supplying and using, rodent control devices / method / materials, such as Rodent Traps, Glue boards, Poison Cakes, smoking of the burrows or any other methods / devices, approved by the Bank's Officials, to effectively control and eliminate the Rodent menace, in the premises. Treatments have to be done at appropriate intervals as per the instructions of the Bank's officials, to have effective control of Rodents, within the Premises. , Required number / quantity of devices / materials as required 12.00 As and when required but not less than once in a week. 1.00 L.S per month. for effective control of Rodents, as instructed by the Bank's Officials, have to be supplied and required treatments to be at required intervals to effectively control and eliminate Rodent menace in the entire premises. The bidders, shall furnish the details of treatment for which they have quoted including nature of treatment and type/name of insecticides / pesticides / rodenticides proposed to be used. (Attach separate sheet). The periodicity specified is the maximum interval between two consecutive treatments. In case it is found necessary, by the Bank, the contractor shall provide additional treatment(s) to eradicate the general pest / vector (mosquito) / rodent, menace. The rate for general pest control, also includes, removal of bee hives, if any, found within the premises. The bidders are, advised to inspect and get acquainted themselves about the extent, type & scope of treatments to be carried out and conditions and topography required before quoting their rates. The tender shall be valid for a period of three Months from the date of opening of Part I.
Rodent Control treatment. 1 Providing Rodent control services in the entire premises, by supplying and using, rodent control devices / method / materials, such as Rodent Traps, Glue boards, Poison Cakes, smoking of the burrows or any other methods / devices, approved by the Bank's Officials, to effectively control and eliminate the Rodent menace, in the premises. Treatments have to be done at appropriate intervals as per the instructions of the Bank's officials, to have effective control of Rodents, within the Premises. , Required number / quantity of devices / materials as required for effective control of Rodents, as instructed by the Bank's Officials, have to be supplied and required treatments to be at required intervals to effectively control and eliminate Rodent menace in the entire premises. 12.00 As and when required but not less than once in a week. 1.00 L.S per month.