About us Voorbeeldclausules

About us. We are the Dutch branch of AWP P&C S.A, with our registered office in Paris, France. We also operate under the name Allianz Global Assistance and are a subsidiary of Allianz Partners SAS. Our organisation is licensed to provide insurance products and services worldwide. Allianz Global Assistance is responsible for protecting your personal data, in which we comply with the applicable privacy protection laws and regulations. If you apply for us for insurance, we collect and process the following personal data: • Name and full address • Sex, date of birth and age. • Contact details (phone number, email address, etc.). • Payment details (credit card, bank account number, etc.). • Cover details of policies purchased. • When using the website and apps: type of device used, browser, language, date, time and IP address. • For specific types of insurance: location details, vehicle registration details/number plate, travel details, nationality, identity document, profession and family details. • Results of fraud screening and/or sanctions screening. In addition, we also collect and process particular personal data such as medical data. Our emergency centre will provide immediate assistance if you require hospitalisation and in the event of serious accidents or death. If the emergency centre deems this necessary, it can request data from an insured person, relatives, emergency workers and/or the attending physician. It may provide this information to the individuals involved in the emergency services and will pass this information on to our medical adviser. B-PL-Privacy 18 The table below shows the purposes for which we use your personal data, plus details on whether we do or do not require your consent.
About us. 2.1. This website is owned and operated by Anivado Education & Training B.V. (hereinafter referred to as 'we' / 'we' / 'us' / 'our'), a company registered in the Netherlands with the Chamber of Commerce registration number 78445078 and with its head office at Xxxxxxxxxx 00, 0000 XX 00 XXXXXXX, XX.

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