TRANSLATIONS. In the event of any discrepancy, misstatement, omission or error appearing in the various translations on the particulars and condition herein, the English version shall prevail. 20. ASSIGNMENT OF RIGHTS, TITLE, INTEREST AND BENEFITS The Purchaser shall not without the written consent of the Assignee/Bank, Developer/Landowner and/or the relevant authorities be entitled to assign his rights, title, interest and benefits under the Certificate of Sale made pursuant hereto or the Principal Sale and Purchase Agreement entered between the Developer/Landowner and the original Purchaser before the property has been duly assigned or transferred to him by the Assignee/Bank. The Assignee/Bank’s decision to grant the consent or otherwise shall be in its absolute discretion and shall not be questioned.
TRANSLATIONS. In the event of any discrepancy, misstatement, omission or error appearing in the various translations on the particulars and conditions herein, the English version shall prevail. The Purchaser shall not without the written consent of the Assignee/Bank, Developer/Landowner and/or the relevant authorities be entitled to assign his rights, title, interest and benefits under the Certificate of Sale made pursuant hereto or the Principal Sale and Purchase Agreement entered between the Developer/Landowner and the original Purchaser before the Property has been duly assigned or transferred to him by the Assignee/Bank. The Assignee/Banks decision to grant the consent or otherwise shall be in its absolute discretion and shall not be questioned. The Assignee/Bank has no notice or knowledge of any encroachment or that the Government or any other authorities has any immediate intention of acquiring the whole or any part of the Property for roads or any improvement schemes and if such encroachment shall be found to exist or if the Government or any local authorities has any such intention, the same shall not annul the sale nor shall any abatement or compensation be allowed in respect thereof.


  • Ketentuan Kerahasiaan Dan Keamanan Data Dan/ Atau Informasi Pribadi Konsumen adalah ketentuan-ketentuan mengenai kerahasiaan dan keamanan data dan/atau informasi pribadi konsumen sebagaimana diatur dalam POJK tentang Perlindungan Konsumen dan Surat Edaran Otoritas Jasa Keuangan Nomor: 14/SEOJK.07/2014 tanggal 20 Agustus 2014, tentang Kerahasiaan Dan Keamanan Data Dan/Atau Informasi Pribadi Konsumen, beserta penjelasannya, dan perubahan-perubahannya dan penggantinya yang mungkin ada dikemudian hari.

  • KORESPONDENSI Semua korespondensi dapat berbentuk surat, e-mail dan/atau faksimili dengan alamat tujuan para pihak yang tercantum dalam SSKK. Semua pemberitahuan, permohonan, atau persetujuan berdasarkan Kontrak ini harus dibuat secara tertulis dalam Bahasa Indonesia, dan dianggap telah diberitahukan jika telah disampaikan secara langsung kepada wakil sah Para Pihak dalam SSKK, atau jika disampaikan melalui surat tercatat, e-mail, dan/atau faksimili yang ditujukan ke alamat yang tercantum dalam SSKK.

  • Instrumen Keuangan f. Financial Instruments

  • PENDAPAT AKUNTAN TENTANG LAPORAN KEUANGAN (halaman ini sengaja dikosongkan)

  • INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY 9.1. Any information, contents, materials, documents, details, graphics, files, data, text, images, digital pictures, or any visual being displayed in the ESZAM AUCTIONEER SDN BHD website shall not be used or published either by electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise without the permission from ESZAM AUCTIONEER SDN BHD website.