Export Control mintaszakaszok

Export Control. When passing on products supplied by Mondi and related documentation, the Customer shall comply with the applicable provisions of national and international (re-)export control law. In any case, the Customer shall observe the (re-)export regulations of Hungary, the European Union, the United Kingdom and the United States of America when passing on such products and/or services and shall, before passing on any such products and/or services, in particular, check and ensure by appropriate measures that - the Customer, by such passing on and/or by negotiating contracts regarding such products and/or services, does not violate any embargo of the European Union, the United Kingdom, the United States of America and/or the United Nations; - such products and/or services are not intended for any use in terms of armaments, nuclear technology or arms that is prohibited or subject to approval, unless the required approvals have been granted; - the regulations of all relevant sanctions lists of the European Union, the United Kingdom, the United States of America, and/or the United Nations regarding business transactions with companies, persons or organizations stated thereon are complied with. If required to conduct export control checks by the competent public authorities or upon reasonable ground for suspicion by Mondi, the Customer shall, upon request by Mondi, within reasonable time, provide Mondi with all information about the end-user, the final destination and the designated use of products delivered and/or services rendered by Mondi, as well as any export control restrictions applying in this context.
Export Control. Customer agrees to comply with all applicable export laws and regulations, including those of the United States and of the United Kingdom, to ensure Products, parts, and technology provided by Seller under the Agreement are not used, sold, disclosed, released, transferred, or re-exported in violation of such laws and regulations. Customer shall not directly or indirectly export, reexport, or transfer any items or technology provided by Seller under the Agreement to: (a) any country designated under Applicable Law as a “State Sponsor of Terrorism” howsoever described; (b) any person or entity listed on a blocked, embargoed or prohibited list maintained by a competent authority under Applicable Laws; or (c) an end-user engaged in any nuclear, chemical, or biological weapons activities. If Products or Services to be exported outside the U.S. and/or EU, or other jurisdictions where laws require “dual use” statements, are considered or likely to be considered as “dual use”, Customer shall (or shall cause the end user of the Products/Service) provide to Seller, promptly upon its request, an “End User Statement” in accordance with the applicable legal requirements. Seller shall not be liable to Customer for any delay and shall not be in breach of its obligations in the event of Customer’s failure or delay in providing such statement.
Export Control. 1. The Supplier does not sell its products to countries for which the EU or the USA have issued an embargo. Therefore, if, after the conclusion of the contract, it turns out that the Purchaser resides or is based in a country for which an embargo is issued or intends to make a further delivery to such country, the Supplier is entitled to immediately withdraw from the contract. 2. The Supplier is part of a US group of companies. As such, the Supplier verifies whether and to what extent a transaction with the Purchaser is permissible or subject to approval under US sanctions law (to the extent appli- cable to the Supplier). 3. The Purchaser acknowledges that the products of the Supplier are partly manufactured in the USA and may be subject to export restrictions of the USA. In the event of a resale, the Purchaser shall ensure that, in addition to European restrictions, these restrictions are also complied with and shall also impose this obligation on its pur- chaser.
Export Control. You may not use, export, re-export, import, sell or transfer the Service or Apple Software, or any part thereof, except as authorized by United States law, the laws of the jurisdiction in which You obtained the Service or Apple Software, and/or any other applicable laws and regulations. In particular, but without limitation, the Service and the Apple Software may not be exported or re- exported (a) into any U.S. embargoed countries or (b) to anyone on the U.S. Treasury Department’s list of Specially Designated Nationals or the U.S. Department of Commerce’s Denied Persons List or Entity List or any other restricted party lists. By using the Service or Apple Software, You represent and warrant that You are not located in any such country or on any such list. You also agree that You will not use the Service or Apple Software for any purposes prohibited by United States law, including, without limitation, the development, design, manufacture or production of nuclear, missile, chemical or biological weapons.
Export Control. Xxxxxxxxx agrees and undertakes that: 18.1 it will not use the goods for any purpose connected with chemical, biological or nuclear weapons, missiles capable of delivering such weapons, nuclear explosive activity or in any way that would cause TSS to be in breach of financial or trade sanctions imposed against Iran or any other destination; 18.2 it will not export, re-export, re-sell, supply or transfer the goods to any destination or party subject to UN, EU, or US trade embargos, or to any destination or party if it is known or suspected that the goods are likely to be used for the purposes set out in lit. 18.1 above; 18.3 it will comply with all applicable export and sanctions laws; 18.4 it will include the same terms in its dealings with its customers; and 18.5 it agrees to fully indemnify TSS for all costs, expenses, liabilities, losses, damages, claims, proceedings, (including without limitation legal fees) incurred or awarded against TSS arising out of or in connection with any breach of this section whether such breach occurs directly or indirectly, with or without the knowledge of TSS.

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