Site Acceptance Test (SAT) Clausole campione

Site Acceptance Test (SAT). The tests at INFN Frascati, which will be carried out within 20 weeks of delivery of the source, are followed by a non-stop 100-hour run at rated output power. After the successful completion of the 100-hour run the unit is considered as accepted. INFN requires that a klystron manufacturers test specialist shall be present when the klystron will be put into service at INFN-LNF. The tubes received on-site will be immediately tested by INFN- LNF staff for heater continuity, state of internal vacuum and a general visual inspection. Any tube not passing this basic reception test will be returned to the manufacturers for inspection and action. The Source will be tested on site using the same parameters for the nominal peak power output power test as recorded on the Klystron Factory Acceptance Test and at the Source Factory Acceptance test. The final acceptance test will be made with a water load under similar conditions as in the factory. Final acceptance by INFN of the Source will be after this on-site test has been successfully completed.