DURATION OF CONTRACT. 11.1. This contract will become effective as of its conclusion and will be valid for a limited period of time until 31th of December 2018. The contract shall not be terminated by ordinary notice prior to the expiry of the limited period defined hereunder. Any termination of the contract shall be effected in writing by instant termination with immediate effect. The other Party may terminate the contract with instant termination in case of any material breach with malice or gross negligence. 11.2. Material breaches of the contract are especially the following: in case of bankruptcy, liquidation or insolvency of any of the Parties-except for cases specified by related law; in case of defaulting on subscription fees by Subscriber within 90 days subsequent to due payment date despite of any notice in writing; in case of 30 days long insufficient service of the Provider. 11.3. Subject to PPA § 143 (3) the Subscriber shall be entitled to and at the same time shall be bound to terminate the contract if any legal person or any organisation having legal capacity under its personal law falling under the provision laid down in PPA § 62 (1) k) sub-point kb) acquires directly or indirectly a share exceeding 25% in the Provider, or the Provider acquires directly or indirectly a share exceeding 25% in any legal person or any organisation having legal capacity under its personal law falling under the provision laid down in PPA § 62 (1) k) sub-point kb). 11.4. Subscriber is entitled to rescind the contract under PPA § 79 (4), however if the original position cannot be restored due to the commencement of performance, it may terminate this Agreement with immediate effect. 11.5. Subscriber is entitled to terminate this Agreement in cases under PPA § 143 (1), and is bound to terminate in case under PPA § 143 (2), or rescind it pursuant to the Civil Code.
DURATION OF CONTRACT. 1. This contract will become effective as of its conclusion and will be valid for a limited period of time until 31th of December 2017. The contract shall not be terminated by ordinary notice prior to the expiry of the limited period defined hereunder. Any termination of the contract shall be effected in writing by instant termination with immediate effect. The other Party may terminate the contract with instant termination in case of any material breach with malice or gross negligence.
DURATION OF CONTRACT. 1.1. The term of this Agreement shall commence on the date of signature of this Agreement until 31, December 2019 and regards the access to the complete and updated content of subscribed products in year 2019. The Agreement shall not be terminated by ordinary notice prior to the expiry of a limited period defined hereunder. 11.2. The other Party may terminate the contract with instant termination in case of any material breach with malice or gross negligence. Material breaches of the contract are especially the followings: • in case of bankruptcy, liquidation or insolvency of any of the Parties- except for cases specified by related law; • in case of defaulting on subscription fees by Subscriber within 90 days subsequent to due payment date despite of any notice in writing; • in case of 30 days long insufficient service of the Supplier. 11.3. Előfizető a Kbt. 143. § (3) bekezdése alapján jogosult és egyben köteles a jelen szerződést felmondani, ha Szolgáltatóban közvetlenül vagy közvetetten 25%-ot meghaladó tulajdoni részesedést szerez valamely olyan jogi személy vagy személyes joga szerint jogképes szervezet, amely tekintetében fennáll a Kbt. 62. § (1) bekezdés k) pont kb) alpontjában meghatározott feltétel, vagy ha Szolgáltató közvetetten vagy közvetlenül 25%-ot meghaladó tulajdoni részesedést szerez valamely olyan jogi személyben vagy személyes joga szerint jogképes szervezetben, amely tekintetében fennáll a Kbt. 62. § (1) bekezdés k) pont kb) alpontjában meghatározott feltétel. 11.4. Előfizető a Kbt. 79. § (4) bekezdésében meghatározott esetben jogosult a jelen szerződéstől elállni, illetve amennyiben a teljesítés megkezdése miatt az eredeti állapot nem állítható helyre, a jelen szerződést azonnali hatállyal felmondani. 11.5. Előfizető a Kbt. 143. § (1) bekezdése szerinti esetekben jogosult, a Kbt. 143. § (2) bekezdése esetén köteles a jelen szerződést felmondani, vagy - a Ptk.-ban foglaltak szerint - a jelen szerződéstől elállni.
DURATION OF CONTRACT. II.1. The term of this Agreement shall commence on the date of signature of this Agreement until 31, December 2020 and regards the access to the complete and updated Contents in years 2020. The Agreement shall nőt be terminated by ordinary notice prior to the expiry of a limited period defined hereunder.
DURATION OF CONTRACT. The term of this Agreement shall commence on the date of signature of this Agreement until 31, December 2020 and regards the access to the complete and updated content of subscribed products in year 2020. The Agreement shall nőt be terminated by ordinary notice prior to the expiry of a limited period defined hereunder. Any termination of the contract shall be effected in writing. In case of any material breach of the contract with malice or gross negligence, the other Party may terminate the contract with instant termination. Material breaches of the contract are especially the following: in case of bankruptcy, liquidation or insolvency of any of the Parties- except fór cases specified by related law; in case of defaulting on subscription fees by Subscriber within 90 days subsequent to due payment date despite of any notice in writing; - in case of 30 days long insufficient service of the Provider. Subject to PPA § 143 (3) the Subscriber shall be entitled to and at the same time shall be bound to terminate the contract if any legal person or any organisation having legal capacity under its personal law falling under the provision Iáid down in PPA § 62 (1) k) sub-point kb) acquires directly or indirectly a share exceeding 25% in the Provider, or the Provider acquires directly or indirectly a share exceeding 25% in any legal person or any organisation having legal capacity under its personal law falling under the provision Iáid down in PPA § 62 (1) k) sub-point kb). Subscriber is entitled to rescind the contract under PPA § 79 (4), however if the original position cannot be restored due to the commencement of performance, it may terminate this Agreement with immediate effect. Subscriber is entitled to terminate this Agreement in cases under PPA § 143 (1), and is bound to esetén köteles a jelen szerződést felmondani, vagy - a Ptk.-ban foglaltak szerint - a jelen szerződéstől elállni.
DURATION OF CONTRACT. 11.1. The term of this Agreement shall commence on the date of signature of this Agreement until 31, December 2020 and regards the access to the complete and updated Contents in years 2020. The Agreement shall nőt be terminated by ordinary notice prior to the expiry of a limited period defined hereunder. 11.2. The other Party may terminate the contract with instant termination in case of any material breach with malice or gross negligence. 11.3. Subject to PPA § 143 (3) the Subscriber shall be entitled to, and at the same time shall be bound to terminate the contract if any legal person or any organisation having legal capacity under its personal law falling under the provision Iáid down in PPA § 62 (1) k) sub-point kb) acquires directly or indirectly a share exceeding 25% in the Supplier, or the Supplier acquires directly or indirectly a share exceeding 25% in any legal person or any organisation having legal capacity under its personal law falling under the provision Iáid down in PPA § 62 (1) k) sub-point kb). 11.4. Subscriber is entitled to rescind the contract under PPA
DURATION OF CONTRACT. II.1. The term of this Agreement shall commence on the date of signature of this Agreement until 31, December 2018 and regards the access to the complete and updated content of subscribed products in year 2018. The Agreement shall not be terminated by ordinary notice prior to the expiry of a limited period defined hereunder. II.2. Rendkívüli felmondással szüntethető meg a szerződés, amennyiben a másik fél a jogviszonyból származó lényeges kötelezettségét szándékosan vagy súlyos gondatlansággal jelentős mértékben megszegi. II.3. Előfizető a Kbt. 143. § (3) bekezdése alapján jogosult és egyben köteles a jelen szerződést felmondani, ha Szolgáltatóban közvetlenül vagy közvetetten 25%-ot meghaladó tulajdoni részesedést szerez valamely olyan jogi személy vagy személyes joga szerint jogképes szervezet, amely tekintetében fennáll a Kbt. 62. § (1) bekezdés k) pont kb) alpontjában meghatározott feltétel, vagy ha Szolgáltató közvetetten vagy közvetlenül 25%-ot meghaladó tulajdoni részesedést szerez valamely olyan jogi személyben vagy személyes joga szerint jogképes szervezetben, amely tekintetében fennáll a Kbt. 62. § (1) bekezdés k) pont kb) alpontjában meghatározott feltétel. II.4. Előfizető a Kbt. 79. § (4) bekezdésében meghatározott esetben jogosult a jelen szerződéstől elállni, illetve amennyiben a teljesítés megkezdése miatt az eredeti állapot nem állítható helyre, a jelen szerződést azonnali hatállyal felmondani. II.5. Előfizető a Kbt. 143. § (1) bekezdése szerinti esetekben jogosult, a Kbt. 143. § (2) bekezdése esetén köteles a jelen szerződést felmondani, vagy – a Ptk.-ban foglaltak szerint – a jelen szerződéstől elállni.
DURATION OF CONTRACT. 1.1. The term of this Agreement shall commence on the date of signature of this Agreement until 31, December 2019 and regards the access to the complete and updated Subscribed Products in year 2019. The Agreement shall nőt be terminated by ordinary notice prior to the expiry of a limited period defined hereunder. 11.2. In addition to automatictermination (unless renewed), this Agreement shall be terminated by: 11.2.1 Supplier: • in case of defaulting on the License Fee by Subscriber within forty-five (45) days subsequent to due payment date despite of any notice in writing; • If the Subscriber commits a material and persistent breach of the Supplier's copyright or other intellectual property rights or of the provisions of the
DURATION OF CONTRACT. 11.1. The term of this Agreement shall comtnence on the date of signature of this Agreement until 31, December 2020 and regards the access to the complete and updated content of subscribed products in year. The contract shall nőt be terminated by ordinary notice prior to the expiry of the limited period defined hereunder. Any termination of the contract shall be effected in writing by instant termination with immediate effect. The other Party may terminate the contract with instant termination in case of any material breach with malice or gross negligence. 11.2. Material breaches of the contract are especially the following: in case of bankruptcy, liquidation or insolvency of any of the Parties- except fór cases specified by related law; in case of defaulting on subscription fees by Subscriber within 90 days subsequent to due payment date despite of any notice in writing; in case of 30 days Iong insufficient service of the Provider. 11.3. Subject to PPA § 143 (3) the Subscriber shall be entitled to and at the same time shall be bound to terminate the contract if any legal person or any organisation having legal capacity under its personal law fali ing under the provision laid down in PPA § 62 (1) k) sub-point kb) acquires directly or indirectly a share exceeding 25% in the Provider, or the Provider acquires directly or indirectly a share exceeding 25% in any legal person or any organisation having legal capacity under its personal law falling under the provision laid down in PPA § 62 (1) le) sub-point kb). fennáll a Kbt. 62. § (1) bekezdés k) pont kb) alpontjában meghatározott feltétel. 11.4. Előfizető a Kbt. 79. § (4) bekezdésében meghatározott esetben jogosult a jelen szerződéstől elállni, illetve amennyiben a teljesítés megkezdése miatt az eredeti állapot nem állítható helyre, a jelen szerződést azonnali hatállyal felmondani. 11.5. Előfizető a Kbt. 143. § (1) bekezdése szerinti esetekben jogosult, a Kbt. 143. § (2) bekezdése esetén köteles a jelen szerződést felmondani, vagy - a Ptk.-ban foglaltak szerint - a je le n szerződéstől elállni.
DURATION OF CONTRACT. This contract will become effective as of its conclusion and will be valid fór a limited period of time until 31st of December 2019 and regards the access to the complete and updated content of subscribed products in year 2019. The contract shall nőt be terminated by ordinary notice prior to the expiry of the limited period defined hereunder. Any termination of the contract shall be effected in writing. In case of any material breach of the contract with malice or gross negligence, the other Party may terminate the contract with instant termination. Material breaches of the contract are especially the following: in case of bankruptcy, liquidation or insolvency of any of the Parties- except fór cases specified by related law; in case of defaulting on subscription fees by Subscriber within 90 days subsequent to due payment date despite of any notice in writing; - in case of 30 days long insufficient service of the Provider. Subject to PPA § 143 (3) the Subscriber shall be entitled to and at the same time shall be bound to terminate the contract if any legal person or any organisation having legal capacity under its personal law falling under the provision Iáid down in PPA § 62 (1) k) sub-point kb) acquires directly or indirectly a share exceeding 25% in the Provider, or the Provider acquires directly or indirectly a share exceeding 25% in any legal person or any organisation having legal capacity under its personal law falling under the provision Iáid down in PPA § 62 (1) k) sub-point kb). Subscriber is entitled to rescind the contract under PPA § 79 (4), however if the original position cannot be restored due to the commencement of performance, it may terminate this Agreement with immediate effect. Subscriber is entitled to terminate this Agreement in cases under PPA § 143 (1), and is bound to terminate in case under PPA § 143 (2), or rescind it pursuant to the Civil Code.