Disbursement Primjeri odredbi

Disbursement. 3.1 Requesting disbursements. As soon as all conditions precedent to disbursement pursuant to Article 3.3 (Conditions precedent to disbursement) hereof are fulfilled, KfW will disburse the Loan in accordance with the progress of the Project and upon request of the Borrower through the Project Coordinating Agency. Disbursements will be made in accordance with the Disbursement Schedule contained in Annex 1 (Disbursement Schedule) to this Loan Agreement. KfW will make disbursements only up to the maximum amounts determined for each disbursement period specified in Annex 1. To the extent the Borrower through the Project Coordinating Agency requests disbursement of lower amounts within any such period the undisbursed amounts may be requested in any of the next ensuing periods. With the exception of the last disbursement, KfW is not obligated to make disbursements of less than EUR 300,000.00.
Disbursement. 3.1 Requesting disbursements. As soon as all conditions precedent to disbursement pursuant to Article 3.3 hereof are fulfilled, KfW will disburse the Loan in accordance with the progress of the Programme and upon request of the Borrower. Disbursements will be made in accordance with the disbursement schedule contained in Annex 1 to this Loan Agreement. KfW will make disbursements only up to the maximum amounts determined for each half-year. To the extent the Borrower requests disbursement of lower amounts within any half-year the undisbursed amounts may be requested in any of the next ensuing half-year periods. With the exception of the last disbursement, KfW is not obligated to make disbursements of less than EUR 10,000.00.
Disbursement. 2.1 Request for disbursement. As soon as all conditions precedent to disbursement pursuant to Article 2.3 are fulfilled, KfW will disburse the Loan in accordance with the progress of the Project upon request of the Borrower. Disbursement will be effected in accordance with the disbursement schedule contained in Annex 1 to this Loan Agreement. KfW will make disbursements only up to the maximum amounts determined for each half-year. To the extent the Borrower requests disbursement of lower amounts within any half-year the undisbursed amounts may be requested in any subsequent half-year period. With the exception of the last disbursement, KfW is not obligated to effect disbursements in an amount of less than EUR 150,000.-.
Disbursement. 3.1 Request for disbursement. As soon as all conditions precedent to disburse- ment pursuant to Article 3.3 is fulfilled, KfW will disburse the Loan in accord- ance with the progress of the Programme Water Supply and Wastewater Treatment in Medium-Sized Municipalities in Serbia III upon request of the Borrower. Disbursement will be effected in accordance with the disburse- ment schedule contained in Annex 1 to this Loan Agreement. KfW will make disbursements only up to the maximum amounts determined for each year. To the extent the Borrower requests disbursement of lower amounts within any half year the undisbursed amounts may be requested in any subse- quent half year period.
Disbursement. 2.1 Requesting disbursements. As soon as all conditions precedent to disbursement pursuant to Article 2.3 (Conditions precedent to disbursement) hereof are fulfilled, KfW will disburse the Loan in accordance with the progress of the Project and upon request of the Borrower, in this regard represented by the the Project Executing Agency. Disbursements will be made in accordance with the Disbursement Schedule contained in Annex 1 (Disbursement Schedule) to this Loan Agreement. KfW will make disbursements only up to the maximum amounts determined for each disbursement period specified in Annex 1 (Disbursement Schedule). To the extent the Borrower requests disbursement of lower amounts within any such period the undisbursed amounts may be requested in any of the next ensuing periods. With the exception of the last disbursement, KfW is not obligated to make disbursements of less than EUR 200,000,00.
Disbursement. 3.1 Requesting disbursements. As soon as all conditions precedent to disbursement pursuant to Article 3.3 (Conditions precedent to disbursement) hereof are fulfilled, KfW will disburse the Loan in accordance with the progress of the Programme and upon request of the Borrower, in this regard represented by the MCTI. Disbursements will be made in accordance with the Disbursement Schedule contained in Annex 1 (Disbursement Schedule) to this Loan Agreement. KfW will make disbursements only up to the maximum amounts determined for each disbursement period specified in Annex 1. To the extent the Borrower requests disbursement of lower amounts within any such period the undisbursed amounts may be requested in any of the next ensuing periods. With the exception of the last disbursement, KfW is not obligated to make disbursements of less than EUR 200,000.00.

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