Hrvatski operator prijenosnog sustava d.d., Zagreb, Kupska 4, (u daljnjem tekstu: HOPS) kojeg zastupa xx.xx. Xxxx Xxxxxxxxx,
PDV identifikacijski broj: HR13148821633, IBAN: XX00 0000 0000 0000 0000 0 otvoren kod Privredne banke Zagreb
[•], [•],[•], (u daljnjem tekstu: VBG) kojeg zastupa [•], EIC KOD: [•], PDV identifikacijski broj: [•], IBAN [•] otvoren kod [•] banke d.d. xxxx xxx energetski subjekt posjeduje važeću Dozvolu za obavljanje energetske djelatnosti - [•] električnom energijom
sklopili su
UGOVOR O ODGOVORNOSTI ZA ODSTUPANJE br. [•] (u daljnjem tekstu: Ugovor)
Članak 1. Ovim Ugovorom utvrđuju se međusobna prava i obveze VBG-a i HOPS-a za plaćanje odstupanja koje čini razliku ukupnog ostvarenja svih članova bilančne xxxxx i ukupne tržišne pozicije svih članova bilančne xxxxx xxxx vodi VBG, za sva obračunska razdoblja za trajanja ovog Ugovora.
Članak 2. 1. Na sva pitanja koja nisu uređena ovim Ugovorom primjenjuju se odredbe Zakona o tržištu električne energije (Narodne novine 22/13 i 102/15, u daljnjem tekstu: ZoTEE), Pravila o uravnoteženju elektroenergetskog sustava, objavljenih na internetskim stranicama HOPS-a (u daljnjem tekstu: Pravila uravnoteženja) i Pravila organiziranja tržišta električne energije (Narodne novine 121/15 i 48/16, u daljnjem tekstu: Tržišna pravila). 2. Svi pojmovi korišteni u ovom Ugovoru imaju značenje xxxx xx predviđeno u Pravilima uravnoteženja, ZoTEE-u i Tržišnim pravilima, osim ako je ovim Ugovorom definirano drugačije.
Članak 3. 1. VBG se upisuje u Registar bilančnih grupa kao voditelj bilančne xxxxx predviđene Tržišnim pravilima (u daljnjem tekstu: Bilančna grupa) 2. VBG je odgovoran za sva odstupanja koja predstavljaju razliku ukupnog ostvarenja svih članova Bilančne xxxxx i ukupne tržišne pozicije svih članova Bilančne xxxxx u jednom obračunskom intervalu. 3. Za potrebe ovog Ugovora članovima Bilančne xxxxx xx smatraju svi subjekti koji imaju sklopljen Ugovor o članstvu u Bilančnoj grupi koji se je počeo primjenjivati sukladno članku 47. Tržišnih pravila. 4. Članstvo u Bilančnoj grupi prestaje sukladno članku 47. Tržišnih pravila.
Članak 4.Temeljem Pravila uravnoteženja i ovog Ugovora VBG je obvezan: a. obavijestiti HOPS bez odgode o svim planiranim promjenama u članstvu Bilančne xxxxx (povodom sklapanja odnosno raskida ugovora o članstvu u Bilančnoj grupi) i to prije nego promjena u članstvu stupi na snagu sukladno članku 47. Tržišnih pravila, uključujući i promjene koje se tiču njegovog statusa kao voditelja bilančne xxxxx, b. ako je ukupna financijska obveza za obračunsko razdoblje (unutar prvog (mjesečnog) i drugog (godišnjeg) obračunskog razdoblja), izračunata sukladno člancima 21., 22., 23. i 24. Pravila uravnoteženja, negativna, xxxx xx VBG obvezan HOPS-u platiti iznos takve financijske obveze, uvećan za sve primjenjive poreze, kao naknadu za odgovornost za odstupanje VBG-a), c. prijaviti HOPS-u promjenu svog imena, naziva i sjedišta, promjenu statusa (uloge) na tržištu električne energije, promjenu drugih bitnih podataka, te promjenu imena (tvrtke), statusa (uloge) na tržištu električne energije i sjedišta članova Bilančne xxxxx, sve u roku od 8 xxxx po nastaloj promjeni, d. savjesno i pravovremeno izvršavati sve svoje obaveze kao voditelj bilančne xxxxx predviđene Pravilima uravnoteženja, Tržišnim pravilima i ovim Ugovorom.
Članak 5.
Temeljem ovog Ugovora i mjerodavnih propisa HOPS je obvezan ako je ukupna financijska obaveza za obračunsko razdoblje (unutar prvog (mjesečnog) i drugog (godišnjeg) obračunskog razdoblja) (izračunata sukladno člancima 21., 22., 23. i 24. Pravila uravnoteženja) pozitivna, VBG-u platiti iznos takve financijske obaveze, uvećan za sve primjenjive poreze.
Članak 6.Obračun odstupanja provodi se i u slučaju (i) više sile i (ii) poremećenog i izvanrednog pogona prijenosne i/ili distribucijske mreže.
Članak 7.1. Obračunski interval u prvom (mjesečnom) obračunu odstupanja xx xxxxx sat. 2. Obračunsko razdoblje za koje se obavlja izračun odstupanja u prvom (mjesečnom) obračunu odstupanja xx xxxxx kalendarski mjesec. 3. Prvi (mjesečni) obračun odstupanja Bilančne xxxxx provodi se sukladno člancima 21., 22. i 23. Pravila uravnoteženja. 4. Odstupanja Bilančne xxxxx (uključujući i izračun tržišne pozicije Bilančne xxxxx xx izračun ostvarenja Bilančne xxxxx) u prvom (mjesečnom) obračunu odstupanja izračunava Hrvatski operator tržišta energije d.o.o. (u daljnjem tekstu: Operator tržišta). 5. Obračun odstupanja Bilančne xxxxx u prvom (mjesečnom) obračunu odstupanja provodi se u kalendarskom mjesecu koji slijedi nakon obračunskog razdoblja na koje se obračun odnosi.
U Zagrebu, ____________2022. |
U Zagrebu, ____________2016. |
Hrvatski operator prijenosnog sustava d.d./ Croatian Transmission System Operator Plc.
Predsjednik Uprave/ President of the Management Board |
Direktor [•] |
xx.xx. Xxxx Xxxxxxxxx
____________________________ |
PRILOG 1: Sredstva osiguranja plaćanja
A. Sukladno članku 14. Ugovora o odgovornosti za odstupanje između Hrvatskog operatora prijenosnog sustava d.o.o. (u daljnjem tekstu: HOPS) i voditelja bilančne xxxxx (u daljnjem tekstu: VBG), VBG će HOPS-u predati sljedeća sredstva osiguranja plaćanja (u daljnjem tekstu: Sredstvo osiguranja plaćanja):
novčani depozit (u daljnjem tekstu: Novčani depozit) ili
bankarsku garanciju u izvorniku, bezuvjetnu, neopozivu i plativu na prvi poziv i bez prigovora, izdanu od prvoklasne xxxxx xx sjedištem u Republici Hrvatskoj prihvatljive za HOPS (u daljnjem tekstu: Bankarska garancija),
na iznos koji XXXX utvrđuje prema formuli:
Iznos Sredstva osiguranja plaćanja |
= |
max ukupno mjesečno ostvarenje Bilančne xxxxx u zadnjih 12 mjeseci |
* |
prosječna referentna cijena odstupanja u zadnjih 12 mjeseci u HRK / 30 |
* |
5 |
Ukupna mjesečna ostvarenja BG su podaci ostvarenja BG iz prvog mjesečnog obračuna odstupanja koji HROTE dostavlja VBG-e i HOPS-u u skladu s člankom 35. Pravila o uravnoteženju.
U slučaju kada za potrebe primjene gornje formule za pojedinog člana ili za voditelja Bilančne xxxxx ne postoje izmjereni podaci (ostvarenje) za izračun iznosa Sredstva osiguranja plaćanja, tada će se koristiti procjena maksimalnog ostvarenja na mjesečnoj razini u MWh koju VBG dostavlja HOPS-u.
Iznos instrumenta osiguranja plaćanja HOPS provjerava na polugodišnjoj razini. Po isteku polugodišta, HOPS može utvrditi novi iznos instrumenta osiguranja plaćanja za pojedinu Bilančnu grupu na temelju ostvarenih energetskih veličina i prosječne referentne cijene odstupanja u razdoblju od 12 mjeseci.
B. Iznimno od formule navedene u prethodnoj točki A., u slučaju kada su svi članovi Bilančne xxxxx (uključujući i VBG) samo subjekti koji imaju važeću energetsku dozvolu isključivo za trgovinu električnom energijom, tada VBG kao Sredstvo osiguranja plaćanja dostavlja HOPS-u Novčani depozit ili Bankarsku garanciju u iznosu od 3.500.000,00 HRK.
C. Početni iznos Sredstva osiguranja plaćanja dostavljenih HOPS-u sukladno Ugovoru o odgovornosti za odstupanje i ovom Prilogu 1 ne može biti manji od 350.000,00 HRK.
XXXX zadržava pravo, uz prethodno obrazloženje, po vlastitoj diskrecijskoj ocijeni, utemeljenoj na procjeni financijske obaveze/sposobnosti plaćanja VBG, povećati iznos sredstva osiguranja plaćanja.
D. Pravo izbora između Novčanog depozita i Bankarske garancije kao Sredstva osiguranja plaćanja pripada VBG.
E. Ako se Sredstvo osiguranja plaćanja daje kao Novčani depozit, tada će iznos Sredstva osiguranja plaćanja utvrđen sukladno ovom Prilogu 1 VBG uplatiti na depozitni račun koji pripada i kojim upravlja HOPS, otvoren u Privrednoj banci Zagreb, broj XX00 0000 0000 0000 0000 0 u HRK.
F. Ako se Sredstvo osiguranja plaćanja daje kao Bankarska garancija, tada se odgovarajuća Bankarska garancija na iznos utvrđen sukladno ovom Prilogu 1 izdaje u HRK.
Svi troškovi naknada povezanih s izdavanjem bankarske garancije koje obračunava banka snosi izdavatelj garancije.
Obrazac bankarske garancije objavljuje se na internetskim stranicama HOPS-a.
Hrvatski operator prijenosnog sustava d.d., (Croatian Transmission System Operator Plc.) Zagreb, Kupska 4 (hereinafter: HOPS) represented by xx.xx. Xxxx Xxxxxxxxx,
VAT ID: HR13148821633,
IBAN: XX00 0000 0000 0000 0000 0 with the Privredna banka Zagreb
[•], [•],[•], (hereinafter: BGM) represented by [•], EIC CODE: [•], VAT ID: [•],
IBAN [•] with the [•] bank,
which, as an energy undertaking, has a valid License to perform the following energy activity – electricity [•]
conclude the following
no. [•]
(hereinafter: Agreement)
Article 1
This Agreement regulates mutual rights and obligations of a BGM and HOPS for the payment of balancing energy which shall be a difference between total metered data of all balancing group members and total market position of all balancing group members managed by a BGM, for all settlement periods for the duration of this Agreement.
Article 2
To all issues not provided for herein provisions of the Electricity Market Act (Official Gazzette 22/13 and 102/15, hereinafter EMA), Electricity Balancing Rules published on HOPS web page (hereinafter Balancing Rules), and Rules on organising electricity market (Official Gazzette 121/15 and 48/16, hereinafter Market Rules) shall apply.
All terms used herein shall have the meanings ascribed to them in the Balancing Rules, EMA and Market Rules, unless otherwise defined herein.
Article 3
BGM shall be registered in the Balancing Groups Register as provided for by the Market Rules (hereinafter: Balancing group).
BGM shall be responsible for all imbalances which represent a difference between total metered data of all Balancing group members and total market position of all Balancing group members in a settlement interval.
For the purposes of this Agreement Balancing group members shall be all undertakings with an Agreement on Balancing Group Membership in effect pursuant to article 47 of the Market Rules.
Membership in the Balancing group shall cesase pursuant to article 47 of the Market Rules.
Article 4
Pursuant to the Balancing Rules and this Agreement the BGM shall:
Without delay notify HOPS on all planned changes in Balancing group’s membership (when concluding and/or terminating Balancing Group Membership Agreements) before the change comes into effect pursuant to article 47 of the Market Rules, including changes relating to its status of a balancing group manager,
If the total financial obligation for the settlement period (within the first (monthly) and second (annual) settlement period), calculated pursuant to articles 21, 22, 23, and 24 of the Balancing Rules, should be negative, BGM shall pay to HOPS the amount of such financial obligation increased by all applicable taxes, to compensate BGM’s responsibility for imbalances,
Report to HOPS change in its name and headquarters, change of status (role) on the electricity market, change of other relevant data, as well as change of company name, status (role) on the electricity market and headquarters of Balancing group’s members within 8 days of the change,
Duly and timely perform all its obligations as a balancing group manager as provided for by the Balancing Rules, Market Rules and herein.
Article 5
As provided herein and in the relevant rules and regulations, in the event the total financial obligation for settlement period (within first (monthly) and second (annual) settlement period) (calculated pursuant to articles 21, 22, 23 and 24 of the Balancing Rules) shuld be positive, HOPS shall pay to BGM such financial obligation increased by all applicable taxes.
Article 6
Settlement of imbalances shall also be conducted in the event of force majeure, operation disturbances and/or emergency operation of the transmission and/or distribution network.
Article 7
Settlement interval in the first (monthly) imbalance settlement shall be one hour.
Settlement period for which the settlement of imbalances is conducted shall be one month.
The first (monthly) settlement of imbalances of a Balancing group shall be conducted pursuant to articles 21, 22, and 23 of the Balancing Rules.
Imbalances of a Balancing group (including the calculation of a Balancing group’s market position, as well as calculation of Balancing group’s metered data) in the first (monthly) imbalance settlement shall be calculated by the Croatian Electricity Market Operator Ltd. (hereinafter: Market Operator).
Imbalance calculation of a Balancing group in the first (monthly) imbalances settlement shall be made in the calendar month following the settlement period to which the settlement refers.
Article 8
Settlement interval in the second (annual) imbalance settlement shall be a calendar month.
Settlement period for which the settlement of imbalances in the second (annual) settlement is conducted shall be one calendar year.
The second (annual) settlement of imbalances of a Balancing group shall be conducted pursuant to article 24 of the Balancing Rules.
Imbalances of a Balancing group in the second (annual) imbalance settlement shall be calculated by the Market Operator.
Imbalance calculation of a Balancing group in the second (annual) imbalances settlement shall be made in the calendar year following the settlement period to which the settlement refers.
Article 9
All unit prices for balancing energy settlement for each imbalance direction, shortage or surplus, for the first (monthly) and second (annual) imbalance calculation shall be determined by the Market Operator pursuant to methodology for determining prices for balancing energy calculation passed by the Hrvatska energetska regulatorna agencija (Croatian Energy Regulatory Agency) (hereinafter: HERA).
Pursuant to article 27 of the Balancing Rules Market Operator shall deliver to BGM and HOPS imbalance settlement indicating total financial obligation of BGM or HOPS for each individual settlement period (monthly or annual).
Article 10
HOPS or BGM shall issue an invoice based on the imbalance calculation delivered, wherein the total financial obligation of BGM or HOPS for a settlement period referred to in article 9, paragraph 2 herein shall be indicated.
If the total financial obligation of a Balancing group determined by the Market Operator pursuant to Balancing Rules, for a settlement period (whether first (monthly) or second (annual) settlement period) is negative, BGM shall pay to HOPS such financial obligation increased by all applicable taxes (hereinafter: BGM negative financial obligation). Calculation of BGM’s negative financial obligation for imbalances shall be calculated by the Market Operator. For each settlement period for which there is BGM’s negative financial obligation HOPS shall issue an invoice to BGM to settle that negative financial obligation relating to the first (monthly) and second (annual) balancing energy settlement pursuant to article 28 of the Balancing Rules. Relevant imbalance calculation of a Balancing group made by the Market Operator pursuant to articles 27 and 28 of the Balancing Rules shall be a component part of each invoice.
If the total financial obligation of a Balancing group determined by the Market Operator pursuant to Balancing Rules, for a settlement period (whether first (monthly) or second (annual) settlement period) is positive, HOPS shall pay to BGM such financial obligation increased by all applicable taxes (hereinafter: HOPS’s positive financial obligation). Calculation of HOPS’s positive financial obligation for imbalances shall be calculated by the Market Operator. For each settlement period for which there is HOPS’s positive financial obligation BGM shall issue an invoice to HOPS to settle that positive financial obligation relating to the first (monthly) and second (annual) balancing energy settlement pursuant to article 28 of the Balancing Rules. Relevant imbalance calculation of a Balancing group made by the Market Operator pursuant to articles 27 and 28 of the Balancing Rules shall be a component part of each invoice issued by BGM.
Invoices referred to in paragraphs 2 and 3 for the first (monthly) settlement period shall be issued by the twentieth (20th) of the month following the settlement period (month) for which the settlement is made, while the invoices for the second (annual) settlement period they shall be issued immediately upon the delivery of the final imbalance calculation for settlement period (year) to BGM and HOPS by the Electricity Market Operator pursuant to article 28, paragraph 4 of the Balancing Rules.
Pursuant to the Value Added Tax Act, VAT shall be separately calculated and stated in the balancing energy invoices for BGM’s negative financial obligation, as well as for HOPS’s positive financial obligation.
HOPS shall send the invoices and the calculations of balancing group’s imbalances by regular mail to the address for invoice and mail delivery or to any other address subsequently given by BGM to HOPS, and by electronic mail to the electronic mail address given in the Request for concluding Balance Responsibility Agreement, or to any other address subsequently given by BGM to HOPS. Invoice and calculation sent by regular mail and electronic mail pursuant to this provision shall be considered delivered three (3) working days after the invoice and calculation have been sent to BGM by electronic mail pursuant to this paragraph 6.
BGM shall send the invoices and the calculations of balancing group’s imbalances to HOPS by regular mail to the address of its headquarters given in the header of this Agreement, and by electronic mail to the electronic mail address given in article 13 herein, or to any other address subsequently given by HOPS to BGM. Invoice and calculation sent by regular mail and electronic mail pursuant to this provision shall be considered delivered three (3) working days after the invoice and calculation have been sent to HOPS by electronic mail pursuant to this paragraph 7.
The invoice issued by either BGM or HOPS as per this Agreement matures within 15 (fifteen) days of invoice issuing.
The payments shall be made to the business account of BGM or HOPS given in the header of this Agreement.
To all late payments legal late-payment interest rates shall be charged.
Article 12
BGM may file a complaint against an invoice issued by HOPS as provided for in article 29 of the Balancing Rules. The complaint shall be filed by registered mail to the entity in charge of complaints resolution pursuant to article 29 of the Balancing Rules. When HERA or Market Operator are competent entities for complaints resolution BGM shall submit to HOPS a copy of the complaint filed with XXXX and/or Market Operator. The consequences of filing a complaint, resolutions passed by the competent entities, as well as legal remedies available are provided for in article 29 of the Balancing Rules.
HOPS may file a complaint against an invoice issued by BGM in the same way in which BGM may file one against HOPS pursuant to article 1 above, by analogous application of the provisions of article 29 of the Balancing Rules regulating BGM’s complaint against the invoice issued by HOPS.
For the purposes of complaint filing referred to above the date of invoice issuing or the beginning of complaints filing period referred to in article 29 of the Balancing Rules shall be the date the invoice is delivered as provided for in article 10, paragraphs 6 and 7 herein.
Article 13
Parties to the Agreement shall sent all notices and other communications (invoices excluding) to each other in writing to the addresses given in the Agreement via registered mail, as well as by electronic mail, unless it is specifically indicated herein that the notices and other communication be sent via regular mail or otherwise.
A notification or any other written communication delivered by registered mail shall be considered duly accepted by the opposite party to the agreement three (3) days from the submission of such notification or other communication at the post office, provided that the sender has sent the other party to the Agreement a copy of such notification by electronic mail.
Electronic mail addresses to which the parties to the Agreement shall send notifications and other communications are as follows:
a. for HOPS: xxxxxxxxx@xxxx.xx,
b. for BGM: [•]
BGM shall without delay notify HOPS in writing of all changes which may have effect on the fulfillment of contractual obligations, and especially on the change of headquarters and/or business address, information on business account opened in BGM’s commercial bank and /or other contact data.
If BGM does not notify HOPS pursuant to paragarph 4 above, all accounts, notifications and other communications sent to BGM to the addresses and contacts available to HOPS shall be considered duly delivered, and BGM shall bear all eventual costs which such delivery may incur.
Article 14
Within 8 working days from the day of agreement signning BGM shall, as payment insurance for all HOPS’s claims as per this Agreement, submit to HOPS payment insurance as provided for in Addendum 1 to this Agreement (Payment insurance instruments).
Should HOPS decide to exercise its right referred to in point C of the Addendum 1 to this Agreement (on the increase of payment insurance), BGM shall be notified about it, and BGM shall submit to HOPS payment insurance in accordance with HOPS’s decision within 8 (eight) days of the day of receipt of HOPS’s decision by BGM pursuant to article 13, paragraph 2 herein.
Should after the signing of this Agreement any condition relating to the Balancing group or its members defined in point A of the Addendum 1 to this Agreement as criteria for determining the level (amount) of payment insurance instruments to be delivered to HOPS by BGM (including the change in the number of Balancing group members or change of circumstances which represent elements in the calculation of the amount of bank guarantee according to the formula given in point A of Addendum 1) be changed, BGM shall within 8 days of HOPS’s request resulting from circumstances thus changed, deliver to HOPS payment insurance instrument whose level (amount) corresponds to the changed circumstances in accordance with the criteria provided for in Addendum 1 to this Agreement.
Following the activation of payment insurance instruments referred to herein by HOPS, in full or in part, BGM shall within 8 (eight) days from the day of activation at the latest, submit to HOPS new payment insurance instrument (or, should a cash deposit to a bank account be a payment insurance instrument, pay additional amount to the bank account to meet the full amount provided for in this Agreement) so that HOPS at all times has at its disposal payment insurance corresponding in quality and amount to that provided for in Addendum 1 to this Agreement.
Cash deposit as payment insurance instrument pursuant to this Agreement shall be valid permanently, until the cummulative fulfillment of the following requirements: (i) cancellation or termination of this Agreement and (ii) settlement of all obligations of BGM toward HOPS resulting from this Agreement which shall remain valid and binding even following the cancellation or termination of this Agreement.
The validity period of bank guarantees as payment insurance instruments pursuant to this Agreement shall be one calendar year until 31/12. At the latest by 1/12 of the current year, and before the expiration of a bank gurantee, BGM shall extend the existing or submit to HOPS new bank guarantee which shall replace the expired bank guarantee submitted pursuant to this Agreement, and shall correspond in quality, content, amount and validity expiration period to the previous bank guarantee it shall replace. This procedure of replacement of expired bank guarantees with new ones shall be repeated for the duration of this Agreement.
Each bank guarantee submitted to HOPS pursuant to his Agreement shall contain a clause stipulating that, in case of termination of the Agreement, the Bank guarantee shall be valid for 60 days as from cancellation or termination of this Agreement.
If a BGM fails to fulfill its obligations (in full or in part) by the contracted deadline, HOPS shall collect all of its claims pursuant to this Agreement (including debt principal, late payment interest and all costs accured as a result of forced collection) by activating payment insurance instruments pursuant to this Agreement, without sending prior notice to BGM of such action.
Should BGM not fulfill its obligations regularly, HOPS reserves the right to require additional payment insurance instruments from BGM (in addition to Payment insurance instruments described in article 14 herein, and in Addendum 1 to this Agreement), upon its discretion, when two highest amounts on two invoices in the previous twelve-month period exceed the total amount of payment insurance instruments deposited with HOPS. BGM shall have to deliver such additional payment insurance instruments within 8 days.
HOPS shall reserve the right, with argumentation, to require the BGM to submit additional payment insurance instrument in the form (bank guarantee or money deposit) and with validity period pursuant to the provisions of Article 14 herein in the event that BGM's payment obligation of any bill issued by HOPS pursuant of this Agreements exceeds the amount of the payment insurance instrument previously submitted by BGM to HOPS pursuant to this Agreement.
In the event referred to in Article 14, paragraph 9 herein limitations in determining the amount of payment insurance instruments provided for in Appendix 1 to this Agreement shall not apply.
HOPS shall determine the additional amount of payment insurance instrument acting with due diligence and reasonably.
Maximum amount of the additional payment instrument HOPS may demand pursuant to this paragraph shall not exceed the largest bill issued by HOPS to BGM in the previous twelve-month period of the duration of this Agreement.
BGM shall submit the additional payment insurance instrument within 8 days from the date of HOPS' demand. Fulfilment of this obligation in the within the aforementioned period is a key component of this Agreement.
Should BGM not submit the additional payment insurance instrument within 8 days of HOPS's demand the Agreement shall automatically be terminated.
Article 15
Parties to the Agreement shall treat all data obtained directly or indirectly in the process of imbalance calculation as a business secret and shall use them for balancing energy settlement exclusively, and shall not disclose them to third parties, except to the extent provided for in relevant regulations.
Parties to the Agreement shall keep data described in paragraph 1 above as they keep their own data which are a business secret.
Parties to the Agreement agree that all in-house rules and similar regulations of the parties to the Agreement regulating the treatment of data which represent a business secret shall be applied to all data obtained directly or indirectly as per this Agreement.
Article 16
This Agreement shall be concluded for indeterminate time.
Parties to the Agreement agree that this Agreement shall cease to have effect when:
BGM ceases to be a Balancing group manager; and
When HOPS ceases to be transmission system operator; and
BGM's License for performing energy activity expires or is revoked;
HOPS shall unilaterally terminate this Agreement if:
BGM does not renew expired and/or activated insurance instrument as provided for in this Agreement, or does not deliver payment insurance instrument when required to pursuant to article 14 herein, and when, following HOPS’s written warning about non-fulfillment of its contractual obligations, BGM does not correct the failure in the additional timeframe of 8 days from the date of delivery of written warning by HOPS; whereby the Agreement shall automatically be terminated under law with the expiration of the calendar month during which the additional deadline of 8 days expired; and
BGM does not pay any amount matured as per the invoice issued pursuant to this Agreement, and if following a written warning by HOPS does not correct the failure within 8 days of the delivery of written warning by HOPS, whereby the Agreement shall automatically be terminated under law with the expiration of the calendar month during which the additional deadline of 8 days expired; and
pursuant to article 18 herein.
Parties to the Agreement agree that even in the event the Agreement is cancelled or terminated they shall have to settle all the claims incurred prior to termination of the Agreement.
Article 17
Croatian law shall exclusively apply to the provisions of this Agreement, and all possible disputes deriving from this Agreement, the parties to the Agreement shall endeavour to settle by mediation pursuant to the valid Rules of Mediation of the Croatian Chamber of Commerce.
In the event the disputes are not resolved within 60 days from the submission of the proposal for instituting mediation procedure referred to in paragraph (1) above or another timeframe possibly agreed on by the parties, the parties shall be referred to the competent court in Zagreb for the final and legally binding resolution of disputes.
Parties agree that if for the duration of this Agreement a change in relevant regulations should occur whereby they will cease to be harmonized with the regulations regulating imbalance responsibility, filing of complaints or other issues relating to balancing the electrictiy system, parties shall either sign an annex to this Agreement or terminate this Agreement and sign a new one which shall regulate their mutual relations relating to the balancing of the electricity system in accordance with the content of the changed relevant regulations, whichever HOPS may choose.
Article 19
This Agreement shall be concluded following its signature by the authorised representatives of the parties to the Agreement, and shall enter into force when BGM delivers to HOPS appropriate payment insurance instruments pursuant to article 14 herein and Addendum 1 to this Agreement.
The Agreement is concluded in 4 (four) equal copies, 2 (two) for each party.
In case of contradiction between Croatian and English version, Croatian version shall prevail.
In Zagreb, _______________ 2022.
ADDENDUM 1: Payment insurance instruments
Pursuant to article 14 of the Balancing Responsibility Agreement between Hrvatski operator prijenosnog sustava d.d. (Croatian Transmission System Operator Plc.) (hereinafter: HOPS) and balancing group manager (hereinafter: BGM), BGM shall deliver to HOPS the following payment insurance instrument (hereinafter: payment insurance instrument):
Cash deposit (hereinafter: cash deposit) or
Bank guarantee in the original, unconditional, irrevocable, independent and payable on first demand issued by a first-class bank with headquarters in the Republic of Croatia and acceptable to HOPS (hereinafter: bank guarantee) to the amount calculated according to the following formula:
Payment insurance amount |
= |
max total monthly metered data of a Balancing group in the last 12 months |
* |
Average reference price of imbalances in the last 12 months in / 30 |
* |
5 |
Total monthly metered data of a BG are data on realisation of BG from the first monthly imbalance settlement delivered by Croatian Market Operator to BGM and HOPS pursuant to article 35 of the Balancing Rules.
When for the purposes of calculation of the payment insurance amount according to the above formula, there is no metered data (realisation) for each individual Balancing group member or its manager, the estimate of the maximum realisation on a monthly level in MWh delivered by BGM to HOPS shall be used.
HOPS shall check the amount of payment insurance instrument twice a year. Upon the expiration of six months HOPS may determine a new amount of payment insurance for a Balancing group based on realised energy values and average referential price of imbalances in the period of 12 months.
As an exception from the formula given in point A above, when all Balancing group members (including BGM) are only undertakings with a valid energy licence for electricity trading, BGM shall deliver to HOPS as a payment insurance a cash deposit or a bank guarantee in the amount of HRK 3.500.000,00.
Starting amount of payment insurance delivered to HOPS pursuant to Balancing Responsibility Agreement and this Addendum 1 shall not be less than HRK 350.000,00 HRK.
HOPS reserves the right to, with prior explanation and upon its own discretion, and based on the assessment of VBG's financial obligation/ability, to increase the amount of payment insurance instrument.
BGM has the right to choose between cash deposit and bank guarantee as payment insurance.
When cash deposit is given as payment insurance instrument, the amount determined pursuant to this Addendum 1 shall be paid by BGM to the deposit account belonging to and managed by HOPS with Privredna banka Zagreb, IBAN XX00 0000 0000 0000 0000 0 in HRK.
When bank guarantee is given as payment insurance instrument the appropriate bank guarantee to the amount determined pursuant to this Addendum 1 shall be issued in HRK. All fees resulting from the issuing of the bank guaratee charged by the bank shall be paid by the guarantee issuer.
The bank guarantee form shall be published on HOPS web page.