ARTICLE 11 Primjeri odredbi
ARTICLE 11. Law and jurisdiction
ARTICLE 11. Law and dispute resolution, miscellaneous
ARTICLE 11. The invoice issued by either BGM or HOPS as per this Agreement matures within 15 (fifteen) days of invoice issuing. The payments shall be made to the business account of BGM or HOPS given in the header of this Agreement. To all late payments legal late-payment interest rates shall be charged. BGM may file a complaint against an invoice issued by HOPS as provided for in article 29 of the Balancing Rules. The complaint shall be filed by registered mail to the entity in charge of complaints resolution pursuant to article 29 of the Balancing Rules. When HERA or Market Operator are competent entities for complaints resolution BGM shall submit to HOPS a copy of the complaint filed with XXXX and/or Market Operator. The consequences of filing a complaint, resolutions passed by the competent entities, as well as legal remedies available are provided for in article 29 of the Balancing Rules. HOPS may file a complaint against an invoice issued by BGM in the same way in which BGM may file one against HOPS pursuant to article 1 above, by analogous application of the provisions of article 29 of the Balancing Rules regulating BGM’s complaint against the invoice issued by HOPS. For the purposes of complaint filing referred to above the date of invoice issuing or the beginning of complaints filing period referred to in article 29 of the Balancing Rules shall be the date the invoice is delivered as provided for in article 10, paragraphs 6 and 7 herein. Parties to the Agreement shall sent all notices and other communications (invoices excluding) to each other in writing to the addresses given in the Agreement via registered mail, as well as by electronic mail, unless it is specifically indicated herein that the notices and other communication be sent via regular mail or otherwise. A notification or any other written communication delivered by registered mail shall be considered duly accepted by the opposite party to the agreement three (3) days from the submission of such notification or other communication at the post office, provided that the sender has sent the other party to the Agreement a copy of such notification by electronic mail. Electronic mail addresses to which the parties to the Agreement shall send notifications and other communications are as follows:
ARTICLE 11. Student status is terminated:
ARTICLE 11. Transfer modalities and modes of transportation
ARTICLE 11. Recognition
ARTICLE 11. The tribunal may hear and determine counterclaims arising directly out of the subject-matter of the dispute.
ARTICLE 11. The Conference of Ministers of Foreign Affairs shall approve the budget of the Fund, annual statements and clearance of budget presented by the Council of Senior Officials. The Conference of Ministers of Foreign Affairs shall define the Contracting Parties annual contributions and their due dates.
ARTICLE 11. The High Contracting Parties shall endeavour to strengthen their respective national resilience in their political, economic, socio-cultural as well as security fields in conformity with their respective ideals and aspirations, free from external interference as well as internal subversive activities in order to preserve their respective national identities.
ARTICLE 11. This Convention shall enter into force three months after deposit of the fifth instrument of ratification, acceptance or accession.