PROJECT IMPLEMENTATION. The Borrower shall implement the Project in accordance with the Agreement. The Borrower designates Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development (MoE) as the Project Implementing Entity (PIE) and the Public Investment Management Office (PIMO) is the Project Implementing Unit (PIU). PIMO is entrusted with specific implementation tasks, including but not limited to procurement, management of consultants, financial management (accounting and payments), reporting, evaluation, monitoring and control. The Project coordination interlocutor from PIMO shall be the Project Coordinator, who shall coordinate Project activities among all Serbia’s stakeholders, and report to CEB. The Borrower shall ensure that the PIU appointed by the PIE is appropriately staffed and equipped throughout the Project implementation period, to the satisfaction of CEB. In any event, the Borrower remains solely liable to comply with its obligations under the Agreement. Failure to comply with the undertakings set forth hereby under Clause 5 would constitute, irrespective of any other applicable provision of the Loan Regulations, an event in the terms of Article 3.3 (h) of the Loan Regulations and may give rise to (i) the relevant Sub-project expenditure declared ineligible for Allocation under the Project; and/or (ii) the early reimbursement, suspension or cancellation of the Loan, in whole or in part, under the terms of Articles 3.3 (Early reimbursement of disbursed loans), 3.5 (Suspension by the Bank of undisbursed loans) and 3.6 (Cancellation by the Bank of undisbursed loans) of the Loan Regulations.
PROJECT IMPLEMENTATION. The Borrower shall implement the Project in accordance with the Agreement. The Borrower designates the Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development (MoESTD) as the Project Implementing Entity (PIE) and the Public Sector Project Implementations Unit Ltd. Belgrade is the Project Implementing Unit (PIU). The PIU is entrusted with specific implementation tasks, including but not limited to procurement, management of consultants, financial management (accounting and payments), reporting, evaluation, monitoring and control. The PIE shall ensure that the PIU is appropriately staffed and equipped throughout the Project implementation period, to the satisfaction of CEB. In any event, the Borrower remains solely liable to comply with its obligations under the Agreement. Failure to comply with the undertakings set forth hereby under Clause 5 would constitute, irrespective of any other applicable provision of the Loan Regulations, an event in the terms of Article 3.3 (h) of the Loan Regulations and may give rise to (i) the relevant Sub‑project expenditure declared ineligible for Allocation under the Project; and/or (ii) the early reimbursement, suspension or cancellation of the Loan, in whole or in part, under the terms of Articles 3.3 (Early reimbursement of disbursed loans), 3.5 (Suspension by the Bank of undisbursed loans) and 3.6 (Cancellation by the Bank of undisbursed loans) of the Loan Regulations. Duty of Care The Borrower through the PIE and PIU shall apply all care and diligence, and shall exercise all typically used means (including, but not limited to, legal, financial, managerial and technical) required for the proper implementation of the Project.
PROJECT IMPLEMENTATION. (1) training of the PIU staff on project management, procurement and financial management;
PROJECT IMPLEMENTATION. The Borrower shall implement the Project in accordance with the Agreement. The Borrower is the Republic of Serbia, acting through the Ministry of Finance (MoF). The Borrower designates the Ministry of Justice (MoJ) as the Project Implementing Entity (PIE). The entity in charge of the project’s implementation is the Project Implementation Unit (PIU), operating under the Administration for the Execution of Criminal Sanctions of the Ministry of Justice. The PIE shall ensure that the PIU is appropriately staffed and equipped throughout the Project implementation period, to the satisfaction of CEB. The Ministry of Justice has delegated the following competencies and tasks to the PIU: Coordination of activities with local governments and public utility companies, related to urban planning, construction of utility infrastructure, land acquisition, connection of facilities to infrastructure; Preparation of tender documentation and hiring of a designer and other services, goods and works; verification and evaluation of bids, reports and communication with the CEB and contracting; Preparation of project documentation for the new prison facility: project workshops, monitoring and approval; support for obtaining all necessary permits; Coordination between experts, firms, suppliers or contractors and the Ministry of Justice during implementation of the Project, as necessary; and Planning of financing from the state budget, loan and grants, execution of payments and financial monitoring and reporting. In any event, the Borrower remains solely liable to comply with its obligations under the Agreement. Failure to comply with the undertakings set forth hereby under Clause 5 would constitute, irrespective of any other applicable provision of the Loan Regulations, an event in the terms of Article 3.3 (h) of the Loan Regulations and may give rise to (i) the relevant Sub‑project expenditure declared ineligible for Allocation under the Project; and/or (ii) the early reimbursement, suspension or cancellation of the Loan, in whole or in part, under the terms of Articles 3.3 (Early reimbursement of disbursed loans), 3.5 (Suspension by the Bank of undisbursed loans) and 3.6 (Cancellation by the Bank of undisbursed loans) of the Loan Regulations. Duty of Care The Borrower through the PIE and PIU shall apply all care and diligence, and shall exercise all typically used means (including, but not limited to, legal, financial, managerial and technical) required for the proper implementa...
PROJECT IMPLEMENTATION. The Borrower shall implement the Project in accordance with the Agreement. The Borrower designates Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development as the PIE. The Borrower shall ensure that the PIE appoints a PIU appropriately staffed and equipped throughout the Project implementation period, to the satisfaction of CEB. In any event, the Borrower remains solely liable to comply with its obligations under the Agreement. Failure to comply with the undertakings set forth hereby under Clause 5 would constitute, irrespective of any other applicable provision of the Loan Regulations, an event in the terms of Article 3.3 (h) of the Loan Regulations and may give rise to (i) the relevant Sub-project expenditure declared ineligible for Allocation under the Project; and/or (ii) the early reimbursement, suspension or cancellation of the Loan, in whole or in part, under the terms of Articles 3.3 (Early reimbursement of disbursed loans), 3.5 (Suspension by the Bank of undisbursed loans) and 3.6 (Cancellation by the Bank of undisbursed loans) of the Loan Regulations.
PROJECT IMPLEMENTATION. The Borrower shall implement the Project in accordance with the Agreement. The Borrower is the Republic of Serbia, acting through the Ministry of Finance (MoF). The Borrower designates the Ministry of Justice (MoJ) as the Project Implementing Entity (PIE). The entity in charge of the project’s implementation is the Project Implementation Unit (PIU), operating under the Administration for the Execution of Criminal Sanctions of the Ministry of Justice. The PIE shall ensure that the PIU is appropriately staffed and equipped throughout the Project implementation period, to the satisfaction of CEB. The Ministry of Justice has delegated the following competencies and tasks to the PIU:
PROJECT IMPLEMENTATION. The Borrower shall implement the Project in accordance with the Agreement. The Borrower has designated the MSTDI as the Project Implementing Entity (PIE), the MPI as the Project Implementing Unit (PIU), and BIO4 as the Project’s beneficiary. MPI is entrusted with specific implementation tasks, including but not limited to procurement, management of consultants, financial management (accounting and payments), reporting, evaluation, monitoring and control. The Project coordination interlocutor from MPI shall organize Project activities among all stakeholders, and report to CEB. The PIE and PIU shall ensure appropriate staff and equipment throughout the Project implementation period, to the satisfaction of CEB. In any event, the Borrower remains solely liable to comply with its obligations under the Agreement. Failure to comply with the undertakings set forth hereby under Clause 5 would constitute, irrespective of any other applicable provision of the Loan Regulations, an event in the terms of Article 3.3 (h) of the Loan Regulations and may give rise to (i) the relevant contract expenditure declared ineligible for Allocation under the Project; and/or (ii) the early reimbursement, suspension or cancellation of the Loan, in whole or in part, under the terms of Articles 3.3 (Early reimbursement of disbursed loans),


  • Neplaćeni dopust Članak 60.

  • Jezik i pismo ponude Ponuda se dostavlja na jednom od službenih jezika u Bosni i Hercegovini, na latiničnom ili ćirilićnom pismu. Sva ostala dokumentacija uz ponudu xxxx biti na jednom od službenih jezika u Bosni i Hercegovini. Dokumentacija može biti i na drugom jeziku, ali u xxx slučaju se obavezno prilaže i prevod ovlaštenog sudskog tumača za jezik sa kojeg je prevod izvršen za dijelove dokumentacije iz kojih će se vršiti ocjena kvalifikovanosti ponuđača i prihvatljivosti ponude.

  • Definicije pojmova (1) U ovom sporazumu sledeći izrazi znače:

  • Plaćeni dopust Članak 43.

  • Godišnji odmor Članak 52.

  • Preraspodjela radnog vremena Članak 25.

  • PROGRAM PUTOVANJA PO ZAHTEVU PUTNIKA I POJEDINAČNE USLUGE 15.1. Program putovanja po zahtevu Putnika: Individualno putovanje (dalje: Program po zahtevu) Putnika jeste kombinacija dve ili više usluga, kao i višednevni boravak koji uključuje samo uslugu smeštaja u određenim terminima, koji se ne nalazi u ponudi Organizatora, odnosno koji Organizator nije prethodno objavio, već ga je sačinio po zahtevu Putnika. Na Program po zahtevu, analogno se primenjuju odredbe prethodnih tačaka ovih Opštih uslova, ako ovom tačkom nije drugačije regulisano. Putnik ima pravo da odustane od Ugovora, o čemu xx xxxxx, pismeno izvestiti Organizatora. Datum pismenog otkaza Ugovora predstavlja osnov za obračun naknade koja pripada Organizatoru, izražene procentualno u odnosu na ukupnu cenu zahtevanog putovanja, ako Programom nije drugačije određeno i to: Ukoliko Putnik blagovremeno otkaže putovanje (90 do 60 xxxx), Organizator ima pravo naknade samo učinjenih administrativnih troškova. 15 % ako se putovanje otkaže od 60 do 30 xxxx pre početka putovanja, 20 % ako se otkaže 29 do 20 xxxx pre početka putovanja, 40 % ako se otkaže 19 do 15 xxxx pre početka putovanja, 80 % ako se otkaže 14 do 10 xxxx pre početka putovanja, 90 % ako se otkaže 9 do 6 xxxx pre početka putovanja, 100 % ako se otkaže 5 xxxx pre početka putovanja ili u toku putovanja.

  • Tehničke specifikacije U slučajevima u xxxxxx xx naručitelj prihvatio ponudu: • koja u izrazito malom dijelu (5% vrijednosti ugovora) ne udovoljava tehničkim specifikacijama koje su tražene dokumentacijom x xxxxxx • xxxx xx nepravilnim postupanjem zahvaćena neznatna vrijednost ugovorenog troškovnika • xxxx xx ponuda odabranog ponuditelja bila jedina (valjana) ponuda • i/ili xxxx xx sporni dio tehničke specifikacije sporedne prirode u odnosu na predmet nabave, uslijed čega prihvaćanje izmijenjene stavke troškovnika nije narušilo principe fer tržišnog natjecanja, moguće je navedeno postupanje okarakterizirati kao formalni propust bez financijskog učinka. slučajevima, moguće je odstupiti od razine financijske korekcije xxxxxx u ovim Pravilima


  • CENE I SADRŽAJ USLUGA Organizator prodaje turističko putovanje po prodajnoj ceni koja se iskazuje u jedinstvenom iznosu. Prodajna cena može biti iskazane u dinarima i u stranoj valuti. Kada su cene iskazane u stranoj valuti, a obračun uplata se vrši u dinarima primenjuje se zvanični srednji kurs dinara na xxx uplate. Cene su formirane na osnovu poslovne politike Organizatora i ne mogu biti predmet prigovora Putnika. Usluge izvršene u inostranstvu (koje nisu unapred ugovorene i plaćene) Putnik plaća na licu xxxxx neposrednom izvršiocu usluge. Prodajna cena iz Ugovora sadrži sve one troškove koji čine neodvojiv deo neophodan za realizaciju turističkog putovanja i uključuje, unapred pripremljenu i objavljenu kombinaciju najmanje dve ili više usluga prosečnog kvaliteta, uobičajenog za datu destinaciju i objekte, i to: smeštaja, ishrane, prevoza, transferi, redovne usluge predstavnika na destinaciji, pripreme i organizacije putovanja, i xxxx xx iskazana u jedinstvenom iznosu xxxx Xxxxxx plaća (dalje: Standardne usluge). Cena aranžmana ne uključuje, ako nešto drugo nije posebno ugovoreno (dalje: Poseban ugovor), troškove: lokalnog turističkog vodiča, posebne usluge predstavnika organizatora, turističkog animatora, fakultativnih programa, korišćenja ležaljki i suncobrana, pribavljanja viza, ulaznica u objekte i na manifestacije, osiguranja putnika i prtljaga, usluga room service, korišćenja sobnog bara, xxxxx uređaja, rekreativnih, lekarskih, telefonskih i dr. usluga, rezervaciju posebnog sedišta u prevoznom sredstvu, troškove smeštaja u jednokrevetnoj sobi, sobe sa posebnim karakteristikama (pogled, sprat, veličina, balkon, itd), dodatni obroci i dr. (dalje: Posebne usluge). Posrednik nije ovlašćen da u ime Organizatora ugovara posebne usluge koje nisu predviđene Programom. Uslovi koji se odnose na ostvarivanje popusta za decu kao i na ostale pogodnosti koje su posebno date u Programu određeni su od neposrednih pružalaca usluga i iste treba tumačiti restriktivno (npr. za decu do dve godine starosti, relevantan je kalendarski datum, kada dete navršava dve godine u odnosu na xxx početka putovanja, a ne datum zaključenja ugovora). U slučaju pogrešno navedene starosti Putnika, Organizator ima pravo, da naplati razliku do pune cene putovanja. U cenu nisu uključeni i Organizator ne može biti odgovoran Putniku, za fakultativne i naknadno izvršene usluge, koje izvrši i naplati ino-partner, odnosno, neposredni pružalac usluga, a nisu bile predviđene Programom ili Posebnim ugovorom, kao i za učešće Putnika na sportskim i drugim slobodnim aktivnostima. Ako u naznačenom roku, Putnik pisanim putem ne obavesti Organzatora da odustaje od Ugovora, smatra se da je saglasan xx xxxxx cenom, a što može biti i kroz izvršenu uplatu.