L E G N A R O (PD)
N. 419 del 22/12/2022
OGGETTO: Approvazione dello schema di ``Scientific Collaboration Agreement`` tra l`Alma Mater Studiorum - Universita` di Bologna, il Xxxxxx Xxxxxx Institute - University of Veterinary Medicine di Vienna, il Dipartimento di Medicina Veterinaria dell`Universita` di Sassari, l`Istituto Zooprofilattico Sperimentale delle Venezie, l`Istituto Zooprofilattico Sperimentale della Lombardia e dell`Xxxxxx Xxxxxxx ``Xxxxx Xxxxxxxx``, l`Istituto Zooprofilattico Sperimentale dell`Umbria e delle Marche ``Togo Rosati`` e l`Istituto Zooprofilattico Sperimentale del Mezzogiorno.
Atto sottoscritto digitalmente ai sensi del D.Lgs. 82/2005 s.m.i. e norme collegate e sostituisce il documento cartaceo e la firma autografa
L E G N A R O (PD)
OGGETTO: Approvazione dello schema di ``Scientific Collaboration Agreement`` tra l`Alma Mater Studiorum - Universita` di Bologna, il Xxxxxx Xxxxxx Institute - University of Veterinary Medicine di Vienna, il Dipartimento di Medicina Veterinaria dell`Universita` di Sassari, l`Istituto Zooprofilattico Sperimentale delle Venezie, l`Istituto Zooprofilattico Sperimentale della Lombardia e dell`Xxxxxx Xxxxxxx ``Xxxxx Xxxxxxxx``, l`Istituto Zooprofilattico Sperimentale dell`Umbria e delle Marche ``Togo Rosati`` e l`Istituto Zooprofilattico Sperimentale del Mezzogiorno.
Si sottopone al Direttore generale la seguente relazione del Responsabile della S.S. Affari Generali, Anticorruzione e Trasparenza.
Si premette che:
- l’Istituto Zooprofilattico Sperimentale delle Venezie è un ente di diritto pubblico, costituisce struttura di eccellenza per l’intero sistema sanitario nazionale e possiede una consolidata esperienza di ricerca che garantisce l’affidabilità scientifica delle proprie strutture;
- tra i compiti in capo all’IZSVe, ai sensi dell’art. 3, comma 3, dell’Accordo approvato dalla Regione del Veneto, dalla Regione Autonoma Friuli Venezia Giulia e dalle Province Autonome di Trento e Bolzano per la gestione dell’IZSVe, rispettivamente con Leggi n. 5/2015, n. 9/2015, n. 5/2015 e n. 5/2015, rientrano, tra gli altri, alla lett. n) “l’effettuazione di ricerche di base e finalizzate per lo sviluppo delle conoscenze nell’igiene e sanità veterinaria, nella sicurezza alimentare e nutrizione, secondo programmi e anche mediante convenzioni con università e istituti di ricerca italiani e stranieri, nonché su richiesta dello Stato, delle Regioni, delle Province autonome e di enti pubblici e privati”;
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X.X.X.Xx – Deliberazione del DIRETTORE GENERALE
- presso la Sezione territoriale di Belluno dell’IZSVe è attivo il “Centro specialistico fauna selvatica” che coordina le attività diagnostiche e di sorveglianza sanitaria relative alla fauna selvatica svolte dalle diverse strutture dell’area tecnico-sanitaria dell’IZSVe;
- l’Alma Mater Studiorum – Università di Bologna, nell’ambito del progetto “Urbanization of a top predator: are wolves and humans adapting to life in close proximity? (UrbanWolves)” – che mira ad indagare le potenziali differenze comportamentali, genetiche, alimentari e ormonali di lupi che vivono in aree a diversa densità antropica – ha proposto di istituire una collaborazione tra enti di ricerca allo scopo di raccogliere campioni biologici di lupi italiani su tutto il territorio nazionale, cd. “Wolf Network”;
- in tal senso la sopracitata Università, il Xxxxxx Xxxxxx Institute dell’Università di Vienna, il Dipartimento di Medicina Veterinaria dell’Università di Sassari, l’IZSVe, l’Istituto Zooprofilattico Sperimentale della Lombardia e dell’Xxxxxx Xxxxxxx (IZSLER), l’Istituto Zooprofilattico Sperimentale dell’Umbria e delle Marche (IZSUM), l’Istituto Zooprofilattico Sperimentale del Mezzogiorno (IZSM), intendono avviare una collaborazione per omogeneizzare la raccolta di campioni e la ricerca sanitaria condotta sulla popolazione italiana di lupi.
Al fine di disciplinare le attività di comune interesse e per regolamentare la reciproca collaborazione, è stato concordato tra le Parti, per le vie brevi, lo schema di “ Scientific Collaboration Agreement” documento che unitamente al relativo allegato “Material Transfer Agreement (MTA) to supplement of the General Agreement”, si allega al presente provvedimento quale parte integrante e sostanziale (allegato n. 1).
Con ticket intranet n. 189041/2022, il xxxx. Xxxxx Xxxxxxxx, Direttore del “Centro specialistico fauna selvatica” presso la “SCT2 – Treviso, Belluno e San Donà di Piave”, in qualità di responsabile scientifico delle attività, ha richiesto alla scrivente Struttura di predisporre quanto necessario alla stipula del citato Agreement.
Ai sensi dell’Accordo in parola – efficace dalla data di ultima sottoscrizione fino al 31.12.2025 – le Parti si impegnano alla condivisione delle conoscenze e competenze in base a quanto previsto all’art. 2 “Subject of the agreement”. In particolare, le Parti si impegnano a seguire un protocollo di campionamento predisposto ad hoc, in base a quanto specificato nel “MTA” allegato all’Accordo.
Ai sensi dell’art. 6 “Contribution and fee and terms of payment” dell’Accordo, il costo per la realizzazione delle attività oggetto della collaborazione rimane a carico di ciascuna delle parti, per la rispettiva competenza, in quanto comprese nell’ambito delle attività facenti parte del mandato istituzionale, per le motivazioni di interesse pubblico esplicitate nelle premesse, che si intendono integralmente trasfuse.
Tutto ciò premesso, sulla base degli elementi riportati dal referente dell’istruttoria, si propone al Direttore generale quanto segue:
1. di approvare lo schema di “Scientific Collaboration Agreement” per l’istituzione del cd. “Wolf Network”, tra l’Alma Mater Studiorum – Università di Bologna, rappresentata dal Direttore del Dipartimento di Medicina Veterinaria, Xxxx. Xxxxxxxx Xxxxxxx, il Xxxxxx Xxxxxx Institute – University of Veterinary Medicine di Vienna, rappresentato dal Xxxx. Xxxxxxx Xxxxxx, il Dipartimento di Medicina Veterinaria dell’Università di Sassari, rappresentato dal Xxxx. Xxxxxx Xxxxxx Xxxxx De Santis, l’Istituto Zooprofilattico Sperimentale delle Venezie, rappresentato dal Direttore Generale e legale
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X.X.X.Xx – Deliberazione del DIRETTORE GENERALE
rappresentante pro tempore, dott.ssa Xxxxxxx Xxxxx, l’Istituto Zooprofilattico Sperimentale della Lombardia e dell’Xxxxxx Xxxxxxx “Xxxxx Xxxxxxxx”, rappresentato dal Direttore Generale, xxxx. Xxxxx Xxxxxx, l’Istituto Zooprofilattico Sperimentale dell’Umbria e delle Marche “Togo Rosati”, rappresentato dal Direttore Generale, xxxx. Xxxxxxxx Xxxxxx, e l’Istituto Zooprofilattico Sperimentale del Mezzogiorno, rappresentato dal Direttore Generale, xxxx. Xxxxxxx Xxxxxx, documento che unitamente al relativo allegato “Material Transfer Agreement (MTA) to supplement of the General Agreement” si allega al presente provvedimento quale parte integrante e sostanziale (allegato n. 1);
2. di procedere, per l’effetto, alla sottoscrizione dell’Accordo di cui al punto che precede – efficace dalla data di ultima sottoscrizione fino al 31.12.2025 – ai sensi degli artt. 15 e
16 del vigente Accordo interregionale sulla gestione dell’Istituto Zooprofilattico Sperimentale delle Venezie, sottoscrizione che avverrà con firma digitale, ai sensi dell’art. 15, comma 2-bis della L. n. 241/1990, come modificato dall’art. 6, comma 5 del D.L. n. 145/2013, convertito, con modificazioni, dalla Legge n. 9/2014;
3. di dare atto che le attività oggetto dell’Accordo di cui al punto 1, sono poste sotto la responsabilità scientifica del xxxx. Xxxxx Xxxxxxxx, direttore del “Centro specialistico fauna selvatica” presso la “SCT2 – Treviso, Belluno e San Donà di Piave”;
4. di dare atto, altresì, che il costo per la realizzazione delle attività oggetto della collaborazione rimane a carico di ciascuna delle parti, per la rispettiva competenza, in quanto comprese nell’ambito delle attività facenti parte del mandato istituzionale, per le motivazioni di interesse pubblico esplicitate nelle premesse, che si intendono integralmente trasfuse.
ESAMINATA la proposta di deliberazione del Responsabile della S.S. Affari Generali, Anticorruzione e Trasparenza che attesta la regolarità della stessa in ordine ai contenuti sostanziali, formali e di legittimità dell’atto, attestazione allegata al presente provvedimento.
VISTA la delibera del Direttore generale n. 101 del 10 marzo 2021 con la quale il xxxx.
Xxxxxxx Xxxxxx è stato nominato Direttore amministrativo dell’Istituto.
ACQUISITO il parere favorevole del Direttore amministrativo e del Direttore sanitario per quanto di competenza, espresso ai sensi dell’art. 15 dello Statuto dell’Istituto, adottato con delibera del CdA n. 12 del 24 maggio 2021 e approvato con delibera della Giunta regionale del Veneto n. 1308 del 28 settembre 2021.
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Pagina 3 di 6
X.X.X.Xx – Deliberazione del DIRETTORE GENERALE
Autonome di Trento e Bolzano, approvato dai suddetti Enti, rispettivamente, con leggi n. 5/2015, n. 9/2015, n. 5/2015 e n. 5/2015.
1. di approvare lo schema di “Scientific Collaboration Agreement” per l’istituzione del cd. “Wolf Network”, tra l’Alma Mater Studiorum – Università di Bologna, rappresentata dal Direttore del Dipartimento di Medicina Veterinaria, Xxxx. Xxxxxxxx Xxxxxxx, il Xxxxxx Xxxxxx Institute – University of Veterinary Medicine di Vienna, rappresentato dal Xxxx. Xxxxxxx Xxxxxx, il Dipartimento di Medicina Veterinaria dell’Università di Sassari, rappresentato dal Xxxx. Xxxxxx Xxxxxx Xxxxx De Santis, l’Istituto Zooprofilattico Sperimentale delle Venezie, rappresentato dal Direttore Generale e legale rappresentante pro tempore, dott.ssa Xxxxxxx Xxxxx, l’Istituto Zooprofilattico Sperimentale della Lombardia e dell’Xxxxxx Xxxxxxx “Xxxxx Xxxxxxxx”, rappresentato dal Direttore Generale, xxxx. Xxxxx Xxxxxx, l’Istituto Zooprofilattico Sperimentale dell’Umbria e delle Marche “Togo Rosati”, rappresentato dal Direttore Generale, xxxx. Xxxxxxxx Xxxxxx, e l’Istituto Zooprofilattico Sperimentale del Mezzogiorno, rappresentato dal Direttore Generale, xxxx. Xxxxxxx Xxxxxx, documento che unitamente al relativo allegato “Material Transfer Agreement (MTA) to supplement of the General Agreement” si allega al presente provvedimento quale parte integrante e sostanziale (allegato n. 1);
2. di procedere, per l’effetto, alla sottoscrizione dell’Accordo di cui al punto che precede – efficace dalla data di ultima sottoscrizione fino al 31.12.2025 – ai sensi degli artt. 15 e
16 del vigente Accordo interregionale sulla gestione dell’Istituto Zooprofilattico Sperimentale delle Venezie, sottoscrizione che avverrà con firma digitale, ai sensi dell’art. 15, comma 2-bis della L. n. 241/1990, come modificato dall’art. 6, comma 5 del D.L. n. 145/2013, convertito, con modificazioni, dalla Legge n. 9/2014;
3. di dare atto che le attività oggetto dell’Accordo di cui al punto 1, sono poste sotto la responsabilità scientifica del xxxx. Xxxxx Xxxxxxxx, direttore del “Centro specialistico fauna selvatica” presso la “SCT2 – Treviso, Belluno e San Donà di Piave”;
4. di dare atto, altresì, che il costo per la realizzazione delle attività oggetto della collaborazione rimane a carico di ciascuna delle parti, per la rispettiva competenza, in quanto comprese nell’ambito delle attività facenti parte del mandato istituzionale, per le motivazioni di interesse pubblico esplicitate nelle premesse, che si intendono integralmente trasfuse.
Il presente provvedimento non è soggetto al controllo previsto dall’Accordo per la gestione dell’Istituto Zooprofilattico Sperimentale delle Venezie approvato dagli Enti cogerenti con le leggi regionali e provinciali citate nelle premesse.
dott.ssa Xxxxxxx Xxxxx
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Pagina 4 di 6
X.X.X.Xx – Deliberazione del DIRETTORE GENERALE
Sul presente atto deliberativo ha espresso parere favorevole
Il Direttore amministrativo Il Direttore sanitario
xxxx. Xxxxxxx Xxxxxx dott.ssa Xxxxx Xxxxxxx
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Pagina 5 di 6
X.X.X.Xx – Deliberazione del DIRETTORE GENERALE
Il Responsabile della Struttura proponente attesta la regolarità della proposta di deliberazione, presentata per l’adozione, in ordine ai contenuti sostanziali, formali e di legittimità dell’atto e che la stessa:
Comporta spesa 🞏 su Finanziamento istituzionale 🞏
Finanziamento vincolato 🞏
Altri finanziamenti 🞏
Non comporta spesa ⌧
Il Responsabile del Budget attesta l’avvenuto controllo sulla disponibilità di budget
Evidenziato infine che il responsabile della Struttura proponente, con la sottoscrizione della proposta di cui al presente atto, dichiara, sotto la propria responsabilità ed ai sensi e agli effetti degli artt. 47 e 76 del dPR 28 dicembre 2000, n. 445, che, in relazione alla presente procedura, non si trova in condizioni di incompatibilità di cui all’art. 35 bis del d.lgs. n. 165/2001, né sussistono conflitti di interesse di cui all’art. 6 bis della legge n. 241/1990 e agli artt. 6, 7 e 14 del dPR n. 62/2013.
dott.ssa Xxxxxx Xxxxxxxx
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Viale dell’Università 10 – 00000 XXXXXXX (XX)
OGGETTO: Approvazione dello schema di ``Scientific Collaboration Agreement`` tra l`Alma Mater Studiorum - Universita` di Bologna, il Xxxxxx Xxxxxx Institute
- University of Veterinary Medicine di Vienna, il Dipartimento di Medicina Veterinaria dell`Universita` di Sassari, l`Istituto Zooprofilattico Sperimentale delle Venezie, l`Istituto Zooprofilattico Sperimentale della Lombardia e dell`Xxxxxx Xxxxxxx ``Xxxxx Xxxxxxxx``, l`Istituto Zooprofilattico Sperimentale dell`Umbria e delle Marche ``Togo Rosati`` e l`Istituto Zooprofilattico Sperimentale del Mezzogiorno.
Pubblicata dal 22/12/2022 al 06/01/2023 Atto immediatamente esecutivo
Il Responsabile della Pubblicazione Xxxxx Xxxxxxx
Elenco firmatari
Questo documento è stato firmato da:
Dott.ssa Xxxxxx Xxxxxxxx - Servizio Affari generali, anticorruzione e trasparenza Xxxx. Xxxxxxx Xxxxxx - Direzione Amministrativa
Dott.ssa Gioia Capelli - Direzione Sanitaria Dott.ssa Xxxxxxx Xxxxx - Direzione Generale Xxxxx Xxxxxxx - Xxxxxxxx Atti
1. Alma Mater Studiorum - Università di Bologna, with registered office in Xxx Xxxxxxx x. 00, Xxxxxxx, Xxxxx, Tax ID No. 80007010376, VAT No. 01131710376, acting through the Department
of Veterinary Medical Sciences (Dimevet), with its registered office in Xxx Xxxxxx xx Xxxxx x. 00, 00000 Xxxxxx xxxx’Xxxxxx (XX), Xxxxx, represented by the Head of the Department, Professor Xxxxxxxx Xxxxxxx, authorised to enter into this Agreement by the Department Board resolution Rep. n. 556/2021 prot. n. 94303 of 16/04/2021, hereinafter referred to as “Dimevet”;
2. Xxxxxx Xxxxxx Institute, University of Veterinary Medicine, Vienna, Xxxxxxxxxxxxx 0x, X- 0000 Xxxxxx, Xxxxxxx, ATU 16271601, represented by Xxxx. Xxxxxxx Xxxxxx, in his capacity as Director of the Institute, hereinafter referred to as “VetMedUni”;
3. Dipartimento di Medicina Veterinaria, Università di Sassari, Xxx Xxxxxx 0, 00000 Xxxxxxx, Xxxxx, Fiscal code no. 00196350904, represented by Xxxx. Xxxxxx Xxxxxx Xxxxx De Santis, in his capacity as Head of the Department, hereinafter referred to as “UniSS”;
4. Istituto Zooprofilattico Sperimentale delle Venezie, with offices at Xxxxx xxxx’Xxxxxxxxxx 00, 00000 Xxxxxxx (XX), Xxxxx, fiscal code and VAT n. 00206200289, represented by Dr. Xxxxxxx Xxxxx, in his capacity as Director General, hereinafter referred to as “IZSVe”;
5. Istituto Zooprofilattico Sperimentale della Lombardia e dell’Xxxxxx-Romagna “Xxxxx Xxxxxxxx”, with offices at Xxx Xxxxxxx 0, Xxxxxxx, Xxxxx, VAT n. 00284840170 represented by Dr. Xxxxx Xxxxxx, in his capacity as Director General, hereinafter referred to as “IZSLER”;
6. Istituto Zooprofilattico Sperimentale dell'Umbria e delle Marche “Togo Rosati”, with offices at Xxx Xxxxxxx Xxxxxxxxx 0, 00000, Xxxxxxx, Xxxxx, fiscal code and VAT n. 00150090546, represented by Dr. Xxxxxxxx Xxxxxx, in his capacity as Director General, hereinafter referred to as “IZSUM”;
7. Istituto Zooprofilattico Sperimentale del Mezzogiorno, with offices at Xxx Xxxxxx x. 0, 00000 Xxxxxxx (Xxxxxx), Xxxxx, fiscal code 00292370632 and VAT n. 01239801218, represented by Dr. Xxxxxxx Xxxxxx, in his capacity as Director General, hereinafter referred to as “IZSM”.
(All Parties will hereinafter be jointly referred to as the “Parties”)
Given that
- The project: “Urbanization of a top predator: are wolves and humans adapting to life in close proximity?” hereinafter referred to as UrbanWolves, (2021-2025), is funded by the Vienna Science and Technology Fund (Project number: WWTF ESR20-009);
- the UrbanWolves project is a collaborative research grant involving Principle Investigators from the Xxxxxx Xxxxxx Institute of the Veterinary University of Vienna (Dr. Xxxxxxxx-Xxxxxxx and Prof. Range) and from the Veterinary Department of the University of Sassari (Xxxx. Xxxxxxxxx);
- the UrbanWolves project aims to investigate the potential behavioural, genetic, dietary and hormonal differences between wolves living in areas of differing anthropic density;
- the UrbanWolves project team has the necessary know-how and expertise to conduct analyses on the hormonal, morphological and dietary aspects, utilizing samples of hair, nails, whiskers, scats, bones, skulls from wolf carcasses;
- Dimevet has already consolidated a scientific agreement to define the terms of the collaboration that sees Xxxxxxx contribute to the samples required by the UrbanWolves project in order to answer the research questions of the project;
- Dimevet would like to consolidate a network for the collection of biological samples of Italian wolves from all over the country. This network – called “wolf network” - would be the result of a collaboration with veterinary colleagues from various Zooprophylactic Institutes;
A. The IZSVe, IZSLER, IZSUM, IZSM are a public bodies of the Italian Healthcare, a scientific instrument of the Italian State and the competent regions, which conduct prevention, control and research activities in three main areas: animal health and welfare, food safety, and environmental protection;
B. The IZSVe, IZSLER, IZSUM, IZSM strive to enhance and strengthen its health promotion and research capacities;
C. The IZSVe, IZSLER, IZSUM, IZSM undertake various initiatives to complement its educational excellence and have already entered into various collaborative arrangements with other parties to enhance their research through interdisciplinary collaboration;
D. Some sections of IZSVe, IZSLER, IZSUM, IZSM are actively engaged in independent projects and research relating to diseases in Italian wolves;
E. The Parties agree that mutual engagement in collaboration through this agreement and the attached MTA (Material Transfer Agreement) will strengthen and enhance ongoing work within each of the Parties’ organizations.
The Parties wish to establish a common framework to homogenize the samples collection and health
research carried out on the Italian wolf population. The Parties believe that this Agreement and attached MTA, will provide the basis for implementing and expanding their future collaboration in the joint development of a project aimed at gathering information on infectious diseases, biology and ecology of the Italian wolf population.
The Parties implement a collaborative project under the framework of the “urbanization of a top predator” WWTF project, giving life to the "WOLF NETWORK" and agreeing to the following;
Art. 1. Definitions
1.1 For the purposes of the present Agreement, the terms hereafter indicated, where shown in capital letters, shall have the following meaning. Any term defined in the singular will also apply to the same term used in the plural and vice versa:
▪ “Research Manager”: the person, appointed by each Party, who will be the contact person with respect to the implementation of the present Agreement.
▪ “Background”: works of authorship and other material protected by Italian Law no. 633/1941 as subsequently modified or amended, designs, models, inventions, utility models, semiconductor schemes and diagrams, confidential information, plant varieties and any other intangible assets protected pursuant to Italian Legislative Decree no. 30/2005 as subsequently amended, and any other intangible assets protected pursuant to domestic legislation, EU regulations and international laws regulating intellectual and industrial property where one of the parties became holder or co-holder of the rights pertaining thereto prior to the commencement of the collaboration that is the subject of this Agreement;
▪ “Sideground”: works of authorship and other material protected by Italian Law no. 633/1941 as subsequently amended and modified, designs, models, inventions, utility models, semiconductor schemes and diagrams, confidential information, plant varieties and any other intangible assets protected pursuant to Italian Legislative Decree no. 30/2005 as subsequently amended, and any other intangible assets protected pursuant to domestic legislation, EU regulations and international laws regulating intellectual and industrial property if created or obtained by either Party during the term of this Agreement but not in the implementation thereof, even if falling under the same technical or scientific field that is the subject of the present Agreement;
▪ “Foreground”: works of authorship and other materials protected by Italian Law no. 633/1941 as subsequently modified and amended, designs, models, inventions, utility models, semiconductor schemes and diagrams, confidential information, plant varieties and any other intangible assets protected pursuant to Italian Legislative Decree no. 30/2005 as subsequently amended, and any other intangible asset protected pursuant to domestic legislation, EU regulations and international laws regulating intellectual
and industrial property if created or obtained by either Party in the implementation of the relationship forming the subject of the present Agreement or in relation thereto;
▪ “Confidential Information”: any information, data or knowledge of a technical, scientific, commercial or financial nature with economic value, which is of a confidential nature, expressed in any form and/or saved in any format communicated by one Party to the other in the course of the relationship that is the subject of the present Agreement and in terms thereof, even if not specifically marked as “confidential” or “secret”.
Art. 2. Subject of the agreement
2.1 The subject of the agreement is the collaborative effort in sampling, processing and analyzing samples obtained from wolf carcasses in order to answer mainly to questions relating to the ‘urbanization’ effect on the Italian wolf population.
This agreement is drawn up:
• To support the aims of the project: “Urbanization of a top predator: are wolves and humans adapting to life in close proximity?” hereinafter referred to as Urban Wolves Project - UWP (2021-2025), funded by the Vienna Science and Technology Fund (Project number: WWTF ESR20-009);
• Answering the research questions divided into 3 Tables;
• Sharing of knowledge and expertise in the study of the urbanization of the Italian wolf (Canis lupus italicus) and the ecology of pathogens in an urbanized environment;
• To answer research questions aimed at analyzing the biodiversity of Italian wolf pathogens along the urbanization gradient;
• Transversal projects in the field of One Health;
• To further develop, in collaboration with IZS (Italian Zooprophylactic Institutes) partners, research areas aimed at investigating the health aspects of the Italian wolf;
• The agreement remains open for future ideas and remodeling, by virtue of any other contributions or additional research questions.
Art. 3. Duties of Parties
1- The parties undertake to follow a sampling protocol prepared ad hoc (see the attached MTA) for Urban Wolves Project and to compile a shared database with all the signaling, morphological, biometric data and including photographic material of each animal examined;
2- The parties will carry out a health sampling protocol to answer the research questions that each party has set itself (see the attached MTA);
3- Under the terms of this agreement and its attachment the parties will carry out the sampling, the predetermined analyses, elaborate the results and write scientific publications;
4- Every detail of the sampling is explained in the MTA which integrates this agreement.
Art. 4. Safety
4.1 Each Party is responsible for its own personnel and instruments, and for any damage that the activity itself may cause to persons and property. The Parties shall ensure that regulations on health, safety and environment, as well as the social security and welfare provisions mandatory for their staff employed will be respected during the Agreement.
4.2 Each party shall maintain its own liability insurance in amounts deemed appropriate for its operations. Such insurance shall provide coverage for negligent acts, errors, or omissions and provide protection against bodily injury or property damage claims. It is expressly understood that each party shall be solely responsible for its own actions and such insurance shall not extend to protect any other party.
Art. 5. Terms of Agreement
5.1 The present Agreement shall be valid as of the date that it is signed by the Parties and shall expire on 31 December 2025. The terms of this Agreement may be revised or modified at any time through a joint review made by each Institutions. No revision or modification shall come into effect until each Institutions sign a letter formally approving the revision or modification.
Art. 6. Contribution and fee and terms of payment
6.1 Each party shall bear its own costs relating to the collaboration and any joint activities or projects agreed upon of the Agreement and shall be solely responsible for applications for any internal or external funding, except as arranged otherwise in a separate agreement.
Art. 7. Research Managers
⮚ For Dimevet: Xxxx. Xxxxx Xxxxxx, Department of Veterinary Medical Sciences, University of Bologna, 50 Xxx Xxxxxx xx Xxxxx, 00000 Xxxxxx dell’Xxxxxx (Bologna), Italy, Tel. + 00 0000000000, Mobile 0000000000, website; xxxxx://xxx.xxxxx.xx/xxxxxxx/xxxxx.xxxxxx, e-mail: xxxxx.xxxxxx@xxxxx.xx
⮚ For VetMedUni: Dr. Xxxxx Xxxxxxxx Xxxxxxx, Xxxxxx-Xxxxxx-Institut of Ethology, WG Domestication, Department of Interdisciplinary Life Sciences, Veterinärmedizinische Xxxxxxxxxxx Xxxx, Xxxxxxx 00, X-0000 Xxxxxxxxxx, Xxxxxxx, X +43 (1)250770, Mobile x00 0000000000, website: xxxxx://xxx.xxxxxxxxx.xx.xx/xx/xxxxxx-xxxxxx-xxxxxxxxx-xx-xxxxxxxx/xxxxx-xx/xxx- team/scientists/xxxxxxxx-xxxxxxx-xxxxx/, e-mail: Xxxxx.Xxxxxxxx@xxxxxxxxx.xx.xx
⮚ For UniSS: Xxxx. Xxxxx Xxxxxxxxx, Department of Zoology, University of Sassari, 0 Xxx Xxxxxx, 00000, Xxxxxxx, Xxxxx. Tel. x00 000000000, Mobile x00 0000000000, website; xxxxx://xxx.xxxxx.xx/xxxx/xxxxxx/0000, e-mail: xxxxxxxx@xxxxx.xx
⮚ For IZSVe; Dr. Xxxxx Xxxxxxxx – sede di Belluno, Istituto Zooprofilattico Sperimentale delle Venezie, Xxxxx xxxx'Xxxxxxxxxx, 00, 00000 Xxxxxxx (Xxxxxx), Italy, Tel. x00 0000000000, Mobile x00 0000000000, xxxxxxxxx@xxxxxxxxxx.xx
⮚ For IZSLER; Dr. Xxxxxxx Xxxxxxx – sede di Brescia, Istituto Zooprofilattico Sperimentale della Lombardia e dell’Xxxxxx-Romagna “Xxxxx Xxxxxxxx”, Xxx Xxxxxxx, 0 - 00000 Xxxxxxx, Xxxxx, Tel. x00 0000000000, Mobile
x00 0000000000, xxxxxxx.xxxxxxx@xxxxxx.xx
⮚ For IZSUM; Dr. Xxxxx Xxxxx – sede di Xxxxxxxxx, Istituto Zooprofilattico Sperimentale dell'Umbria e delle Marche, Xxx Xxxxxxxxx x.0 00000 Xxxxxxx, Xxxxx, Tel. x00 0000000000, Mobile x00 0000000000 e-mail: x.xxxxx@xxxxx.xx -
⮚ For IZSM; Dr.ssa Xxxxxxx Xxxxx – sede di Cosenza, Istituto Zooprofilattico Sperimentale del Mezzogiorno, Via Salute, 2 – 80055 Portici (Napoli), Italy, Tel. x00 000000000, Mobile x00 0000000000, xxxxxxx.xxxxx@xxxxxxxxxxx.xx
Art. 8. Background and Sideground rights
8.1 Each Party is the owner of the intellectual and industrial property rights pertaining to its own Background and Sideground. The Parties mutually acknowledge that nothing in this Agreement must be understood to directly or indirectly imply the transfer of any right on the Parties’ Background and/or Sideground.
8.2 Without prejudice to the provisions of paragraph 8.1, the Parties mutually acknowledge the gratuitous and non-exclusive right to use their respective Backgrounds in the course of the relationships that are the subject of this Agreement, and in relation to its implementation, during the term of this Agreement. Sub- licensing or transfer to third parties under any title whatsoever is expressly forbidden. On the other hand, the Sideground pertaining to each Party may not be used by the other Party without the express
authorisation, in writing, of the holder thereof.
Art. 9. The Parties’ rights on the Foreground
9.1 The intellectual property rights on the Foreground are mutually shared between the Parties. Each Party will give promptly communication to the other in case of results constituting Foreground.
9.2 If the results constituting Foreground are subject to patenting and registration additional terms will be included in a separate agreement.
Art. 10. Results and documentation
10.1 In the case of results achieved jointly, in full and effective collaboration, the Parties will agree on the contents and methods of dissemination and publication of the results, without prejudice to the interest in protecting results that may be subject to patent rights. In the case of results achieved and consisting of autonomous contributions of the Parties, each Party may independently publish and/or disclose the results of its studies, research and experimental tests, giving appropriate communication to the other Parties, without prejudice to the interest in the protection of results that may be subject to patent rights, and in any case upon authorization if such publications contain confidential information on the other Parties.
Details of the publications are covered in “Article 6 - Research results and publications” of the MTA attached to this agreement.
Art. 11. Use of trademarks
11.1 Each trademark is the exclusive property of each Party. The Parties may not use the trademark and/or the name of another Party as distinctive signs or for advertising purposes without the prior written authorization of that Party. This shall not include the use of the name for descriptive purposes allowed by law, in terms of article 21 of Legislative Decree No. 30/2005, as long as it is shown in its proper form and of which, in any case, prior notice must be given to the Party.
Art. 12. Confidentiality
12.1 The parties undertake to guarantee, for themselves and their staff, the utmost confidentiality regarding facts, information, knowledge, documents, methods of analysis, research, etc. not to disclose them to third parties and to use them exclusively for the achievement of the purposes covered by this Agreement.
12.2 Data related to the stipulation of this agreement may be published on the websites of the Parties.
Art. 13. Withdrawal from the Agreement
13.1 Each Party may withdraw from this Agreement provided it gives at least 30 (thirty) days written notice to the other Parties to be sent by registered letter with acknowledgment of receipt or by certified mail.
Art. 14. Privacy Policy
14.1 In terms of article 13, co. 2, of the European Regulation No. 679/2016, the Parties mutually acknowledge that they are aware of the elements indicated in co. 1 of the same legal provision. The Parties commit themselves to treating the respective personal data only for the purposes linked to the execution of this Agreement and under the provisions of the European Regulation 679/2016 and the Legislative Decree No. 196/2003 as subsequently amended and supplemented.
Art. 15. General Provisions
15.1 For all intents and purposes, this Agreement replaces any previous agreement or understanding between the Parties with respect to the matters therein regulated whether made in writing or verbally.
15.2 Amendments to this Agreement shall be valid and effective only if made in writing and signed by each Party.
15.3 The Parties undertake to settle in good faith any matter not regulated by this Agreement and which may from time to time arise.
15.4 This Agreement shall not be transferred, entirely or partly, to a third party by neither party, without the prior written consent of the other Parties.
17.1 Every dispute arising or in any event connected to the provisions of this Agreement will be brought before the Court of Belgium which shall have exclusive jurisdiction.
18.1 This Agreement shall be registered if used, with related expenses and fixed fee pursuant to arts. 5 and 39 of Pres. Decree 131 dated 26.04.1986 borne by the interested Party.
18.2 This agreement reflects the stamp duty under Italian Presidential Decree No. 642 of 26/10/1972 and subsequent amendments. The stamp duty costs shall be borne by Dimevet.
19.1 Any notice to be given in relation to the execution of the present Agreement, or related thereto, must be made using the following contact details:
• Dipartimento di Scienze Mediche Veterinarie – Via Tolara di Sopra n. 50 – 40064 Ozzano dell’Xxxxxx (BO) – Direttore del Dipartimento; Xxxx. Xxxxxxxx Xxxxxxx – tel. n. 051/0000000 – fax n. 051/2097038- e-mail xxxxxxxx.xxxxxxx@Xxxxxxx.xx - P.E.C. xxxxxxx.xxxxxxxxxxxx@xxx.Xxxxxxx.xx;
• University of Veterinary Medicine, Vienna, Xxxxxxxxxxxxx 0x, X-0000, Xxxxxxx; Xxxx. Xxxxxxx Xxxxxx, xxxxxxx.xxxxxx@xxxxxx.xx.xx
• Dipartimento di Medicina Veterinaria, Università di Sassari, Xxx Xxxxxx 0, 00000, Xxxxxxx, Xxxxx; Xxxx. Xxxxxx Xxxxxx Xxxxx De Santis, xxxxxxx@xxxxx.xx, P.E.C. xxx.xxxxxxxx.xxxxxxxxxxx@xxx.xxxxx.xx
• Istituto Zooprofilattico Sperimentale delle Venezie, Dr. Xxxxxxx Xxxxx; xxxxxx@xxxxxxxxxx.xx; xxxxxx@xxxxxxxxxx.xx; P.E.C. xxxxxxxxxx@xxxxxxxxx.xx
• Istituto Zooprofilattico Sperimentale della Lombardia e dell’Xxxxxx-Romagna “Xxxxx Xxxxxxxx”, Dr. Xxxxx Xxxxxx; xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx@xxxxxx.xx – P.E.C. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx@xxxx.xxxxxx.xx
• Istituto Zooprofilattico Sperimentale dell'Umbria e delle Marche “Togo Rosati”, Dr. Xxxxxxxx Xxxxxx: xxxxxxxxx@xxxxx.xx; x.xxxxxxx@xxxxx.xx; x.xxxxxxx@xxxxx.xx, P.E.C. xxxxxxxxxx.xxxxx@xxxxxxxxx.xx
• Istituto Zooprofilattico Sperimentale del Mezzogiorno, Dr. Xxxxxxx Xxxxxx; xxxxxxx@xxxxxxxxxxx.xx; xxxxx.xxxxxxxx@xxxxxxxxxxx.xx, P.E.C. xxxxxxxxxx@xxxx.xxxxxxxxxxx.xx
Annex 1; sampling protocol in Italian; Annex 2; sampling protocol in English.
This Agreement has been freely negotiated between the Parties hereto and represents their willingness as duly and clearly shown in the content hereof and properly considered.
This Agreement will be finalized with digital signature. For Alma Mater Studiorum – Università di Bologna
Xxxx. Xxxxxxxx Xxxxxxx
For University of Veterinary Medicine, Vienna
Xxxx. Xxxxxxx Xxxxxx
For Dipartimento di Medicina Veterinaria, Università di Sassari
Xxxx. Xxxxxx Xxxxxx Xxxxx De Santis
For Istituto Zooprofilattico Sperimentale delle Venezie
Dr. Xxxxxxx Xxxxx
For Istituto Zooprofilattico Sperimentale della Lombardia e dell’Xxxxxx-Romagna “Xxxxx Xxxxxxxx”
Dr. Xxxxx Xxxxxx
For Istituto Zooprofilattico Sperimentale dell'Umbria e delle Marche “Togo Rosati”
Dr. Xxxxxxxx Xxxxxx
For Istituto Zooprofilattico Sperimentale del Mezzogiorno
Dr. Xxxxxxx Xxxxxx
Campioni di peli 10x10cm di area | Riportare da quale regione provengono i | |
SPALLA | peli. | |
DORSO | Conservare a T ambiente o congelare a | |
VENTRE | -20°C | |
BAFFI | Conservare a T ambiente o congelare a | |
-20°C | ||
UNGHIE | Conservare a T° ambiente o congelare | |
(ne sono sufficienti 5 in totale) | a -20°C | |
TESTA intera (anche se rotta) da | - 20°C | |
cui ricavare: | ||
-padiglione auricolare | ||
-encefalo | ||
-M2 | ||
LINGUA | - 20° C | |
FEGATO | - 20° C - l’aliquota per genetica conservata in Etanolo > 95% | |
RENE | - 20°C | |
SANGUE INTERO | - 20°C | |
INTESTINO TENUE (2 aliquote) | - 20° C | |
FECI | - 20°C | |
ZECCHE | - 20° C | |
MUSCOLO (Lungo del dorso) | - 20°C | |
1 COSTA | - 20°C | |
→ Compilazione scheda ISPRA per biometria e fenotipo Inviare via mail a; | ||
Contenuto stomacale, descrivere quantità e contenuto presente all’interno dello stomaco Il dato verrà confrontato con i risultati della dieta da pelo, baffi ed escrementi. |
Hair samples, 10x10cm of area SHOULDER BACK BELLY | Write down which region the hairs come from. Store a T environment. | UNIBO - DIMEVET DR. XXXXXXX XXXXX |
WHISKERS | Store a T environment. | |
NAILS Nails of the front and hind limbs | Store a T environment. | |
WHOLE HEAD (even if broken) -earlobe -brain -M2 | Frozen – 20°C | |
TONGUE | Frozen – 20°C | |
LUNG | Frozen – 20°C | |
SPLEEN | Frozen – 20°C | |
LIVER | Frozen – 20°C The sample for genetics stored in Ethanol> 95% | |
KIDNEY | Frozen – 20°C | |
WHOLE BLOOD | Frozen – 20°C | |
SMALL INTESTINE (2 ALIQUOTS) | Frozen – 20°C | |
FECES | Frozen – 20°C | |
TICKS | Frozen – 20°C | |
MUSCLE (Latissimus dorsi) | Frozen – 20°C | |
LONG BONE (RIBS) | Frozen – 20°C | |
Stomach contents, describe amount and content present inside the stomach The data will be compared with the results of the diet from hair, whiskers and scats. |
Material Transfer Agreement (MTA) to supplement of the General Agreement
General Aim of the MTA
The following MTA, is intended to:
• further clarify the roles and duties of Parties.
• provide guidelines on data acquisition and sharing
• outline publishing plans based on the collaborative effort
• provide guideline relating to authorship of potential publications resulting from the collaboration
Given that
1. Research questions are divided into 3 Tables;
2. the Suppliers has collected the Material, as indicated in the Table 1-2-3;
3. the Recipients have requested the availability of this Material solely for carrying out the scientific research activity expressed in the Table 1-2-3;
4. the Supplier intends to license the Recipients to use the Material according to the conditions defined below;
5. the Parties have an interest in concluding this agreement to promote scientific research;
6. the provisions of this agreement have been individually shared by the Parties and any derogation or modification must be agreed in writing.
The following is agreed and stipulated:
Article 1 - Purpose
1. The Suppliers grant the license to use the Material as identified in the in the Table 1-2-3;
2. Recipients acknowledge that the Material is experimental in nature and is provided without any warranty of suitability or conformity of any kind. Except in the case of willful misconduct or gross negligence, the Supplier and its employees will not be liable for any loss or damage that the Recipient may suffer as a result of this agreement or in connection with the use of biological material.
Article 2 - Obligations of the Recipient
1. The Recipient undertakes to use the Material solely for the development of the scientific research indicated in the Table 1-2-3. This activity will be carried out by the internal staff of the Recipient, that is, by the Researcher of the Recipient and his collaborators.
2. The Recipient undertakes to instruct the Supplier on the correct methods of collecting the Material and related data, so that the Material is fully usable for the purposes of the research.
The Material will be stored and maintained in the premises indicated in the Table 1-2-3. The Recipient declares that in its premises and laboratories:
- Access to the Material is limited to specialized and qualified personnel to safely handle the substances, using appropriate containment methods;
- all necessary precautions have been taken to minimize the risk of damage to persons or property and to protect the Material from theft and improper use.
3. Under no circumstances may the Recipient be able to use the biological Material for Commercial Purposes, nor will it be entitled to initiate procedures for patenting or exploiting the Material or Modifications.
4. The Material may not be incorporated or used for any service or product for sale.
• Dimevet and IZSVe, IZSLER, IZSUM, IZSM will collect specific biological samples (hair, nails, whiskers, scats, bones, skulls, organs) following a sampling protocol prepared ad hoc, by Xxxxxxx and UrbanWolves teams, Annex 1 or 2;
• IZSVe, IZSLER, IZSUM and IZSM will sample following the protocol of Annex 1-2 and insure it is sent to Dimevet for processing;
• Dimevet will be responsible for data collection in accordance with UrbanWolves guidelines and of this Agreement;
• Dimevet will be responsible to send the samples to the different research bodies for the analyses based on Table 1, 2 and 3;
• Dimevet undertakes to deliver all biological samples for genetic analyses to ISPRA (Istituto Superiore per la Protezione e Ricerca Ambientale), who will in turn share results relating to the hybridization gradient with the WWTF-UWP team (as specified in the main WWTF project agreement).
• UniSS will make available the wolf’s scats collected within the Veneto Region project.
For all the details we refer to "Details of Data Collection and Sharing" in the final part of this MTA, Art. 8.
Article 3 - Liability
1. The subspecies subject of this agreement, the Italian wolf, is strictly protected under the Bern Convention (Appendix II) and Habitats Directive (Annex II and IV), is included in the CITES Appendix, and is currently classified in the IUCN Red Lists as “Vulnerable”.
2. The Recipient undertakes to use the Material in full compliance with applicable national and international legislation, including provisions and guidelines on scientific and health research. In particular, the Material that presents an intrinsic health risk must be managed in full compliance with the specific legislation, observing all the necessary precautions.
Article 4 - Duration
1. The present Agreement shall be valid as of the date that it is signed by the Parties and shall expire on 31 December 2025.
2. The Supplier has the right to request the immediate return of the Material by written communication, if the Recipient violates any of the provisions of this agreement.
Article 5 - Inventions
1. Inventions include new uses of the material, modifications of the Material and products containing or relating to the Material, whether patentable or non- patentable.
2. The Recipient undertakes to promptly and confidentially communicate to the Supplier the inventions made with the Material. The ownership and ownership of the inventions will be jointly of the Supplier and the Recipient. The Parties will negotiate with a specific written agreement the methods of commercial exploitation, patenting and regulation of what concerns the inventions. Under no circumstances may the Recipient initiate patenting or exploitation procedures for the Material without the prior written consent of the Supplier.
3. In any case, the Recipient will have the right to have the inventions available and may use them for scientific research and internal laboratory activities.
Article 6 - Research results and publications
1. Upon request, the Recipient will inform the Supplier of the results of the scientific research carried out with the Material.
2. The Recipient, at least 30 days before publishing the results of the scientific research, must send the Supplier a written communication with the documents, reports and articles to be published.
3. The Recipient’s publications will indicate that the Material has been provided and developed by the Supplier, indicating the name of the Scientific Manager of the Supplier.
4. In any case, the Supplier reserves the right to publish publications relating to its Material.
The publications initially envisaged within the Urban Wolf project coincide with the questions outlined in Table 1. Further aspects related to the potential effects of the anthropogenic gradient on the presence of different pathogens (Table 2) were specifically developed together with Dr. Musto (Dimevet) and will also be published within the framework of this project. In all publications involving samples obtained from carcasses Dr. Musto and/or Xxxx. Xxxxxx, as the partners responsible for the data collection and processing of the carcasses will be included. For the research questions in Table 1, authorship guidelines applied are those of Domlab (VetMedUni Vienna - see below). Thus, for output of Table 1, Dimevet members will be expected to contribute to analyses and/or paper writing, specifically in relation to the methods applied for data collection and processing, as well as comment/give feedback on other parts of the manuscript. For papers relating to Table 1, in line with point 3 of the Article 6 of this MTA, the name of the IZS Institute that provided samples will be included in “Materials and Methods” section of the manuscript and in the acknowledgments.
• For question 1, the analyzes will be carried out by Urban Wolves and Dimevet (Xxxx. Xxxxx Xxxxxx/Dr. Xxxxxxx Xxxxx), Polish Academy of Science (Prof. Xxxxxxxxxx Pilot) and Leibniz Institute for Zoo and Wildlife Research (Xxxx. Xxxxxxxxx Xxxxx), who will play a central role in the drafting of the paper, assuming the authorship of the idea;
• For question 2, the analyzes will be carried out by Urban Wolves and Dimevet (Xxxx. Xxxxx Xxxxxx/Dr. Xxxxxxx Xxxxx) and VetMedUni (Xxxx. Xxxxxx Xxxxx) who will play a central role in the drafting of the paper, assuming the authorship of the idea;
• For question 3, the analyzes will be carried out by Urban Wolves and ISPRA, Dimevet (Xxxx. Xxxxx Xxxxxx/Dr. Xxxxxxx Xxxxx) and UniSS (Xxxx. Xxxxxxx Xxxxxxxx), who will play a central role in the drafting of the paper, assuming the authorship of the idea.
The collaboration between the PIs (Dimevet, UniSS, Vetmeduni, Polish Academy of Science) also highlighted the potential interest in developing a further line of research based on the morphometric of the skulls obtained from the carcasses. Thus Dr. Xxxxxxx Xxxxx will also collect and process the skulls of the carcasses, however this material will form the basis of an independent postdoc grant proposal, which is not part of the WWTF-UWP (Table 1 - question 4).
For outputs of Table 2, each “lead scientist” will take leadership on the manuscript preparation (and hence first authorship) and contributors will be included as co-authors, to the extent that the “lead scientist” decides but considering at least one co-author per section IZS and Dimevet. Where the question/analysis relates to the effect of the urbanization gradient (Table 2) on the phenomenon under investigation one or member of the Urban Wolves team will be directly involved in the analyses and publication process.
• For question 5, the analyzes will be carried out by Urban Wolves/VetMedUni (Dr. Xxxxxx Xxxxxxxxxx) and Dimevet (Xxxx. Xxxxx Xxxxxx/Dr. Xxxxxxx Xxxxx) and the Urban Wolves team (for analyses of the urbanization gradient), who will play a central role in the drafting of the paper, assuming the authorship of the idea.
• For question 6, the analyzes will be carried out by Xxxxxxx (Xxxx. Xxxxx Xxxxxx/Dr. Xxxxxxx Xxxxx) and XXXXXX (Dr. Xxxxxxx Xxxxxxx) and the Urban Wolves team (for analyses of the urbanization gradient), who will play a central role in the drafting of the paper, assuming the authorship of the idea.
• For question 7, the analyzes will be carried out by IZSLER (Dr. Xxxxxx Xxxxxx), IZSUM (Dr. Xxxxxx Xxxxxx) and the Urban Wolves team (for analyses of the urbanization gradient), who will play a central role in the drafting of the paper, assuming the authorship of the idea. IZSVe (Dr. Xxxxx Xxxxxxxx) will support these activities by sharing its expertise in parasitology and molecular parasitology of wild carnivorans, mainly concerning cestoda.
• For question 8, the analyzes will be carried out by Xxxxxxx (Xxxx. Xxxxxxx Xxxxxxx) and the Urban Wolves team (for analyses of the urbanization gradient), who will play a central role in the drafting of the paper, assuming the authorship of the idea.
• For question 9, the analyzes will be carried out by XXXXX (Dr. Xxxxx Xxxxx) and the Urban Wolves team (for analyses of the urbanization gradient), who will play a central role in the drafting of the paper, assuming the authorship of the idea.
• For question 10, the analyzes will be carried out by IZSM (Dr. Xxxxxxx Xxxxx) and IZSLER (Dr. Xxxxxxx Xxxxxxxx) and the Urban Wolves team (for analyses of the urbanization gradient), who will play a central role in the drafting of the paper, assuming the authorship of the idea.
Four further questions (question 11, 12, 13 and 14 of the Table 3) developed by IZSLER, will make use of the samples emerging form this agreement, but are outside the scope of the Urban Wolves Project.
• For question 11, the analyzes will be carried out by Xxxxxxx (Xxxx. Xxxxx Xxxxxx/Dr. Xxxxxxx Xxxxx) and XXXXXX (Dr. Xxxxxx Xxxxx) and VetMedUni (Dr. Xxxxxx Xxxxxxx), who will play a central role in the drafting of the paper, assuming the authorship of the idea.
• For question 12, the analyzes will be carried out by IZSLER (Dr. Xxxxxx Xxxxxx), who will play a central role in the drafting of the paper, assuming the authorship of the idea.
• For question 13, the analyzes will be carried out by IZSLER (Dr. Xxxxx X’Xxxxx), who will play a central role in the drafting of the paper, assuming the authorship of the idea.
• For question 14, the analyzes will be carried out by IZSLER (Dr. Xxxxxxx Xxxxx), who will play a central role in the drafting of the paper, assuming the authorship of the idea.
Article 7 - Research Managers
⮚ For Dimevet: Xxxx. Xxxxx Xxxxxx, Department of Veterinary Medical Sciences, University of Bologna, 50 Xxx Xxxxxx xx Xxxxx, 00000 Xxxxxx dell’Xxxxxx (Bologna), Italy, Tel. + 00 0000000000, Mobile 0000000000, website; xxxxx://xxx.xxxxx.xx/xxxxxxx/xxxxx.xxxxxx, e-mail: xxxxx.xxxxxx@xxxxx.xx
⮚ For VetMedUni: Dr. Xxxxx Xxxxxxxx Xxxxxxx, Xxxxxx-Xxxxxx-Institut of Ethology, WG Domestication, Department of Interdisciplinary Life Sciences, Veterinärmedizinische Xxxxxxxxxxx Xxxx, Xxxxxxx 00, X-0000 Xxxxxxxxxx, Xxxxxxx, X +43 (1)250770, Mobile x00 0000000000, website: xxxxx://xxx.xxxxxxxxx.xx.xx/xx/xxxxxx-xxxxxx-xxxxxxxxx-xx-xxxxxxxx/xxxxx-xx/xxx-xxxx/xxxxxxxxxx/xxxxxxxx-xxxxxxx-xxxxx/, e-mail: Xxxxx.Xxxxxxxx@xxxxxxxxx.xx.xx
⮚ For UniSS: Xxxx. Xxxxx Xxxxxxxxx, Department of Zoology, University of Sassari, 0 Xxx Xxxxxx, 00000, Xxxxxxx, Xxxxx. Tel. x00 000000000, Mobile x00 0000000000, website; xxxxx://xxx.xxxxx.xx/xxxx/xxxxxx/0000, e-mail: xxxxxxxx@xxxxx.xx
⮚ For IZSVe; Dr. Xxxxx Xxxxxxxx – sede di Belluno, Istituto Zooprofilattico Sperimentale delle Venezie, Xxxxx xxxx'Xxxxxxxxxx, 00, 00000 Xxxxxxx (Xxxxxx), Italy, Tel. x00 0000000000, Mobile x00 0000000000, xxxxxxxxx@xxxxxxxxxx.xx
⮚ For IZSLER; Dr. Xxxxxxx Xxxxxxx – sede di Brescia, Istituto Zooprofilattico Sperimentale della Lombardia e dell’Xxxxxx-Romagna “Xxxxx Xxxxxxxx”, Xxx Xxxxxxx, 0 - 00000 Xxxxxxx, Xxxxx, Tel. x00 0000000000, Mobile x00 0000000000, xxxxxxx.xxxxxxx@xxxxxx.xx
⮚ For IZSUM; Dr. Xxxxx Xxxxx – sede di Xxxxxxxxx, Istituto Zooprofilattico Sperimentale dell'Umbria e delle Marche, Xxx Xxxxxxxxx x.0 00000 Xxxxxxx, Xxxxx, Tel. x00 0000000000, Mobile x00 0000000000 e-mail: x.xxxxx@xxxxx.xx -
⮚ For IZSM; Dr.ssa Xxxxxxx Xxxxx – sede di Cosenza, Istituto Zooprofilattico Sperimentale del Mezzogiorno, Via Salute, 2 – 80055 Portici (Napoli), Italy, Tel. x00 000000000, Mobile x00 0000000000, xxxxxxx.xxxxx@xxxxxxxxxxx.xx
Article 8 - Details of Data Collection and Sharing
Under the terms of this agreement:
• the Urban Wolves Project PIs and their team will carry out the project-related analyses on the biological material (isotope, genetics and hormonal analyses) as well as analyses on morphometric measurements; see questions 1-2-3-4;
• Dimevet and its team will conduct the analyzes related to the toxoplasmosis project (question 8) and virological investigations (together with VetMedUni/Urban Wolves project), aimed at investigating the different urbanization gradient of viruses; see questions 5-6;
• IZSLER and its team will carry out the analyzes related to the vector diseases project, environmental contaminants, serological investigation (together with VetMedUni), molecular analyzes to search for parasites (together with IZSUM and with the support of IZSVe expertise), viruses, bacteria; see questions 6-7-10-11-12-13-14;
• IZSUM and its team will conduct project related analyzes on antibiotic resistance and parasites (together with IZSLER and with the support of IZSVe expertise); see questions 7-9;
• IZSM and its team will conduct the project-related analyzes of environmental contaminants (together with IZSLER colleagues and their team); see questions 10;
• the Urban Wolves Project PIs and their team will carry out the analyses relating the ‘urbanization gradient’ of all carcasses for analyses outputs of Table 1, 2.
S = supplier R = recipient
1^ Research question | ||||||||
Dietary analyses along the urbanization gradient | ||||||||
Isotope analysis | Urban Wolves (R) | + Dimevet (S,R) + Dr. Xxxxxxxxx Xxxxx (R) | XXXXXX, IZSVe, IZSUM and IZSM | Hairs | Whiskers | Muscle (Latissimus dorsi) | ||
Hormonal analyses along the urbanization gradient | ||||||||
Cortisol analysis (prolactin, glucocorticoids, testosterone, oxytocin) | Urban Wolves (R) | + Dimevet (S,R) + VetMedUni (R) | IZSLER, IZSVe, IZSUM and IZSM | Hairs | Whiskers | Nails | Scats | |
3^ Research question | ||||||||
Wolf-dog hybridization along the urbanization gradient | ||||||||
Genetic analysis | Urban Wolves (R) | + ISPRA (R) + Dimevet (S,R) + UniSS (R) | IZSLER, IZSVe, IZSUM and IZSM | Liver | ||||
4^ Research question | ||||||||
Skull morphology of the Italian wolf population | ||||||||
Morphological analysis of the skull | Dimevet (S,R) | Urban Wolves (R) + Dr. Xxxxxxxxxx Pilot (R) | IZSLER, IZSVe, IZSUM and IZSM | Head | ||||
Determination of the age of all subjects | Dimevet (S,R) | Urban Wolves (R) | IZSLER, IZSVe, IZSUM and IZSM | M2 inferior |
S = supplier R = recipient
5^ Research question | ||||||||
Virological analyses along the urbanization gradient | ||||||||
Molecular analysis | Dimevet/UrbanWolves (S,R) | VetMedUni (R) + IZSLER (S) + IZSVe (S) + IZSUM (S) + IZSM (S) + UniSS (S) | Liver | Spleen | Duodenu m | Kidney | Lungs | Feces collected in environment |
Search for: Pool Hepatitis E, Herpesviruses (Pan-Herpesvirus-PCR) Coronaviruses (Pan-CoV-PCR) Canine Distemper virus | ||||||||
6^ Research question | ||||||||
Virological analyses along the urbanization gradient | ||||||||
Molecular analysis | IZSLER (S,R) + Xxxxxxx (S,R) | IZSVe (S) + IZSUM (S) + IZSM (S) + UniSS (S) | Liver | Tongue | Spleen | Brain | Lungs | Duodenum & Feces collected in environment |
Search for: Reoviruses Aujeszky virus Canine Circovirus, Canine Adenovirus 1-2 Parvoviridae (canine bufavirus - CBuV, canine parvovirus 2 - CPV-2, canine bocavirus 2 - CBoV-2, |
Canine cachavirus - CachaV-1, and minute virus of canines – MVC) TTV Phlebovirus | ||||||||
7^ Research question | ||||||||
Parasitic biodiversity along the urbanization gradient | ||||||||
Molecular analysis | IZSLER (S,R) + IZSUM (S,R) + IZSVe (S, possible R) | UniSS (S) + Dimevet (S) + IZSM (S) | Feces collected in environment | Duodenu m | Scats | |||
Detection for: Cestoda, Nematoda, Trematoda | ||||||||
8^ Research question | ||||||||
Toxoplasma analyses along the urbanization gradient | ||||||||
Molecular analysis | Dimevet (S,R)/Urban Wolves | IZSLER (S) + IZSVe (S) + IZSUM (S) + IZSM (S) | Whole heart + heart clot from which the serum will be obtained | SNC | ||||
9^ Research question | ||||||||
Antibiotic resistance along the urbanization gradient | ||||||||
Molecular characterization of antimicrobial resistance indicators bacteria and ESCAPE pathogens | IZSUM (S,R) | UniSS (S) + Dimevet (S)+ IZSLER (S) + IZSVe (S) + IZSM (S) | Fecal samples from carcasses (4 gr) in PBS + 20% Glicerole | Fecal samples collected in environm ent (4 gr) in PBS + 20% Glicerole | ||||
10^ Research question |
Presence of environmental contaminants along the urbanization gradient | |||||||
Chemical analysis (Cadmium, Mercury and Lead) | IZSM (S,R) | Dimevet (S)+ IZSLER (S)+ IZSVe (S) + IZSUM (S) | Liver | Muscle (Latissim us dorsi) | Kidney | ||
PCBs and Dioxins | IZSLER (S,R) | Dimevet (S)+ IZSVe (S)+ IZSUM (S) + IZSM (S) | Liver | Long bones (rib) | |||
PFOS/PFOA/PBDE | IZSLER (S,R) | Dimevet (S)+ IZSVe (S)+ IZSUM (S) + IZSM (S) | Liver | ||||
As, Cr, Tl | IZSLER (S,R) | Dimevet (S)+ IZSVe (S) + IZSUM (S)+ IZSM (S) | Muscle (Latissimus dorsi) | ||||
Isotopes Pb | IZSLER (S,R) | Dimevet (S)+ IZSVe (S)+ IZSUM (S) + IZSM (S) | Kidney |
S = supplier R = recipient
11^ Research question | LEAD SCIENTIST | CONTRIBUTERS | MATRIX | ||||
Serological investigation | |||||||
Serology | Dimevet (S,R)+ IZSLER (S,R) + VetMedUni (R) | IZSVe (S) + IZSUM (S) + IZSM (S) | Whole heart + heart clot from which the serum will be obtained | ||||
• Anaplasma phagocytophilum • Babesia canis |
• Ehrlichia canis • Febbre Q - C. burnetii • Francisella tularensis • Leishmaia spp. • Leptospira • Lyme - Borrelia burgdorferi • Neospora • Rickettsia conorii • Tick Borne Encephalitis • Lagoviruses | |||||||
12^ Research question | |||||||
Detection of Arbovirus | |||||||
Molecular analysis | IZSLER (S,R) | Dimevet (S) + IZSVe (S)+ IZSUM (S) + IZSM (S) | Ticks | Blood | |||
13^ Research question | |||||||
Detection of Leptospira | |||||||
Molecular analysis | IZSLER (S,R) | Dimevet (S) + IZSVe (S) + IZSUM (S) + IZSM (S) | Kidney | ||||
14^ Research question | |||||||
Detection of Leishmania spp. | |||||||
Molecular analysis | IZSLER (S,R) | Dimevet (S) + IZSVe (S) + IZSUM (S) + IZSM (S) | Earlobe |
Annex 1; sampling protocol in Italian, attached to the general agreement; Annex 2; sampling protocol in English, attached to the general agreement.
For Alma Mater Studiorum – Università di Bologna
Xxxx. Xxxxxxxx Xxxxxxx
For University of Veterinary Medicine, Vienna
Xxxx. Xxxxxxx Xxxxxx
For Dipartimento di Medicina Veterinaria, Università di Sassari
Prof. Xxxxxx Xx Xxxxxx
For Istituto Zooprofilattico Sperimentale delle Venezie
Dr. Xxxxxxx Xxxxx
For Istituto Zooprofilattico Sperimentale della Lombardia e dell’Xxxxxx-Romagna “Xxxxx Xxxxxxxx”
Dr. Xxxxx Xxxxxx
For Istituto Zooprofilattico Sperimentale dell'Umbria e delle Marche “Togo Rosati”
Dr. Xxxxxxxx Xxxxxx
For Istituto Zooprofilattico Sperimentale del Mezzogiorno
Dr. Xxxxxxx Xxxxxx