Client duties Voorbeeldclausules

Client duties. The care may be stopped by Kraamzorg B-Lief if the client does not provide all the necessary cooperation to enable Kraamzorg B-Lief to provide maternity care in accordance with the regulations for a safe working environment and workable conditions. This means working conditions, hygiene and manners. Appropriate facilities must also be available so that the maternity carer can provide proper care for the mother and child. These matters are discussed during the intake by means of a checklist.
Client duties. The care may be stopped by Kraamcentrum Baarn if the client does not provide all the necessary cooperation to enable Kraamcentrum Baarn to provide maternity care in accordance with the regulations for a safe working environment and workable conditions. This means working conditions, hygiene and manners. Appropriate facilities must also be available so that the maternity carer can provide proper care for the mother and child. These matters are discussed during the intake by means of a checklist.
Client duties. The care may be stopped by Kraamzorg Poppie if the client does not provide all the necessary cooperation to enable Kraamzorg Poppie to provide maternity care in accordance with the regulations for a safe working environment and workable conditions. This means working conditions, hygiene and manners. Appropriate facilities must also be available so that the maternity carer can provide proper care for the mother and child. These matters are discussed during the intake by means of a checklist.
Client duties. The care may be stopped by Kraamzorg Eerste Week if the client does not provide all the necessary cooperation to enable Kraamzorg Eerste Week to provide maternity care in accordance with the regulations for a safe working environment and workable conditions. This means working conditions, hygiene and manners. Appropriate facilities must also be available so that the maternity carer can provide proper care for the mother and child. These matters are discussed during the intake by means of a checklist.
Client duties. The care may be stopped by Kraamzorg Margriet & Xxxxx if the client does not provide all the necessary cooperation to enable Kraamzorg Margriet & Xxxxx to provide maternity care in accordance with the regulations for a safe working environment and workable conditions. This means working conditions, hygiene and manners. Appropriate facilities must also be available so that the maternity carer can provide proper care for the mother and child. These matters are discussed during the intake by means of a checklist.
Client duties. The care may be stopped by De 9 Maanden Kraamzorg if the client does not provide all the necessary cooperation to enable De 9 Maanden Kraamzorg to provide maternity care in accordance with the regulations for a safe working environment and workable conditions. This means working conditions, hygiene and manners. Appropriate facilities must also be available so that the maternity carer can provide proper care for the mother and child. These matters are discussed during the intake by means of a checklist.
Client duties. The care may be stopped by Kraamzorg Valencia if the client does not provide all the necessary cooperation to enable Kraamzorg Valencia to provide maternity care in accordance with the regulations for a safe working environment and workable conditions. This means working conditions, hygiene and manners. Appropriate facilities must also be available so that the maternity carer can provide proper care for the mother and child. These matters are discussed during the intake by means of a checklist.
Client duties. The care may be stopped by Kraamzorg NOP/ Lemsterland if the client does not provide all the necessary cooperation to enable Kraamzorg NOP/ Lemsterland to provide maternity care in accordance with the regulations for a safe working environment and workable conditions. This means working conditions, hygiene and manners. Appropriate facilities must also be available so that the maternity carer can provide proper care for the mother and child. These matters are discussed during the intake by means of a checklist.

Related to Client duties

  • Nevenfuncties 1. Het is de werknemer niet toegestaan een al dan niet gehonoreerde nevenfunctie te vervullen of al dan niet gehonoreerde nevenwerkzaamheden te verrichten die redelijkerwijs geacht kunnen worden onverenigbaar te zijn met zijn functie dan wel met de belangen of het aanzien van de instelling.

  • Passende functie Van een passende functie is sprake indien de werknemer dan wel herplaatsingskandidaat naar het oordeel van de werkgever: tenzij zwaarwegende bedrijfsbelangen zich tegen plaatsing verzetten.

  • Functiewaardering 1 De functie van de werknemer is op basis van het door de werkgever gehanteerde systeem van functiewaardering FUWA-HBO of de Hay-methodiek ingedeeld in één van de functiegroepen 1 tot en met 18. Deze functiegroepen zijn tevens salarisgroepen.