Show Cause Notice नमूना खंड

Show Cause Notice. 17.2.1. NPCIL will issue Show Cause Notice to the Contractor on noticing/receipt of a complaint of any irregularities and /or misconduct and /or unethical practice as mentioned in clause no. 17.1. 17.2.2. Upon receipt of Show cause notice, the Contractor is required to submit the reply to Show Cause Notice within 30 days of its receipt and no extension shall be given without justifiable reasons. The Contractor shall also be given an opportunity for oral hearing to present the case in person to NPCIL and the date of Oral Hearing will be indicated in the Show Cause Notice. Only the regular employees of Contractor will be permitted to represent the Contractor during the Oral hearing, and no outsider shall be allowed to represent the Contractor on their behalf. 17.3.