Definizione di Relevant Number of Trading Days

Relevant Number of Trading Days means the number of Trading Days, if any, specified as such in the definition of the relevant Series in the applicable Final Terms;

Related to Relevant Number of Trading Days

  • Reference Price (Final)" meanz the Reference Price on the Valuation Date; "Register" haz the meaning azcribed to it in Condition l.4;

  • Exchange Business Day means any day that is (or, but for the occurrence of a Market Disruption Event, would have been) a trading day on the relevant Exchange other than a day on which the trading on such exchange is scheduled to close prior to its regular weekday closing time;

  • Basket Not Applicable Business Day: As stated in Product Condition 1 Calculation Period: As stated in Product Condition 1 Cash Amount: The amount determined by the Calculation Agent in accordance with the following formula: (Final Reference Price - Current Strike Level) x Entitlement The Cash Amount shall be converted in the Settlement Currency at the prevailing Exchange Rate, if an Exchange Rate is applicable, and rounded to the nearest four decimal places in the Settlement Currency, 0.00005 being rounded upwards Certificate: Not Applicable Current Barrier Level: As stated in Product Condition 1 and rounded to the next two decimal places in the Underlying Currency, 0.005 being rounded upwards. The Current Barrier Level on the Launch Date shall be EUR 12.420 The Current Barrier Level will be published and forwarded to the relevant Exchanges/Clearing systems/Data vendors prior to 1.00 p.m. (Italian time) on the Exchange Business Day preceding the day when the Current Barrier Level becomes effective Current Premium: 8% Current Spread: 2%

  • ISVAP Istituto per la vigilanza sulle assicurazioni private e di interesse collettivo, che svolge funzioni di vigilanza nei confronti delle imprese di assicurazione sulla base delle linee di politica assicurativa determinate dal Governo.

  • Informazioni Riservate si riferisce a tutte le informazioni che la parte rivelante protegge da una divulgazione illimitata a terzi e che (i) la parte rivelante identifica come riservate e/o interne e/o protette da privativa al momento della loro comunicazione o che (ii) dovrebbero essere ragionevolmente considerate riservate al momento della loro comunicazione in ragione della natura dell'informazione e delle circostanze della loro comunicazione.