Work Package Description. This section contains a list of Work Packages in which the activities are declined. A Work Package (WP) is identified as a set of activities aimed at achieving a specific objective of the project. Each WP is composed of one or more activity(ies). For each work package:
D0.1: Report on European State-of-the-Art Analysis (M 6) - Detailed analysis of gaps, barriers, opportunities, and local issues in European education and training systems, serving as a benchmark for project goals.
D0.2: Transdisciplinary Networking Community Framework (M 3) - Framework outlining networking strategies across involved countries, detailing the conditions and understandings between the project's partners, emphasizing capacity building and impact maximization.
D0.3: Advisory Board Establishment Report (M 5) - Document outlining the structure, members, and objectives of the established Advisory Board.
Work Package Description. This section contains a list of Work Packages in which the activities are declined. A Work Package (WP) is identified as a set of activities aimed at achieving a specific objective of the project. Each WP is composed of one or more activity(ies).
A. List of Work Packages
1 Teaching for Future UniPD (leader), UniBO, UniNA, UniSal All 69 LATAM associate members Italy and Latin America 2 18
2 Cultural and Food Heritage UniBO (leader), UniNA, UniSal, UniCal, UniPD Argentina (UNR, UNC, UADE, UBA, UNCUYO, PUCA, UCASAL), Brazil (USP, UNICAMP), Chile (UV), Colombia (UNC), Ecuador (USFQ), Mexico (UDG), Peru (UNMSM, PUCP), Uruguay (UDELAR), Cuba (UH) Italy and Latin America 3 18
3 Sustainable Future Heritage UniCal (WP leader), Polito, UniNA, UniSal, UniPD, UniBS Italy and Latin America 3 18 Chile (UChile, UAI, UANTOF), Ecuador (UPS, USFQ, UAZUAY, ESPOCH; IKIAM), Mexico (UJG), Argentina (UNMdP), Brazil (USP), Cuba (UHO, UO)
4 Law between Heritage and Future UniNA (leader), UniCal, UniPV, UniBS, UniMe, UniBO Argentina (UBA, UCASAL, Belgrano, UNL, UCC); Brazil (UFPR); Chile (UC); Colombia (UDM); Cuba (UH, CENESEX); Ecuador (UCSG, IAEN); Mexico (ITAM); Peru (PUCP) Italy and Latin America 3 18
5 Built and landscape Heritage UniBS (leader), UniBO, Polito, UniNA, UniCal, UniPV Argentina (UBA); Brazil (UFB); Chile (UCC); Colombia (UDM; UNIPAZ; UNC); Ecuador (UCuenca); Mexico (UJG); Peru (PUCP; UNI); Uruguay (UDELAR) Italy and Latin America 3 18 6 DigitHage Management UniSal (WP leader), UniNA, UniME; Brazil (UNICAMP, UFF, UFAM, UNESP, UFC, UFRJ); Chile (UCM); Cuba (UH); Colombia (Uexternado); Ecuador (UCSG, UEES); Argentina (UNCOMA) Italy and Latin America 3 18
Work Package Description. This section contains a list of Work Packages in which the activities are declined. A Work Package (WP) is identified as a set of activities aimed at achieving a specific objective of the project. Each WP is composed of one or more activity(ies).
A. List of Work Packages WP N. WP title Participant(s) Institutions Operational headquarter (Regional Area in which the activity Start month End month will be carried out) 1 Project Management and promotion of activities CUIA, the Universities of CUIA that participate to the project Palazzo Baleani, ROMA, Palazzo Italia, Buenos Aires 1 24 2 TNE Double/Joint Degree The Universities of CUIA that participate to the project The sites of the Italian Universities and the Argentinian ones that participate to the single activities 1 24 3 TNE Visiting Professors/Researchers The Universities of CUIA that participate to the project The sites of the Italian Universities and the Argentinian ones that participate to the single activities 1 24 4 TNE Students mobility The Universities of CUIA that participate to the project The sites of the Italian Universities and the Argentinian ones that participate to the single activities 1 24 5 TNE Advanced Skills education The University of CUIA that participate to the project The sites of the Italian Universities and the Argentinian ones that participate to the single activities 1 24 6 Innovation Monitoring CUIA, the Universities of CUIA that participate to the project Palazzo Baleani, ROMA, Palazzo Italia, Buenos Aires 1 24 It is worth to note that, as already stated, the project promotes the territorial distribution in the two countries and the dimensional diversity of the universities involved. Therefore, the initiatives that the current project proposes by universities distributed all over the territories, end to capillary involve the whole territories of Italia and Argentina, from north to south, from east to west.
B. For each work package: