Substitution of Programme Team Members नमूना खंड
Substitution of Programme Team Members. Given the large -scale HR interventions, which may need to be undertaken by SIDBI every year, the Empanelled Consultant (s) are expected to deploy appropriate quality and number o f resources for providing solutions in SIDBI. The strength and quality of team will be specifically evaluated during the techn o-commercial evaluation for each assignment . SIDBI reserves the right to insist the Empanelled Consultant (s) to replace any team member with another (with the qualifications and expertise as required by SIDBI) during the course of assignment. The respondent will have to undertake t hat no such substitution would delay the project timelines.
Substitution of Programme Team Members. During the assignment, the substitution of key staff identified for the assignment will not be allowed unless such substitution becomes unavoidable to overcome the undue delay or that such changes are critical to meet the obligation. In such circumstances, the selected Consultant, as the case maybe, can do so only with the prior written concurrence of SIDBI and by providing the replacement staff of the same level of qualifications and competence. If the Bank is not satisfied with the substitution, the Bank reserves the right to terminate the contract and recover whatever payments (including past payments and payment made in advance) made by the Bank to the selected Consultant during the course of the assignment pursuant to this RFP besides claiming an amount equal to the contract value as penalty. However, the Bank reserves the unconditional right to insist the selected Consultant to replace any team member with another (with the qualifications and competence as required by the Bank) during the course of assignment pursuant to this RFP.