Change in the identity of the Customer mintaszakaszok

Change in the identity of the Customer. If the identity of the Customer changes based on an agreement or due to succession under any other legal title, then the Customer shall request the Service Provider to make the required changes to the Subscription Agreement, in accordance with relevant provisions of the Eht- Section 132. § (9) - and the Decree - Section 14. §. The amount of a (reasonable and fair) Charge for making the required changes may be fixed by the Service Provider on a case by case basis. The Customer shall provide the Service Provider with the appropriate documents proving the succession, e.g. order of the competent court on the registration of corporate changes, specimen signature, bank account number, tax number, and Power of Attorney or any other notarial documents or corporate documents. The changes shall be made by the Service Provider to the Subscription Agreement only after such documents have been completely sent by the Customer and the Service Provider has approved them. The documents shall be provided at least in a notarised form or with full public probative force (in Hungarian: “közokirat”). The pre-condition of making the required changes to the Subscription Agreement is that the Customer shall not have due but unpaid payment obligations vis-à-vis the Service Provider, and the Customer shall not be in breach of the Subscription Agreement.
Change in the identity of the Customer. If the identity of the Subscriber changes based on an agreement or due to succession under any other legal title, then the Subscriber shall request the Service Provider to make the required changes to the Subscription Agreement. The amount of a (reasonable and fair) Charge for making the required changes may be fixed by the Service Provider on a case-by-case basis. The Subscriber shall provide the Service Provider with the appropriate documents proving the succession, e.g. order of the competent court on the registration of corporate changes, specimen signature, bank account number, tax number, and Power of Attorney or any other notarial documents or corporate documents. The changes shall be made by the Service Provider to the Subscription Agreement only after such documents have been sent by the Subscriber and the Service Provider has approved them. The documents shall be provided at least in a notarised form or with full public probative force (in Hungarian: “közokirat”). The pre-condition of making the required changes to the Subscription Agreement is that the Subscriber shall not have due but unpaid payment obligations vis-à-vis the Service Provider, and the Subscriber shall not be in breach of the Subscription Agreement.
Change in the identity of the Customer. If the identity of the Customer changes based on an agreement or due to inheritance or succession under any other legal title, then the Customer (or, in the case of his death, his/her heir) shall request the Service Provider to make the required changes to the Subscription Agreement, in accordance with relevant provisions of the Eht. - Section 132. § (9) - and the Subscription Agreements Decree - Section 16. § (2) - and as set out in these General Terms. The amount of a (reasonable and fair) Charge for making the required changes may be fixed by the Service Provider on a case by case basis. The Customer shall provide the Service Provider with the appropriate documents proving the inheritance or succession, e.g. death certificate, notarial order on the handover of inheritance, order of the competent court on the registration of corporate changes, specimen signature, bank account number, tax number, Power of Attorney or any other notarial documents or corporate documents. The changes shall be made by the Service Provider to the Subscription Agreement only after such documents have been sent by the Customer and the Service Provider has approved them. The documents shall be provided at least in a notarised form or with full public probative force (in Hungarian: “közokirat”). The pre-condition of making the required changes to the Subscription Agreement is that the Customer shall not have due but unpaid payment obligations vis-à-vis the Service Provider, and the Customer shall not be in breach of the Subscription Agreement.

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