Subscription Agreement Eksempelklausuler

Subscription Agreement. 2.1. All Services in are provided as Software as a Service (SaaS), where the Customer does not purchase a copy of the software on a physical media or similar but a subscription to the Services as they are made available online. Upon purchasing a subscription the Customer is granted access to and a right to use the Services as set forth in the TOS. All services in are subject to the TOS, including Services, Modules or features added or purchased at a later time. 2.2. The Customer is granted a limited, terminable, non-exclusive and non-transferable license to use the Services in accordance with the TOS solely for the Customer’s own internal business purposes against payment of a subscription fee and/ or a recurring fee (Subscription fees). Payment of the Subscription fees and compliance with the TOS is a precondition for the right to use the Services. For clarification and without limiting the generality of the foregoing, “internal business purposes” means the Customer’s own business processing such as their own accounting and shall under no circumstance be interpreted as allowing any third party to use the Services or allow the Customer to use the Services in a service bureau or similar setting (unless specifically licensed for such purpose) or to provide services by the use of the Services to a third party or any entity in which Customer owns less than 50%. 2.3. The Services are provided on an “as is” basis as standard services; licenses are not contingent on or tied to any particular version or functionality at any particular point in time, but allow access to and use of the Services as they are provided at any given time. Licences are neither contingent on the delivery of any future versions or functionality nor dependent on any publications, materials or comments regarding same made by or on behalf of Visma. 2.4. The Customer’s initial activation of the Services must be confirmed by the Customer’s Primary Contact in order to be enabled as a Customer of and the Services to be made available to the Customer. The Primary Contact confirms the purchase and binds the Customer to the TOS by clicking “I accept” or similar on any presentation of the TOS either inside the Services or in an email sent from By confirming the initial purchase of, the Primary Contact warrants that he or she is an owner or employee of the Customer or has a similar role with the authority to enter into the contract by accepting the TOS...

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