Expenditure Verification Report Primjeri odredbi

Expenditure Verification Report. The Partner Country shall provide to the CEB an expenditure verification report provided by an external auditor whereby such auditor shall have been chosen and such report shall have been prepared in accordance with the terms of reference set out in Appendix D {Terms ofreferencefor an expenditure verification ofa CHP Support Grant receivedfrom the CEB) hereto (such report, the “Expenditure Verification Report”) satisfactory to the CEB. Each such Expenditure Verification Report, same as the Progress Reports, shall cover the immediately preceding project implementation period and shall be provided as soon as it becomes available but no later than 14 calendar days after the end of each Reporting Period with the first Reporting Date under this Country Housing Project Support Grant Agreement falling on 15 May 2016. These Expenditure Verification Reports must be deemed satisfactory to CEB before any further disbursements may be made. The last Expenditure Verification Report with respect to the last project implementation period 1 March 2016 to 31 August 2016 under the Agreement is due, together with the Completion Report, on the Completion Date. Any Expenditure Verification Report shall be produced by an external auditor contracted by the Partner Country in compliance with CEB’s Procurement Guidelines and subject to CEB’s ex-xxxx approval.

Related to Expenditure Verification Report

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  • Raspored radnog vremena Članak 42.

  • Zaštita podataka Korisnik financiranja i Partneri obvezuju se na zaštitu osobnih podataka u skladu sa Zakonom o zaštiti osobnih podataka i drugim važećim propisima. Ako formalno nije drugačije definirano, Korisnik financiranja i Partneri imaju pravo vlasništva nad rezultatima projekta, izvješćima i drugim dokumentima vezanim uz projekt, uključujući autorska prava i prava industrijskog vlasništva. Bez obzira na odredbe prethodnog stavka Xxxxxxxx financiranja i Partneri osiguravaju davatelju financijskih sredstava da slobodno i prema svojem nahođenju koriste sve dokumente koje proizlaze iz projekta, pod uvjetom da ne krše odredbe o zaštiti osobnih podataka i postojeća prava industrijskog i intelektualnog vlasništva.

  • PONUDBENI LIST (Obrazac I, Obrazac II, Obrazac III)


  • PODACI O PREDMETU NABAVE 2.1. Opis predmeta nabave

  • Prekovremeni rad Članak 43.

  • Preraspodjela radnog vremena Članak 25.

  • Naknada troškova Član 118

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