DISTRIBUTORS Clausole campione

DISTRIBUTORS. (i) Name(s) and address(es), to the extent known to the Issuer, of the Distributors in the various countries where the offer takes place: See paragraph 51 of Part A.
DISTRIBUTORS. The Company/Management Company may, in accordance with the applicable laws, appoint distributors („Distributors“) responsible for the offering and selling of Shares of various Subfunds in all countries in which the offering and selling of such Shares is permitted. The Distributors are authorised to retain a selling fee (up to a maximum of 2%) for the Shares it markets, or else to waive all or part of the selling fee. Distributors have been appointed, and further Distributors may be appointed. A Distributor is authorised, taking into account the applicable national laws and rules and regulation in the country of distribution, to offer „A“, „B“ and „E“ Shares in connection with savings plans. In this respect, the Distributor is authorised in particular: