Changes mintaszakaszok

Changes. 10.1 In case of any changes in the person of the Service Provider, the Subscription Agreement, in accordance with Section 34 of the Decree, may be modified by the Service Provider unilaterally.
Changes. Each Party may at any time propose changes in the Agreement in the form of a draft change order. Neither Party is obligated to proceed with the change order until both Parties agree to such change in writing. Unless otherwise addig , amíg mindkét Fél írásban meg nem állapodik a változásról. Amennyiben a Felek másként nem állapodnak meg, az ilyen változásokból eredő többletmunkák ára az Eladó a változtatás időpontjában érvényben lévő anyagdíjai szerint kerül meghatározásra. agreed by the Parties, pricing for additional work arising from such changes shall be at Seller’s then-current time and material rates.
Changes. 10.1 In case of any changes in the person of the Service Provider, the General Terms, in accordance with Section 133. § (2) a) of the Eht., may be modified by the Service Provider unilaterally.
Changes. 4.1. Either Party may request changes that affect the scope, duration, delivery schedule or price of an order, including changes in the Products or Services to be delivered. If either Party requests any such change, the Parties shall negotiate in good faith a reasonable and equitable adjustment to the order, including if necessary, any price and schedule adjustment and changes to the payment schedule and milestones, where relevant. If the Seller incurs any delay in achieving any milestones as a result of such negotiations, the Seller shall be entitled to submit an interim invoice for the percentage completed of such milestone. Payment of such invoice shall be in accordance with Article 7. Neither Party shall be bound by any change requested by the other until an amendment to the order in the form of a change order has been accepted in writing by both Parties. Pricing of changes shall be based on feltételek kizárólag az ajánlatban meghatározott Termékekre, Szolgáltatásokra vonatkoznak, és az ajánlat dátumától számított egy (1) hétig érvényesek, kivéve, ha az ajánlat kifejezetten ellentétes kikötést tartalmaz.

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