GENERAL CONDITIONS. The object and the purpose of the agreement
GENERAL CONDITIONS. The undertaking of KLUB Rekreáció Sport és Rendezvényszervező Kft. (registered office: X-0000 Xxxxxxxx, Xxxxxxx Xxxxx Xxxxx xxxx 0.; company registration number: 01-09-723671), hereinafter referred to as the Agent, according to the General Terms and Conditions, concerning recreational and sporting opportunities.
1.1. The person indicated on the Data sheet – hereinafter the Principal hereby engages the Agent to provide recreational/sporting services to them on personal locations, indoors and outdoors (hereinafter offline space) and on online surfaces (hereinafter online space) and to the holder of the Partner Card in the event such a SportPass is requested.
1.2. The Principal accepts that current General Terms and Conditions 1. is valid with the current ALL YOU CAN MOVE SportPass Terms of Use 2025 only.
1.3. The Principal acknowledges that the ALL YOU CAN MOVE SportPass service is only available with the acceptance of a loyalty period lasting until December 31, 2025. The Retainer fee will be charged until the expiry of the term of the Agreement, irrespective of the amount of service used.
1.4. ALL YOU CAN MOVE SportPass Main Card can only be provided to the employees of companies contracted with KLUB Rekreáció Kft.
1.5. The Principal with Main Card may request another SportPass, called a Partner Card. The person with the Partner Card shall be subject to the same restrictions as the holder of the Main Card, according to 1.3. For the request of the Partner Card contract, the last two months’ payrolls (verified by employer) of the Partner Card holder will be necessary.
1.6. Only one Partner Card may go with each Main Card. The Partner Card holder may request an ALL YOU CAN MOVE SportPass with a different package and may use a different payment method from the Main Card holder. The Main Card holder shall be responsible for the Partner Card holder and they shall undertake a guarantee for the payment of the Retainer fee relating to the Partner Card. If the Partner Card holder fall in arrears with the payment of Retainer fees, then the Main Card holder shall be obliged to pay, and both SportPasses may be limited.
1.7. The Agent undertakes the organisation, arrangement and continuous supervision of the recreational and sporting opportunities in offline and online space.
1.8. The Agent shall provide to the Principal ALL YOU CAN MOVE SportPass in the number indicated on the Data sheet but at most 2 SportPasses (1 Main Card and 1 Partner Card), valid until December 31...
GENERAL CONDITIONS. The undertaking of KLUB Rekreáció Sport és Rendezvényszervező Kft. (registered office: X-0000 Xxxxxxxx, Xxxxxxx Xxxxx Xxxxx xxxx 0.; company registration number: 01-09- 723671), hereinafter referred to as the Agent, according to the General Terms and Conditions, concerning recreational and sporting opportunities.
GENERAL CONDITIONS. For the use of SmileSone
GENERAL CONDITIONS. The present Standard Contract Terms (hereinafter referred to as: SCT) is an elemental part of the Delivery Contract, from which Contracting Parties may differ from exclusively in the form of a written and duly signed contract amendment. In case of any inconsistency between present SCT and the Buyer's order, the terms and conditions in present SCT hereof shall prevail. The extent of the SCT will govern all other contracts concluded with the Buyer for the delivery of any other goods and/or services.
GENERAL CONDITIONS. The undertaking of KLUB Rekreáció Sport és Rendezvényszervező Kft. (registered office: X-0000 Xxxxxxxx, Xxxxxxx Xxxxx Xxxxx xxxx 5.; company registration number: 01-09-723671), hereinafter referred to as the Agent, according to the General Contract Terms and Conditions, concerning recreational and sporting opportunities.
1.1. The person indicated on the data sheet and, if appropriate, a person holding a Partner Card – hereinafter the Principal – hereby engages the Agent to provide recreational / sporting services to him/her and to the holder of the Partner Card in the event such a card is requested.
1.2. The Principal acknowledges that the ALL YOU CAN MOVE CLUB CARD service is only available with the acceptance of a loyalty period lasting until 31 December 2017. The membership fee will be charged until the expiry of the term of the Agreement, irrespective of the amount of service used. • registered athletes of a sports club or of an association • professional- or amateur athletes taking part on sports competitions (including all competitions organized by any sports facility) • sports instructors • coaches or trainers • doesn’t have a registered full-time job • students • pensioners • retired or • who need a good physical condition or good appearance for their job (espacially those, who are working for law enforcements, as a security or as a model) • arising from their profession, employement, partnership share or relationship a person is entitled to use the service of a sports facility (for example is an owner, employer of a sports facility, or is in relationship with the before named persons) egyébként jogosult (pl.: tulajdonos, recepciós, illetve a sportlétesítményben egyéb alkalmazott, vagy ezek közeli hozzátartozója).
1.3. ALL YOU CAN MOVE Főkártyát csak a KLUB Rekreáció Kft.-vel
1.4. A Megbízó Főkártyás Klubtag igényelhet még egy plusz kártyát: ez az ún. Társkártya. A Társkártyásra is ugyanazok a korlátozások vonatkoznak, mint az 1.2 pontban tárgyalt Főkártyásra. Társkártya igénylése csak személyesen, az All You Can Move Ügyfélszolgálatán lehetséges. A Társkártya igényléshez szükséges a Társkártyás részéről a munkáltatójától kapott, és a munkáltató által hitelesített utolsó 2 havi bérjegyzék bemutatása.
1.5. Egy Főkártyáshoz csak egy Társkártyás tartozhat. A Társkártyás igényelhet a Főkártyástól eltérő csomagú ALL YOU CAN MOVE KLUBKÁRTYÁT, s fizethet eltérő módon is, mint a Főkártyás. A Főkártyás felelősséggel tartozik a Társkártyásáért, annak tagdíj ...