Default Voorbeeldclausules

Default. Rapid Circle will in no case immediately be in default. The Client shall always first grant an initial reasonable term to remedy any (alleged) defect. If, in the opinion of the Client, after this term compliance is still unsatisfactory, Rapid Circle will be granted a final term of 5 working days to comply. All communications regarding default will be in writing.
Default. (a) This agreement shall terminate automatically, without necessity of notice, in the event that Xxxxx makes an assignment for the benefit of creditors, is adjudicated a bankrupt or in the event of the filing of any voluntary or involuntary petition in bankruptcy against Buyer or the appointment of a receiver for Buyer or any substantial part of its properties.
Default. In the event the buyer fails to observe the payment deadlines of one of its commitments, such as refusing goods, late payment or any other kind of legal agreement, all invoices sent and not yet due shall be payable immediately.
Default. If you fail to satisfy any obligation under the Agreement, in addition to any other available remedies, you agree that Xxxx Xxxxx may prevent you from accessing the Network. In addition, you agree to pay all costs, expenses, and reasonable attorney’s fees for Xxxx Xxxxx’x enforcement of this Agreement.

Related to Default

  • Force Majeure Geen van de partijen is verantwoordelijk jegens de ander voor enige vertraging, non performance, verlies, beschadiging of verwondingen voortkomende uit natuurrampen of een ‘act of God’, stakingen, diskwalificatie, burger opstand, onrusten, oorlog, brand, explosie, sabotage, storm, overstromingen, aardbevingen, mist of het in beslag nemen van materialen en of manschappen voor nationaal gebruik.

  • Annulering a. Annulering van afspraken voortvloeiend uit een overeenkomst dient uiterlijk 48 uur vóór het afgesproken tijdstip te geschieden.