Classified Voorbeeldclausules

Classified. Information shall be transmitted in accordance with national laws and regulations of the Provid- ing Party or as otherwise agreed between the Competent Security Authorities.
Classified. Information jointly originated by the Parties shall be assigned a Security Classification Level that is mutually determined by the Parties.
Classified. Information with Security Classification Level equivalent to ULTRASSECRETO / Stg. ZEER GE- HEIM, shall not be reproduced or translated without the prior written consent of the Originating Party.
Classified. Information with Security Classification Level equivalent to ULTRASSECRETO / Stg. ZEER GE- HEIM shall not be destroyed without the prior written consent of the Originating Party. It shall be returned to the Originating Party after it is no longer considered necessary by the Receiving Entity.
Classified. Information with Security Classification Level equivalent to SECRETO / Stg. GEHEIM shall be destroyed in accordance with national laws and regulations after it is no longer considered necessary by the Receiving Entity.
Classified. Information transmitted through communication systems, networks or other electromagnetic means must use encrypted means mutually accepted by the respective Competent Security Authorities.
Classified. Information marked at the security classification level equivalent to “TOP SECRET” as men- tioned in article 4 of this Agreement, shall not be translated or reproduced without the prior written consent of the Originating Party.
Classified. Information marked up to and including security classification levels equivalent to “SECRET” as mentioned in Article 4 of this Agreement shall be destroyed after it is no longer considered necessary by the Receiving Party, in accordance with its national laws and regulations.‌‌
Classified. Information at the classification level equivalent to “TOP SECRET” shall be transmitted through diplomatic channels. Classified Information at the classification level equivalent to “SECRET” or below shall be transmitted as agreed between the Competent Security Authorities.
Classified. Information marked at the security classification level equivalent to “TOP SECRET” as men- tioned in article 4 of this Agreement shall not be destroyed without the prior written consent of the Originat- ing Party. It shall be returned to the Originating Party after it is no longer considered necessary by the Pro- viding and Receiving Parties.