Stupanje na snagu i prestanak Primjeri odredbi

Stupanje na snagu i prestanak. Ovaj Ugovor privremeno se primjenjuje od datuma njegova potpisivanja i stupa na snagu datumom primitka pisane obavijesti o okončanju hrvatskih unutarnjih pravnih postupaka za njegovo stupanje na snagu. Xxxxxx ostaje na snazi dok ga neka od stranaka ne raskine pisanom obavješću uz otkazni rok od šest mjeseci. xx. Xxxxxx Xxxxxxxx državni tajnik u Ministarstvu vanjskih poslova i europskih integracija x. Xxxxx Xxxxxxxx veleposlanik Kraljevine Danske u Republici Hrvatskoj Sastavljeno u Zagrebu xxxx 24. listopada, u dva izvornika na engleskom jeziku. Potpisali: The Government of the Republic of Croatia (hereinafter referred to as Croatia) and the Government of the Kingdom of Denmark (hereinafter referred to as Denmark) have agreed as follows: This Agreement sets out the general terms and conditions for Danish bilateral assistance to Croatia. These terms and conditions will apply to Denmark’s bilateral assistance to Croatia (hereinafter referred to as “the Assistance”). Sector Programmes, projects and individual activities implemented as part of the Assistance are covered by this agreement provided that an explicit reference is made to this Agreement in the respective specific programme documents, Terms of Reference and/or activity/project documents, which covers particular activities or projects undertaken as part of the assistance. Should there be any discrepancy between this Agreement and the specific programme or project documents, the provisions of this Agreement will prevail. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs and European Integration in Croatia, on behalf of Croatia and the Danish Ministry of Foreign Affairs on behalf of Denmark, will be empowered to represent their respective Governments in matters concerning the implementation of this Agreement. Croatia will ensure the effective utilisation of the assistance made available under Specific Agreements as presented under Article 1. Resources financed or contributed by Denmark will be used exclusively for the purposes of and within the activities and projects agreed upon. Such resources will only be released as specified in formally approved project documents covering the projects/activities concerned. The use of funds provided by Denmark for agreed purposes will not be impeded or delayed by currency or foreign exchange controls or charges imposed by Croatia. No such charges will be paid from Danish contributions. Croatia will charge no customs duties, excises, VAT or administrative fees to Denmark on goods, oth...
Stupanje na snagu i prestanak. 1. Klauzule stupaju na snagu na dan potpisa obiju stranaka.
Stupanje na snagu i prestanak. 1. Ovaj Sporazum stupa na snagu na xxx primitka, diplomatskim putem, zadnje pisane obavijesti o tome da su stranke provele unutarnje postupke potrebne za stupanje na snagu ovog Sporazuma i ostaje na snazi do xxxx odlaska posljednjeg člana osoblja EUAM-a Ukraine, u skladu s obaviješću misije EUAM Ukraine.
Stupanje na snagu i prestanak. 14.1. Ovaj Ugovor stupa na snagu i proizvodi učinke na datum potpisivanja ili na datum stupanja na snagu, ovisno koji je kasniji. IBRD je dužan obavijestiti HBOR o datumu stupanja na snagu.
Stupanje na snagu i prestanak. Ovaj se Ugovor privremeno primjenjuje od xxxx potpisivanja, a stupa na snagu na xxx primitka pisane obavijesti o okončanju unutarnjih pravnih postupaka u Hrvatskoj za njegovo stupanje na snagu, te ostaje na snazi do raskida istoga xx xxxxxx bilo koje od ugovornih strana, putem pismene obavijesti upućene šest mjeseci unaprijed. Sastavljeno u xxxx u dva izvornika na engleskom jeziku. Za Vladu Republike Hrvatske Za Vladu Kraljevine Švedske .............................................. ............................................... potpis potpis XXXXXXX XXXXXX-XXXXXXXXX XXXXX XXXXXX MINISTRICA EUROPSKIH MINISTRICA ZA MEÐUNARODNU