Porsche Smart Mobility’s Liability for the use of the Marketplace and the Porsche ID-Contract Primjeri odredbi

Porsche Smart Mobility’s Liability for the use of the Marketplace and the Porsche ID-Contract. 2.5.1.Porsche Smart Mobility accepts no liability for the accuracy and actuality of data and information provided by Customer and Third Party Seller. 0.0.0.Xx case of slight negligence, Porsche Smart Mobility is liable only for violations of material contractual obligations (cardinal obligations). Cardinal obligations are material contractual obligations the contract is deemed to impose on Porsche Smart Mobility according to its objectives and purpose and a breach of which jeopardizes the purpose of the contract and which are deemed to be necessary for due and careful completion of the contract and may with good reason be permanently relied on by Customer. This liability is limited to the typically foreseeable damage at the time of entering into the contract. 2.5.3.The personal liability of statutory representatives, agents and employees of Porsche Smart Mobility for damages caused by slight negligence is also limited to the extent described in No. 2.5.2. 2.5.4.The limitation of liability as set out above shall not apply to damages caused intentionally or by gross negligence, personal injuries or death caused by Porsche Smart Mobility nor to any liability under the product liability provisions of the Croatian Civil Obligations Act and in case of any further mandatory liability. Furthermore, it shall not apply if and to the extent Porsche Smart Mobility has assumed a guaranty.
Porsche Smart Mobility’s Liability for the use of the Marketplace and the Porsche ID-Contract. 2.5.1.Porsche Smart Mobility accepts no liability for the accuracy and actuality of data and information provided by Customer and Third Party Seller. 2.5.3.The personal liability of statutory representatives, agents and employees of Porsche Smart Mobility for damages caused by slight negligence is also limited to the extent described in No. 2.5.2. 2.5.4.The limitation of liability as set out above shall not apply to damages caused intentionally or by gross negligence, personal injuries or death caused by Porsche Smart Mobility nor to any liability under the product liability provisions of the Croatian Civil Obligations Act and in case of any further mandatory liability. Furthermore, it shall not apply if and to the extent Porsche Smart Mobility has assumed a guaranty.

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