Examples of Please note in a sentence
Please note that the mobility may be carried out by the student during the first or second semester of the academic year of this Call, in compliance with the registration deadlines established by the host University.
Please note the following with respect to the rented vehicle: • Never extend the awning in strong wind or rain and never leave it unattended while it is extended.
Please note that: ● students enrolled in Bachelors degree programmes, in the third year or who have not completed their exams within a set time, and plan to graduate within the 2021-2022 can leave during the first year of the Masters degree, only if the mobility will take place in the second semester of the Call.
Please note that once you have created your EDA profile, any correspondence regarding your application must be sent or received via your EDA profile.
Please note that the selection panel's internal proceedings are strictly confidential and that any contact with its members is forbidden.