Profile Information 관련 조항 예시

Profile Information. You agree and understand that you are responsible for maintaining the security of the device from which You access KODO and confidentiality of any password used to access KODO which, together with the unique application ID assigned to Your device on download of KODO (‘UAID’) or the login ID issued to You (as the case may be), allows You to access KODO. Your UAID and/or login ID and password (if applicable), together with any other information You provide at sign-up are Your “Profile Information.” Where You provide the Licensor with your email address, You agree to receive all notices from us, any Content Provider and any third party who we have shared Your information with electronically and to that email address. You must promptly update or change that address and/or any other details comprised in Your Profile Information, as appropriate in the event that those details change. If You become aware of any unauthorized use of the whole or any part Your Profile Information, You agree to notify the Licensor immediately by writing to

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